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the use and need of the life of carrie a. nation-第32章

小说: the use and need of the life of carrie a. nation 字数: 每页4000字

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replies of over 1;000 prison governors in the United States to a circular
letter addressed to them; and a summary shows that the general average
of 909 replies received from the license states; gives the proportion of
crime due to drink at no less than seventy…two per cent; the average
from 108 officials in Prohibition states giving the per centage at thirty…
seven。 A considerable number of the latter were 〃boot…leggers〃 in jail
for selling whiskey。 Out of the 1;017 jailers; only 181 placed their estimate
below twenty…five per cent; and fifty…five of these were from empty
jails in prohibition territory。 The relation of drink to pauperism is much
the same as that of drink to crime。 Of 73;045 paupers in all the alms…
houses of the country; 37;254 are there through drink。

According to official statistics as gathered by Commissioner Carroll
D。 Wright; of the Bureau of Labor; there are 140 cities in the country
having a population of 30;000 and upwards。

In these cities there were in 1898; 294;820 people arrested for drunkeness;
almost ten times as many as now comprise our army in the Philippines。

If this great army of drunkards were marshalled for a parade; marching
twenty abreast; it would require four and one…half days; marching
ten hours a day; for them to pass a given point。 And these 295;000
drunks do not include the arrests for 〃disorderly conduct;〃 〃assault〃 and
a dozen other offences which grow out of the licensed rum business。 The
total arrests for all causes in these cities was 915;167。 Counting the
estimate of three…fourths of these as being the victims of the lawful saloons;
it would require more than a week's marching twenty abreast;
for the great procession to stagger past a reviewing stand; and the rum
product of only 140 cities heard from。

These appalling statistics are the common property of every citizen;
and any political party pretending to financial improvement that ignores
the sixteen hundred million dollars worse than squandered in liquor and
tobacco annually in the United states; is untrue to itself and false to the
nation。 Gambrinus; the god Bacchus; the Rum Power; this Moloch of
perdition; must be destroyed。 Prohibition is the only remedy。 Kansas
is to be the battle ground。 Her constitutional prohibitory law and statutory
enactments are all right; properly administered。 But in the hands
of a republican whiskey 〃machine〃 with the governor belonging to the
Elks; a liquor fraternity; a confessed defaulter as state treasurer; a
United states senator under indictment for bribery; officials from the
state house to every county in complicity with the whiskey rebels; it
will not be enforced。 The liquor men and joint keepers subscribe large
sums to campaigns with the tacit; implied or open understanding of
immunity from prosecution and punishment on the part of candidates
and officials。 This has been going from bad to worse for twenty years。
Yet the law is so plain that he who runs may read。 How many ever saw
it in print。 The revised statutes of Kansas; 1901; Article 14; Section 2462;
reads: 〃It shall be the duty of all sheriffs; police officers; constables;
mayors; marshals; police judges and police officers of any city or town;
having notice or knowledge of any violation of the provisions of this
act to notify the county attorney of the fact of such violation and to
furnish him names of witnesses within his knowledge by which such
violation can be proven。 If any such officer shall fail to comply with the
provisions of this section; he shall; upon conviction; be fined in any sum
not less than 100 or more than 500; and such conviction shall be a
of the office held by such person; and the court before whom such
conviction is had shall; in addition to the imposition fine aforesaid; order
and adjudge the forfeiture of his said office。 For a failure or neglect of
official duty in the enforcement of this act; any of the city or county
officers herein referred to may be removed by civil action。〃

Also Article 6; Section 2212; says: 〃Any officer of the state or of
any county; city; district or township; after his election or appointment;
and either before or after he shall have qualified or entered upon his
official duties; who shall accept or receive any money or the loan of
any money; or any real or personal property; or any pecuniary or other
personal advantage; present or prospective; under the agreement or
understanding that his vote; opinion; judgment or action shall be thereby
influenced; or as a reward for having given or withheld any vote; opinion
or judgment in any matter before him in his official capacity; or having
wrongfully done or omitted to do any official act; shall be punished
by a fine of not less than 200 nor more than 1;000; or by imprisonment
for not less than one year nor more than seven years in the penitentiary
at hard labor; or both such fine and imprisonment at the direction of the

Enforce the statute and thousands of officials in Kansas would soon
be behind prison bars。 When the officiary administrative of any government
become corrupt; it is on the highway to disruption and ruin。 Greece
and Rome are notable examples。 The sworn government report is
that nearly eighteen gallons of liquor to every man; woman and child; is
consumed by Uncle Sam's subjects every twelve months。 This republic
cannot long survive half sober and half drunk。 The immortal Abraham
Lincoln in a speech at Springfield; Ill。; Feb。 22nd; 1842 said: 〃Turn now
to the temperance revolution。 In it we shall find a stronger bondage
broken; a viler slavery manumitted; a greater tyrant deposedin it; more
of want supplied; more disease healed; more sorrow assuaged。 By it; no
orphans starving; no widows weeping; by it; none wounded in feeling;
none injured in interest。 And what a noble ally this to the cause of political
freedom! With such an aid; its march cannot fail to be on and on;
until every son of earth shall drink in rich fruition the sorrow…quenching
draughts of perfect liberty! And when the victory shall be complete
when there shall be neither a slave nor a drunkard on the earthhow
proud the title of that LAND which may truly claim to be the birthplace of
and the cradle of both those revolutions that shall have ended in that
victory! How nobly distinguished that people who shall have planted
and nurtured to maturity both the political and moral freedom of their

William Windom; when Secretary of the U。 S。 Treasury under the
Arthur administration; said: 〃Considered socially; financially; politically
or morally; the licensed liquor traffic is; or ought to be; the overshadowing
issue in American politics; and the destruction of this iniquity
stands first on the calendar of the world's progress。〃

By Bible authority and by the common law of our land I have proved
to the satisfaction of all who will see the right; that I am a loyal American;
a loving Home Defender; doing the will of Him whom I serve and
whose I am。



Mr。 Nation brought suit for divorce against me while I was in jail。
I was very much astonished at it; for I never thought that our disagreement
would result in his desiring a divorce。 We had lived together
twenty…four years; and while we could not agree; I never wanted a
divorce。 His petition stated the reason for this was 〃extreme cruelty
and desertion。〃 He sued for all the property and wanted the court to
have me pay for the cost of the trial。 I shall always believe he was
induced to do this by the republicans; thinking to hinder my work。

The people of Medicine Lodge were shocked at this; for they knew
I had been faithful to my duties as a wife; up to the time I went to
Wichita; and when I went to Topeka I told Mr。 Nation if he would stay
there with me; I would pay his board and room rent; which I did。 He
came to Topeka and the first thing that he took offense at was my

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