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indian heroes & great chieftains-第14章

小说: indian heroes & great chieftains 字数: 每页4000字

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whisky。  Yet it was still regarded largely as a  sort of game;

undertaken in order to develop the manly qualities of their youth。 

It was the degree of risk which brought honor; rather than the

number slain; and a brave must mourn thirty days; with blackened

face and loosened hair; for the enemy whose life he had taken。 

While the spoils of war were allowed; this did not extend to

territorial aggrandizement; nor was there any wish to overthrow

another nation and enslave its people。  It was a point of honor

in the old days to treat a captive with kindness。  The common

impression that the Indian is naturally cruel and revengeful is

entirely opposed to his philosophy and training。  The revengeful

tendency of the Indian was aroused by the white man。  It is not the

natural Indian who is mean and tricky; not Massasoit but King

Philip; not Attackullakulla but Weatherford; not Wabashaw but

Little Crow; not Jumping Buffalo but Sitting Bull!  These men

lifted their hands against the white man; while their fathers held

theirs out to him with gifts。

Remember that there were councils which gave their decisions

in accordance with the highest ideal of human justice before there

were any cities on this continent; before there were bridges to

span the Mississippi; before this network of railroads was dreamed

of!  There were primitive communities upon the very spot where

Chicago or New York City now stands; where men were as children;

innocent of all the crimes now committed there daily and nightly。 

True morality is more easily maintained in connection with the

simple life。  You must accept the truth that you demoralize any

race whom you have subjugated。

From this point of view we shall consider Sitting Bull's

career。  We say he is an untutored man: that is true so far as

learning of a literary type is concerned; but he was not an

untutored man when you view him from the standpoint of his nation。 

To be sure; he did not learn his lessons from books。  This is

second…hand information at best。  All that he learned he verified

for himself and put into daily practice。  In personal appearance he

was rather commonplace and made no immediate impression; but as he

talked he seemed to take hold of his hearers more and more。  He was

bull…headed; quick to grasp a situation; and not readily induced to

change his mind。  He was not suspicious until he was forced to be

so。  All his meaner traits were inevitably developed by the events

of his later career。

Sitting Bull's history has been written many times by

newspaper men and army officers; but I find no account of him which

is entirely correct。  I met him personally in 1884; and since his

death I have gone thoroughly into the details of his life with his

relatives and contemporaries。  It has often been said that he was

a physical coward and not a warrior。  Judge of this for yourselves

from the deed which first gave him fame in his own tribe; when he

was about twenty…eight years old。

In an attack upon a band of Crow Indians; one of the enemy

took his stand; after the rest had fled; in a deep ditch from 

which it seemed impossible to dislodge him。  The situation had

already cost the lives of several warriors; but they could not let

him go to repeat such a boast over the Sioux!

〃Follow me!〃 said Sitting Bull; and charged。  He raced his

horse to the brim of the ditch and struck at the enemy with his

coup…staff; thus compelling him to expose himself to the fire of

the others while shooting his assailant。  But the Crow merely poked

his empty gun into his face and dodged back under cover。  Then

Sitting Bull stopped; he saw that no one had followed him; and he

also perceived that the enemy had no more ammunition left。  He rode

deliberately up to the barrier and threw his loaded gun over it;

then he went back to his party and told them what he thought of


〃Now;〃 said he; 〃I have armed him; for I will not see a brave

man killed unarmed。  I will strike him again with my coup…staff to

count the first feather; who will count the second?〃

Again he led the charge; and this time they all followed him。 

Sitting Bull was severely wounded by his own gun in the hands of

the enemy; who was killed by those that came after him。  This is a

record that so far as I know was never made by any other warrior。

The second incident that made him well known was his taking of

a boy captive in battle with the Assiniboines。  He saved this boy's

life and adopted him as his brother。  Hohay; as he was called; was

devoted to Sitting Bull and helped much in later years to spread

his fame。  Sitting Bull was a born diplomat; a ready speaker; and

in middle life he ceased to go upon the warpath; to become the

councilor of his people。  From this time on; this man represented

him in all important battles; and upon every brave deed done was

wont to exclaim aloud:

〃I; Sitting Bull's boy; do this in his name!〃

He had a nephew; now living; who resembles him strongly; and

who also represented him personally upon the field; and so far as

there is any remnant left of his immediate band; they look upon

this man One Bull as their chief。

When Sitting Bull was a boy; there was no thought of trouble

with the whites。  He was acquainted with many of the early traders;

Picotte; Choteau; Primeau; Larpenteur; and others; and liked them;

as did most of his people in those days。  All the early records

show this friendly attitude of the Sioux; and the great fur

companies for a century and a half depended upon them for the bulk

of their trade。  It was not until the middle of the last century

that they woke up all of a sudden to the danger threatening their

very existence。  Yet at that time many of the old chiefs had been

already depraved by the whisky and other vices of the whites; and

in the vicinity of the forts and trading posts at Sioux City; Saint

Paul; and Cheyenne; there was general demoralization。  The

drunkards and hangers…on were ready to sell almost anything they

had for the favor of the trader。  The better and stronger element

held aloof。  They would not have anything of the white man except

his hatchet; gun; and knife。  They utterly refused to cede their

lands; and as for the rest; they were willing to let him alone as

long as he did not interfere with their life and customs; which was

not long。

It was not; however; the Unkpapa band of Sioux; Sitting Bull's

band; which first took up arms against the whites; and this was not

because they had come less in contact with them; for they dwelt on

the Missouri River; the natural highway of trade。  As early as

1854; the Ogallalas and Brules had trouble with the soldiers near

Fort Laramie; and again in 1857 Inkpaduta massacred several

families of settlers at Spirit Lake; Iowa。  Finally; in 1869; the

Minnesota Sioux; goaded by many wrongs; arose and murdered many of

the settlers; afterward fleeing into the country of the Unkpapas

and appealing to them for help; urging that all Indians should make

common cause against the invader。  This brought Sitting Bull face

to face with a question which was not yet fully matured in his own

mind; but having satisfied himself of the justice of their cause;

he joined forces with the renegades during the summer of 1863; and

from this time on he was an acknowledged leader。

In 1865 and 1866 he met the Canadian half…breed; Louis Riel;

instigator of two rebellions; who had come across the line for

safety; and in fact at this time he harbored a number of outlaws

and fugitives from justice。  His conversations with these;

especially with the French mixed…bloods; who inflamed his

prejudices against the Americans; all had their influence in making

of the wily Sioux a determined enemy to the white man。  While among

his own people he was always affable and genial; he became boastful

and domineering in his dealings with the hated race。  He once

remarked that 〃if we wish to make

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