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indian heroes & great chieftains-第20章

小说: indian heroes & great chieftains 字数: 每页4000字

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risked in the effort to establish a reputation along these lines。 

Courtship was no secret; but rather a social event; often

celebrated by the proud parents with feasts and presents to the

poor; and this etiquette was sometimes felt by a shy or sensitive

youth as an insurmountable obstacle to the fulfilment of his


Two Strike was the son and grandson of a chief; but he could

not claim any credit for the deeds of his forbears。  He had not

only to guard their good name but achieve one for himself。  This he

had set out to do; and he did well。  He was now of marriageable age

with a war record; and admitted to the council; yet he did not seem

to trouble himself at all about a wife。  His was strictly a

bachelor career。  Meanwhile; as is apt to be the case; his parents

had thought much about a possible daughter…in…law; and had even

collected ponies; fine robes; and other acceptable goods to be

given away in honor of the event; whenever it should take place。  

Now and then they would drop a sly hint; but with no perceptible


They did not and could not know of the inward struggle that

racked his mind at this period of his life。  The shy and modest

young man was dying for a wife; yet could not bear even to think of

speaking to a young woman!  The fearless hunter of buffaloes;

mountain lions; and grizzlies; the youth who had won his eagle

feathers in a battle with the Utes; could not bring himself to take

this tremendous step。

At last his father appealed to him directly。  〃My son;〃 he

declared; 〃it is your duty to take unto yourself a wife; in order

that the honors won by your ancestors and by yourself may be handed

down in the direct line。  There are several eligible young women in

our band whose parents have intimated a wish to have you for their


Two Strike made no reply; but he was greatly disturbed。  He

had no wish to have the old folks select his bride; for if the

truth were told; his choice was already made。  He had simply lacked

the courage to go a…courting!

The next morning; after making an unusually careful toilet; he

took his best horse and rode to a point overlooking the path by

which the girls went for water。  Here the young men were wont to

take their stand; and; if fortunate; intercept the girl of their

heart for a brief but fateful interview。  Two Strike had determined

to speak straight to the point; and as soon as he saw the pretty

maid he came forward boldly and placed himself in her way。  A long

moment passed。  She glanced up at him shyly but not without

encouragement。  His teeth fairly chattered with fright; and he

could not say a word。  She looked again; noted his strange looks;

and believed him suddenly taken ill。  He appeared to be suffering。 

At last he feebly made signs for her to go on and leave him alone。 

The maiden was sympathetic; but as she did not know what else to do

she obeyed his request。

The poor youth was so ashamed of his cowardice that he

afterward admitted his first thought was to take his own life。  He

believed he had disgraced himself forever in the eyes of the only

girl he had ever loved。  However; he determined to conquer his

weakness and win her; which he did。  The story came out many years

after and was told with much enjoyment by the old men。

Two Strike was better known by his own people than by the

whites; for he was individually a terror in battle rather than a

leader。  He achieved his honorable name in a skirmish with the Utes

in Colorado。  The Sioux regarded these people as their bravest

enemies; and the outcome of the fight was for some time uncertain。 

First the Sioux were forced to retreat and then their opponents;

and at the latter point the horse of a certain Ute was shot under

him。  A friend came to his rescue and took him up behind him。  Our

hero overtook them in flight; raised his war club; and knocked both

men off with one blow。

He was a very old man when he died; only two or three years

ago; on the Rosebud reservation。


One of the wittiest and shrewdest of the Sioux chiefs was American

Horse; who succeeded to the name and position of an uncle; killed

in the battle of Slim Buttes in 1876。  The younger American Horse

was born a little before the encroachments of the whites upon the

Sioux country became serious and their methods aggressive; and his

early manhood brought him into that most trying and critical period

of our history。  He had been tutored by his uncle; since his own

father was killed in battle while he was still very young。  The

American Horse band was closely attached to a trading post; and its

members in consequence were inclined to be friendly with the

whites; a policy closely adhered to by their leader。

When he was born; his old grandfather said: 〃Put him out in

the sun!  Let him ask his great…grandfather; the Sun; for the warm

blood of a warrior!〃  And he had warm blood。  He was a genial man;

liking notoriety and excitement。  He always seized an opportunity

to leap into the center of the arena。

In early life he was a clownish sort of boy among the boys 

an expert mimic and impersonator。  This talent made him popular and

in his way a leader。  He was a natural actor; and early showed

marked ability as a speaker。

American Horse was about ten years old when he was attacked by

three Crow warriors; while driving a herd of ponies to water。  Here

he displayed native cunning and initiative。  It seemed he had

scarcely a chance to escape; for the enemy was near。  He yelled

frantically at the ponies to start them toward home; while he

dropped off into a thicket of willows and hid there。  A part of the

herd was caught in sight of the camp and there was a counter chase;

but the Crows got away with the ponies。  Of course his mother was

frantic; believing her boy had been killed or captured; but after

the excitement was over; he appeared in camp unhurt。  When

questioned about his escape; he remarked: 〃I knew they would not

take the time to hunt for small game when there was so much bigger

close by。〃

When he was quite a big boy; he joined in a buffalo hunt; and

on the way back with the rest of the hunters his mule became

unmanageable。  American Horse had insisted on riding him in

addition to a heavy load of meat and skins; and the animal

evidently resented this; for he suddenly began to run and kick;

scattering fresh meat along the road; to the merriment of the

crowd。  But the boy turned actor; and made it appear that it was at

his wish the mule had given this diverting performance。  He clung

to the back of his plunging and braying mount like a circus rider;

singing a Brave Heart song; and finally brought up amid the

laughter and cheers of his companions。  Far from admitting defeat;

he boasted of his horsemanship and declared that his 〃brother〃 the

donkey would put any enemy to flight; and that they should be

called upon to lead a charge。

It was several years later that he went to sleep early one

night and slept soundly; having been scouting for two nights

previous。  It happened that there was a raid by the Crows; and when

he awoke in the midst of the yelling and confusion; he sprang up

and attempted to join in the fighting。  Everybody knew his voice in

all the din; so when he fired his gun and announced a coup; as was

the custom; others rushed to the spot; to find that he had shot a

hobbled pony belonging to their own camp。  The laugh was on him;

and he never recovered from his chagrin at this mistake。  In fact;

although he was undoubtedly fearless and tried hard to distinguish

himself in warfare; he did not succeed。

It is told of him that he once went with a war party of young

men to the Wind River country against the Shoshones。  At last they

discovered a large camp; but there were only a dozen or so of the

Sioux; therefore they hid themselves and watched for their

opportunity to at

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