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the conquest of new france-第4章

小说: the conquest of new france 字数: 每页4000字

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should be hanged。 Frontenac knew well how to deal with such a

situation。 He threw the letter in the envoy's face and turned his

back upon him。 The unhappy man; who understood French; heard the

Governor give orders that a gibbet should be erected on which he

was to be hanged。 When the Bishop and the Intendant pleaded for

mercy; Frontenac seemed to yield。 He would not take; he said; an

hour to reply; but would answer at once。 He knew no such person

as King William。 James; though in exile; was the true King of

England and the good friend of the King of France。 There would be

no surrender to a pirate。 After this outburst; the envoy asked if

he might have the answer in writing。 〃No!〃 thundered Frontenac。

〃I will answer only from the mouths of my cannon and with my


Phips could not take Quebec。 In carrying out his plans; he was

slow and dilatory。 Nature aided his foe。 The weather was bad; the

waters before Quebec were difficult; and boats grounded

unexpectedly in a falling tide。 Phips landed a force on the north

side of the basin at Beauport but was held in check by French and

Indian skirmishing parties。 He sailed his ships up close to

Quebec and bombarded the stronghold; but then; as now; ships were

impotent against well…served land defenses。 Soon Phips was short

of ammunition。 A second time he made a landing in order to attack

Quebec from the valley of the St。 Charles but French regulars

fought with militia and Indians to drive off his forces。 Phips

held a meeting with his officers for prayer。 Heaven; however;

denied success to his arms。 If he could not take Quebec; it was

time to be gone; for in the late autumn the dangers of the St。

Lawrence are great。 He lay before Quebec for just a week and on

the 23d of October sailed away。 It was late in November when his

battered fleet began to straggle into Boston。 The ways of God had

not proved as simple as they had seemed to the Puritan faith; for

the stronghold of Satan had not fallen before the attacks of the

Lord's people。 There were searchings of heart; recriminations;

and financial distress in Boston。

For seven years more the war endured。 Frontenac's victory over

Phips at Quebec was not victory over the Iroquois or victory over

the colony of New York。 In 1691 this colony sent Peter Schuyler

with a force against Canada by way of Lake Champlain。 Schuyler

penetrated almost to Montreal; gained some indecisive success;

and caused much suffering to the unhappy Canadian settlers。

Frontenac made his last great stroke in duly; 1696; when he led

more than two thousand men through the primeval forest to destroy

the villages of the Onondaga and the Oneida tribes of the

Iroquois。 On the journey from the south shore of Lake Ontario;

the old man of seventy…five was unable to walk over the rough

portages and fifty Indians shouting songs of joy carried his

great canoe on their shoulders。 When the soldiers left the canoes

and marched forward to the fight; they bore Frontenac in an easy

chair。 He did not destroy his enemy; for many of the Indians

fled; but he burned their chief village and taught them a new

respect for the power of the French。 It was the last great effort

of the old warrior。 In the next year; 1697; was concluded the

Peace of Ryswick; and in 1698 Frontenac died in his seventy…ninth

year; a hoary champion of France's imperial designs。

The Peace of Ryswick was an indecisive ending of an indecisive

war。 It was indeed one of those bad treaties which invite renewed

war。 The struggle had achieved little but to deepen the

conviction of each side that it must make itself stronger for the

next fight。 Each gave back most of what it had gained。 The peace;

however; did not leave matters quite as they had been。 The

position of William was stronger than before; for France had

treated with him and now recognized him as King of England。

Moreover France; hitherto always victorious; with generals who

had not known defeat; was really defeated when she could not

longer advance。

CHAPTER II。 Quebec And Boston

At the end of the seventeenth century it must have seemed a far

cry from Versailles to Quebec。 The ocean was crossed only by

small sailing vessels haunted by both tempest and pestilence; the

one likely to prolong the voyage by many weeks; the other to

involve the sacrifice of scores of lives through scurvy and other

maladies。 Yet; remote as the colony seemed; Quebec was the child

of Versailles; protected and nourished by Louis XIV and directed

by him in its minutest affairs。 The King spent laborious hours

over papers relating to the cherished colony across the sea。 He

sent wise counsel to his officials in Canada and with tactful

patience rebuked their faults。 He did everything for the

colonistsgave them not merely land; but muskets; farm

implements; even chickens; pigs; and sometimes wives。 The defect

of his government was that it tended to be too paternal。 The

vital needs of a colony struggling with the problems of barbarism

could hardly be read correctly and provided for at Versailles。

Colonies; like men; are strong only when they learn to take care

of themselves。

The English colonies present a vivid contrast。 London did not

direct and control Boston。 In London the will; indeed; was not

wanting; for the Stuart kings; Charles II and James H; were not

less despotic in spirit than Louis XIV。 But while in France there

was a vast organism which moved only as the King willed; in

England power was more widely distributed。 It may be claimed with

truth that English national liberties are a growth from the local

freedom which has existed from time immemorial。 When British

colonists left the motherland to found a new society; their first

instinct was to create institutions which involved local control。

The solemn covenant by which in 1620 the worn company of the

Mayflower; after a long and painful voyage; pledged themselves to

create a self…governing society; was the inevitable expression of

the English political spirit。 Do what it would; London could

never control Boston as Versailles controlled Quebec。

The English colonist kept his eyes fixed on his own fortunes。

》From the state he expected little; from himself; everything。 He

had no great sense of unity with neighboring colonists under the

same crown。 Only when he realized some peril to his interests;

some menace which would master him if he did not fight; was he

stirred to warlike energy。 French leaders; on the other hand;

were thinking of world politics。 The voyage of Verrazano; the

Italian sailor who had been sent out by Francis I of France in

1524; and who had sailed along a great stretch of the Atlantic

coast; was deemed by Frenchmen a sufficient title to the whole of

North America。 They flouted England's claim based upon the

voyages of the Cabots nearly thirty years earlier。 Spain; indeed;

might claim Florida; but the English had no real right to any

footing in the New World。 As late as in 1720; when the fortunes

of France were already on the wane in the New World; Father Bobe;

a priest of the Congregation of Missions; presented to the French

court a document which sets forth in uncompromising terms the

rights of France to all the land between the thirtieth and the

fiftieth parallels of latitude。 True; he says; others occupy much

of this territory; but France must drive out intruders and in

particular the English。 Boston rightly belongs to France and so

also do New York and Philadelphia。 The only regions to which

England has any just claim are Acadia; Newfoundland; and Hudson

Bay; ceded by France under the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713。 This

weak cession all true Frenchmen regret and England must hand the

territories back。 She owes France compensation for her long

occupation of lands not really hers。 If she makes immediate

restitution; the King of France; generous and kind; will forego

some of his rights and allow England to retain a strip som

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