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小说: zanoni 字数: 每页4000字

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me over to an honest notary at Naples; and gave me two hundred

crowns by way of provision。  Well; signor; I saw enough of the

law to convince me that I should never be rogue enough to shine

in the profession。  So; instead of spoiling parchment; I made

love to the notary's daughter。  My master discovered our innocent

amusement; and turned me out of doors; that was disagreeable。

But my Ninetta loved me; and took care that I should not lie out

in the streets with the Lazzaroni。  Little jade!  I think I see

her now with her bare feet; and her finger to her lips; opening

the door in the summer nights; and bidding me creep softly into

the kitchen; where; praised be the saints! a flask and a manchet

always awaited the hungry amoroso。  At last; however; Ninetta

grew cold。  It is the way of the sex; signor。  Her father found

her an excellent marriage in the person of a withered old

picture…dealer。  She took the spouse; and very properly clapped

the door in the face of the lover。  I was not disheartened;

Excellency; no; not I。  Women are plentiful while we are young。

So; without a ducat in my pocket or a crust for my teeth; I set

out to seek my fortune on board of a Spanish merchantman。  That

was duller work than I expected; but luckily we were attacked by

a pirate;half the crew were butchered; the rest captured。  I

was one of the last:  always in luck; you see; signor;monks'

sons have a knack that way!  The captain of the pirates took a

fancy to me。  'Serve with us?' said he。  'Too happy;' said I。

Behold me; then; a pirate!  O jolly life! how I blessed the old

notary for turning me out of doors!  What feasting; what

fighting; what wooing; what quarrelling!  Sometimes we ran ashore

and enjoyed ourselves like princes; sometimes we lay in a calm

for days together on the loveliest sea that man ever traversed。

And then; if the breeze rose and a sail came in sight; who so

merry as we?  I passed three years in that charming profession;

and then; signor; I grew ambitious。  I caballed against the

captain; I wanted his post。  One still night we struck the blow。

The ship was like a log in the sea; no land to be seen from the

mast…head; the waves like glass; and the moon at its full。  Up we

rose; thirty of us and more。  Up we rose with a shout; we poured

into the captain's cabin; I at the head。  The brave old boy had

caught the alarm; and there he stood at the doorway; a pistol in

each hand; and his one eye (he had only one) worse to meet than

the pistols were。

〃'Yield!' cried I; 'your life shall be safe。'

〃'Take that;' said he; and whiz went the pistol; but the saints

took care of their own; and the ball passed by my cheek; and shot

the boatswain behind me。  I closed with the captain; and the

other pistol went off without mischief in the struggle。  Such a

fellow he was;six feet four without his shoes!  Over we went;

rolling each on the other。  Santa Maria! no time to get hold of

one's knife。  Meanwhile all the crew were up; some for the

captain; some for me;clashing and firing; and swearing and

groaning; and now and then a heavy splash in the sea。  Fine

supper for the sharks that night!  At last old Bilboa got

uppermost; out flashed his knife; down it came; but not in my

heart。  No! I gave my left arm as a shield; and the blade went

through to the hilt; with the blood spurting up like the rain

from a whale's nostril!  With the weight of the blow the stout

fellow came down so that his face touched mine; with my right

hand I caught him by the throat; turned him over like a lamb;

signor; and faith it was soon all up with him:  the boatswain's

brother; a fat Dutchman; ran him through with a pike。

〃'Old fellow;' said I; as he turned his terrible eye to me; 'I

bear you no malice; but we must try to get on in the world; you

know。'  The captain grinned and gave up the ghost。  I went upon

deck;what a sight!  Twenty bold fellows stark and cold; and the

moon sparkling on the puddles of blood as calmly as if it were

water。  Well; signor; the victory was ours; and the ship mine; I

ruled merrily enough for six months。  We then attacked a French

ship twice our size; what sport it was!  And we had not had a

good fight so long; we were quite like virgins at it!  We got the

best of it; and won ship and cargo。  They wanted to pistol the

captain; but that was against my laws:  so we gagged him; for he

scolded as loud as if we were married to him; left him and the

rest of his crew on board our own vessel; which was terribly

battered; clapped our black flag on the Frenchman's; and set off

merrily; with a brisk wind in our favour。  But luck deserted us

on forsaking our own dear old ship。  A storm came on; a plank

struck; several of us escaped in a boat; we had lots of gold with

us; but no water。  For two days and two nights we suffered

horribly; but at last we ran ashore near a French seaport。  Our

sorry plight moved compassion; and as we had money; we were not

suspected;people only suspect the poor。  Here we soon recovered

our fatigues; rigged ourselves out gayly; and your humble servant

was considered as noble a captain as ever walked deck。  But now;

alas! my fate would have it that I should fall in love with a

silk…mercer's daughter。  Ah; how I loved her!the pretty Clara!

Yes; I loved her so well that I was seized with horror at my past

life!  I resolved to repent; to marry her; and settle down into

an honest man。  Accordingly; I summoned my messmates; told them

my resolution; resigned my command; and persuaded them to depart。

They were good fellows; engaged with a Dutchman; against whom I

heard afterwards they made a successful mutiny; but I never saw

them more。  I had two thousand crowns still left; with this sum I

obtained the consent of the silk…mercer; and it was agreed that I

should become a partner in the firm。  I need not say that no one

suspected that I had been so great a man; and I passed for a

Neapolitan goldsmith's son instead of a cardinal's。  I was very

happy then; signor; very;I could not have harmed a fly!  Had I

married Clara; I had been as gentle a mercer as ever handled a


The bravo paused a moment; and it was easy to see that he felt

more than his words and tone betokened。  〃Well; well; we must not

look back at the past too earnestly;the sunlight upon it makes

one's eyes water。  The day was fixed for our wedding;it

approached。  On the evening before the appointed day; Clara; her

mother; her little sister; and myself; were walking by the port;

and as we looked on the sea; I was telling them old gossip…tales

of mermaids and sea…serpents; when a red…faced; bottle…nosed

Frenchman clapped himself right before me; and; placing his

spectacles very deliberately astride his proboscis; echoed out;

'Sacre; mille tonnerres! this is the damned pirate who boarded

the 〃Niobe〃!'

〃'None of your jests;' said I; mildly。  'Ho; ho!' said he; 'I

can't be mistaken; help there!' and he griped me by the collar。

I replied; as you may suppose; by laying him in the kennel; but

it would not do。  The French captain had a French lieutenant at

his back; whose memory was as good as his chief's。  A crowd

assembled; other sailors came up:  the odds were against me。  I

slept that night in prison; and in a few weeks afterwards I was

sent to the galleys。  They spared my life; because the old

Frenchman politely averred that I had made my crew spare his。

You may believe that the oar and the chain were not to my taste。

I and two others escaped; they took to the road; and have; no

doubt; been long since broken on the wheel。  I; soft soul; would

not commit another crime to gain my bread; for Clara was still at

my heart with her sweet eyes; so; limiting my rogueries to the

theft of a beggar's rags; which I compensated by leaving him my

galley attire instead; I begged my way to the town where I left

Clara。  It was a clear winter's day when I approached the

outskirts of the town。  I had no fear

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