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小说: zanoni 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Her trial will give proof against you;〃 said the stranger。  〃Her

death is the herald of your own。  Fear not the populace;the

populace would have rescued your servant。  Fear not Robespierre;

he gives himself to your hands。  To…morrow he comes to the

Convention;to…morrow you must cast the last throw for his head

or your own。〃

〃To…morrow he comes to the Convention!  And who are you that know

so well what is concealed from me?〃

〃A man like you; who would save the woman he loves。〃

Before Tallien could recover his surprise; the visitor was gone。

Back went the Avenger to his conclave an altered man。  〃I have

heard tidings;no matter what;〃 he cried;〃that have changed my

purpose。  On the 10th we are destined to the guillotine。  I

revoke my counsel for delay。  Robespierre comes to the Convention

to…morrow; THERE we must confront and crush him。  From the

Mountain shall frown against him the grim shade of Danton;from

the Plain shall rise; in their bloody cerements; the spectres of

Vergniaud and Condorcet。  Frappons!〃

〃Frappons!〃 cried even Barrere; startled into energy by the new

daring of his colleague;〃frappons! il n'y a que les morts qui

ne reviennent pas。〃

It was observable (and the fact may be found in one of the

memoirs of the time) that; during that day and night (the 7th

Thermidor); a stranger to all the previous events of that stormy

time was seen in various parts of the city;in the cafes; the

clubs; the haunts of the various factions; that; to the

astonishment and dismay of his hearers; he talked aloud of the

crimes of Robespierre; and predicted his coming fall; and; as he

spoke; he stirred up the hearts of men; he loosed the bonds of

their fear;he inflamed them with unwonted rage and daring。  But

what surprised them most was; that no voice replied; no hand was

lifted against him; no minion; even of the tyrant; cried; 〃Arrest

the traitor。〃  In that impunity men read; as in a book; that the

populace had deserted the man of blood。

Once only a fierce; brawny Jacobin sprang up from the table at

which he sat; drinking deep; and; approaching the stranger; said;

〃I seize thee; in the name of the Republic。〃

〃Citizen Aristides;〃 answered the stranger; in a whisper; 〃go to

the lodgings of Robespierre;he is from home; and in the left

pocket of the vest which he cast off not an hour since thou wilt

find a paper; when thou hast read that; return。  I will await

thee; and if thou wouldst then seize me; I will go without a

struggle。  Look round on those lowering brows; touch me NOW; and

thou wilt be torn to pieces。〃

The Jacobin felt as if compelled to obey against his will。  He

went forth muttering; he returned;the stranger was still there。

〃Mille tonnerres;〃 he said to him; 〃I thank thee; the poltroon

had my name in his list for the guillotine。〃

With that the Jacobin Aristides sprang upon the table and

shouted; 〃Death to the Tyrant!〃


Le lendemain; 8 Thermidor; Robespierre se decida a prononcer son

fameux discours。

Thiers; 〃Hist。 de la Revolution。〃

(The next day; 8th Thermidor; Robespierre resolved to deliver his

celebrated discourse。)

The morning rose;the 8th of Thermidor (July 26)。  Robespierre

has gone to the Convention。  He has gone with his laboured

speech; he has gone with his phrases of philanthropy and virtue;

he has gone to single out his prey。  All his agents are prepared

for his reception; the fierce St。 Just has arrived from the

armies to second his courage and inflame his wrath。  His ominous

apparition prepares the audience for the crisis。  〃Citizens!〃

screeched the shrill voice of Robespierre 〃others have placed

before you flattering pictures; I come to announce to you useful



And they attribute to me;to me alone!whatever of harsh or

evil is committed:  it is Robespierre who wishes it; it is

Robespierre who ordains it。  Is there a new tax?it is

Robespierre who ruins you。  They call me tyrant!and why?

Because I have acquired some influence; but how?in speaking

truth; and who pretends that truth is to be without force in the

mouths of the Representatives of the French people?  Doubtless;

truth has its power; its rage; its despotism; its accents;

touching; terrible; which resound in the pure heart as in the

guilty conscience; and which Falsehood can no more imitate than

Salmoneus could forge the thunderbolts of Heaven。  What am I whom

they accuse?  A slave of liberty;a living martyr of the

Republic; the victim as the enemy of crime!  All ruffianism

affronts me; and actions legitimate in others are crimes in me。

It is enough to know me to be calumniated。  It is in my very zeal

that they discover my guilt。  Take from me my conscience; and I

should be the most miserable of men!〃

He paused; and Couthon wiped his eyes; and St。 Just murmured

applause as with stern looks he gazed on the rebellious Mountain;

and there was a dead; mournful; and chilling silence through the

audience。  The touching sentiment woke no echo。

The orator cast his eyes around。  Ho! he will soon arouse that

apathy。  He proceeds; he praises; he pities himself no more。  He

denounces;he accuses。  Overflooded with his venom; he vomits it

forth on all。  At home; abroad; finances; war;on all!  Shriller

and sharper rose his voice;

〃A conspiracy exists against the public liberty。  It owes its

strength to a criminal coalition in the very bosom of the

Convention; it has accomplices in the bosom of the Committee of

Public Safety。。。What is the remedy to this evil?  To punish the

traitors; to purify this committee; to crush all factions by the

weight of the National Authority; to raise upon their ruins the

power of Liberty and Justice。  Such are the principles of that

Reform。  Must I be ambitious to profess them?then the

principles are proscribed; and Tyranny reigns amongst us!  For

what can you object to a man who is in the right; and has at

least this knowledge;he knows how to die for his native land!

I am made to combat crime; and not to govern it。  The time; alas!

is not yet arrived when men of worth can serve with impunity

their country。  So long as the knaves rule; the defenders of

liberty will be only the proscribed。〃

For two hours; through that cold and gloomy audience; shrilled

the Death…speech。  In silence it began; in silence closed。  The

enemies of the orator were afraid to express resentment; they

knew not yet the exact balance of power。  His partisans were

afraid to approve; they knew not whom of their own friends and

relations the accusations were designed to single forth。  〃Take

care!〃 whispered each to each; 〃it is thou whom he threatens。〃

But silent though the audience; it was; at the first; wellnigh

subdued。  There was still about this terrible man the spell of an

overmastering will。  Alwaysthough not what is called a great

oratorresolute; and sovereign in the use of words; words seemed

as things when uttered by one who with a nod moved the troops of

Henriot; and influenced the judgment of Rene Dumas; grim

President of the Tribunal。  Lecointre of Versailles rose; and

there was an anxious movement of attention; for Lecointre was one

of the fiercest foes of the tyrant。  What was the dismay of the

Tallien faction; what the complacent smile of Couthon;when

Lecointre demanded only that the oration should be printed!  All

seemed paralyzed。  At length Bourdon de l'Oise; whose name was

doubly marked in the black list of the Dictator; stalked to the

tribune; and moved the bold counter…resolution; that the speech

should be referred to the two committees whom that very speech

accused。  Still no applause from the conspirators; they sat

torpid as frozen men。  The shrinking Barrere; ever on the prudent

side; looked round before he rose。  He rises; and sides with

Lecointre!  Then Couthon seized the occasion; and from his seat

(a privilege permitted only to the paralytic philan

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