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indian heroes & great chieftains-第12章

小说: indian heroes & great chieftains 字数: 每页4000字

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He attained his majority at the crisis of the difficulties

between the United States and the Sioux。  Even before that time;

Crazy Horse had already proved his worth to his people in Indian

warfare。  He had risked his life again and again; and in some

instances it was considered almost a miracle that he had saved

others as well as himself。  He was no orator nor was he the son of

a chief。  His success and influence was purely a matter of

personality。  He had never fought the whites up to this time; and

indeed no 〃coup〃 was counted for killing or scalping a white man。

Young Crazy Horse was twenty…one years old when all the Teton

Sioux chiefs (the western or plains dwellers) met in council to

determine upon their future policy toward the invader。  Their

former agreements had been by individual bands; each for itself;

and every one was friendly。  They reasoned that the country was

wide; and that the white traders should be made welcome。  Up to

this time they had anticipated no conflict。  They had permitted the

Oregon Trail; but now to their astonishment forts were built and

garrisoned in their territory。

Most of the chiefs advocated a strong resistance。  There were

a few influential men who desired still to live in peace; and who

were willing to make another treaty。  Among these were White Bull;

Two Kettle; Four Bears; and Swift Bear。  Even Spotted Tail;

afterward the great peace chief; was at this time with the

majority; who decided in the year 1866 to defend their rights and

territory by force。  Attacks were to be made upon the forts within

their country and on every trespasser on the same。

Crazy Horse took no part in the discussion; but he and all the

young warriors were in accord with the decision of the council。 

Although so young; he was already a leader among them。  Other

prominent young braves were Sword (brother of the man of that name

who was long captain of police at Pine Ridge); the younger Hump;

Charging Bear; Spotted Elk; Crow King; No Water; Big Road; He Dog;

the nephew of Red Cloud; and Touch…the…Cloud; intimate friend of

Crazy Horse。

The attack on Fort Phil Kearny was the first fruits of the new

policy; and here Crazy Horse was chosen to lead the attack on the

woodchoppers; designed to draw the soldiers out of the fort; while

an army of six hundred lay in wait for them。  The success of this

stratagem was further enhanced by his masterful handling of his

men。  From this time on a general war was inaugurated; Sitting Bull

looked to him as a principal war leader; and even the Cheyenne

chiefs; allies of the Sioux; practically acknowledged his

leadership。  Yet during the following ten years of defensive war he

was never known to make a speech; though his teepee was the

rendezvous of the young men。  He was depended upon to put into

action the decisions of the council; and was frequently consulted

by the older chiefs。

Like Osceola; he rose suddenly; like Tecumseh he was always

impatient for battle; like Pontiac; he fought on while his allies

were suing for peace; and like Grant; the silent soldier; he was a

man of deeds and not of words。  He won from Custer and Fetterman

and Crook。  He won every battle that he undertook; with the

exception of one or two occasions when he was surprised in the

midst of his women and children; and even then he managed to

extricate himself in safety from a difficult position。

Early in the year 1876; his runners brought word from Sitting

Bull that all the roving bands would converge upon the upper Tongue

River in Montana for summer feasts and conferences。  There was

conflicting news from the reservation。  It was rumored that the

army would fight the Sioux to a finish; again; it was said that

another commission would be sent out to treat with them。

The Indians came together early in June; and formed a series

of encampments stretching out from three to four miles; each band

keeping separate camp。  On June 17; scouts came in and reported the

advance of a large body of troops under General Crook。  The council

sent Crazy Horse with seven hundred men to meet and attack him。 

These were nearly all young men; many of them under twenty; the

flower of the hostile Sioux。  They set out at night so as to steal

a march upon the enemy; but within three or four miles of his camp

they came unexpectedly upon some of his Crow scouts。  There was a

hurried exchange of shots; the Crows fled back to Crook's camp;

pursued by the Sioux。  The soldiers had their warning; and it was

impossible to enter the well…protected camp。  Again and again Crazy

Horse charged with his bravest men; in the attempt to bring the

troops into the open; but he succeeded only in drawing their fire。 

Toward afternoon he withdrew; and returned to camp disappointed。 

His scouts remained to watch Crook's movements; and later brought

word that he had retreated to Goose Creek and seemed to have no

further disposition to disturb the Sioux。  It is well known to us

that it is Crook rather than Reno who is to be blamed for cowardice

in connection with Custer's fate。  The latter had no chance to do

anything; he was lucky to save himself; but if Crook had kept on

his way; as ordered; to meet Terry; with his one thousand regulars

and two hundred Crow and Shoshone scouts; he would inevitably have

intercepted Custer in his advance and saved the day for him; and

war with the Sioux would have ended right there。  Instead of this;

he fell back upon Fort Meade; eating his horses on the way; in a

country swarming with game; for fear of Crazy Horse and his braves!

The Indians now crossed the divide between the Tongue and the

Little Big Horn; where they felt safe from immediate pursuit。 

Here; with all their precautions; they were caught unawares by

General Custer; in the midst of their midday games and festivities;

while many were out upon the daily hunt。

On this twenty…fifth of June; 1876; the great camp was

scattered for three miles or more along the level river bottom;

back of the thin line of cottonwoods  five circular rows of

teepees; ranging from half a mile to a mile and a half in

circumference。  Here and there stood out a large; white; solitary

teepee; these were the lodges or 〃clubs〃 of the young men。  Crazy

Horse was a member of the 〃Strong Hearts〃 and the 〃Tokala〃 or Fox

lodge。  He was watching a game of ring…toss when the warning came

from the southern end of the camp of the approach of troops。

The Sioux and the Cheyennes were 〃minute men〃; and although

taken by surprise; they instantly responded。  Meanwhile; the women

and children were thrown into confusion。  Dogs were howling; ponies

running hither and thither; pursued by their owners; while many of

the old men were singing their lodge songs to encourage the

warriors; or praising the 〃strong heart〃 of Crazy Horse。

That leader had quickly saddled his favorite war pony and was

starting with his young men for the south end of the camp; when a

fresh alarm came from the opposite direction; and looking up; he

saw Custer's force upon the top of the bluff directly across the

river。  As quick as a flash; he took in the situation  the enemy

had planned to attack the camp at both ends at once; and knowing

that Custer could not ford the river at that point; he instantly

led his men northward to the ford to cut him off。  The Cheyennes

followed closely。  Custer must have seen that wonderful dash up the

sage…bush plain; and one wonders whether he realized its meaning。 

In a very few minutes; this wild general of the plains had

outwitted one of the most brilliant leaders of the Civil War and

ended at once his military career and his life。

In this dashing charge; Crazy Horse snatched his most famous

victory out of what seemed frightful peril; for the Sioux could not

know how many were behind Custer。  He was caught in his own trap。 

To the soldiers it must have seemed as if the Indians rose up from

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