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the conquest of new france-第25章

小说: the conquest of new france 字数: 每页4000字

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the old allies of the English; the Iroquois; were nervous for

their own safety。 The delegates to Albany; tied and bound by

instructions from their Assemblies; had to listen to plain words

from the savages。 The one Englishman who; in dealing with the

Indians; had tact and skill equal to that of Frontenac of old;

was an Irishman; Sir William Johnson。 To him the Iroquois made

indignant protests that the English were as ready as the French

to rob them of their lands。 If we find a bear in a tree; they

said; some one will spring up to claim that the tree belongs to

him and keep us from shooting the bear。 The French; they added;

are at least men who are prepared to fight; you weak and 

un…prepared English are like women and any day the French may


you out。 Benjamin Franklin told the delegates that they must

unite to meet a common enemy。 Unite; however; they would not。 No

one of them would surrender to a central body any authority

through which the power of the King over them might be increased。

The Congressthe word is full of omen for the futurefailed to

bring about the much…needed union。

In February; 1755; Braddock arrived in Virginia with his army;

and early in May he was on his march across the mountains with

regulars; militia; and Indians; to the number of nearly fifteen

hundred men; to attack Fort Duquesne and to rid the Ohio Valley

of the French。 He knew little of forest warfare with its use of

Indian scouts; its ambushes; its fighting from the cover of

trees。 On the 9th of July; on the Monongahela River; near Fort

Duquesne; in a struggle in the forest against French and Indians

he was defeated and killed。 George Washington was in the fight

and had to report to Dinwiddie the dismal record of what had

happened。 The frontier was aflame; and nearly all the Indians of

the West; seeing the rising star; went over to the French。 The

power of France was; for the time; supreme in the heart of the

continent。 At that moment even far away in the lone land about

the Saskatchewan; the English trader; Hendry; had to admit that

the French knew better than the English how to attract the

support of the savage tribes。

Meanwhile Dieskau had arrived at Quebec。 In the colony of New

York Sir William Johnson; the rough and cheery Irishman; much

loved of the Iroquois; was gathering forces to attack Canada。

Early in July; 1755; Johnson had more than three thousand

provincial troops at Albany; a motley horde of embattled farmers;

most of them with no uniforms; dressed in their own homespun;

carrying their own muskets; electing their own officers; and

altogether; from the strict soldier's point of view; a rabble

rather than an army。 To meet this force and destroy it if he

could; Dieskau took to the French fort at Crown Point; on Lake

Champlain; and southward from there to Ticonderoga at the head of

this lake; some three thousand five hundred men; including his

French regulars; some Canadians and Indians。 Johnson's force lay

at Fort George; later Fort William Henry; the most southerly

point on Lake George。 The names; given by Johnson himself; show

how the dull Hanoverian kings and their offspring were held in

honor by the Irish diplomat who was looking for favors at court。

The two armies met on the shores of Lake George early in

September and there was an all…day fight。 Each side lost some two

hundred men。 Among those who perished on the French side was

Legardeur de Saint…Pierre; who had escaped all the perils of the

western wilderness to meet his fate in this border struggle。 The

honors of the day seem to have been with Johnson; for the French

were driven off and Dieskau himself; badly wounded; was taken

prisoner。 That Johnson had great difficulty in keeping his

savages from burning alive and then boiling and eating Dieskau

and smoking his flesh in their pipes; in revenge for some of

their chiefs killed in the fight; shows what an alliance with

Indians meant。

There was small gain to the English from Johnson's success。 He

was too cautious to advance towards Canada; and; as winter came

on; he broke up his camp and sent his men to their homes。 The

colonies had no permanent military equipment。 Each autumn their

forces were dissolved to be reorganized again in the following

spring; a lame method of waging war。

For three years longer in the valley of the Ohio; as elsewhere;

the star of France remained in the ascendant。 It began to decline

only when; farther east; on the Atlantic; superior forces sent

out from England were able to check the French。 During the summer

of 1758; while Wolfe and Boscawen were pounding the walls of

Louisbourg; seven thousand troops led by General Forbes; Colonel

George Washington; and Colonel Henry Bouquet; pushed their way

through the wilds beyond the Alleghanies and took possession of

the Ohio。 The French destroyed Fort Duquesne and fled。 On the

25th of November the English occupied the place and named it

〃Pitts…Bourgh〃 in honor of their great war minister。

CHAPTER VII。 The Expulsion Of The Acadians

We have now to turn back over a number of years to see what has

been happening in Acadia; that oldest and most easterly part of

New France which in 1710 fell into British hands。 Since the

Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 the Acadians had been nominally British

subjects。 But the Frenchman; hardly less than the Jew; is

difficult of absorption by other racial types。 We have already

noted the natural aim of France to recover what she had lost and

her use of the priests to hold the Acadians to her interests。 The

Acadians were secure in the free exercise of their religion。 They

had no secular leaders and few; if any; clergy of their own。 They

were led chiefly by priests; subjects of France; who; though

working in British territory; owned no allegiance to Great

Britain; and were directed by the Bishop of Quebec。

For forty years the question of the Acadians remained unsettled。

Under the Treaty of 1713 the Acadians might leave the country。 If

they remained a year they must become British subjects。 When;

however; in 1715; two years after the conclusion of the treaty;

they were required to take the oath of allegiance to the new

King; George I; they declared that they could not do so; since

they were about to move to Cape Breton。 When George II came to

the throne in 1727; the oath was again demanded。 Still; however;

the Acadians were between two fires。 Their Indian neighbors;

influenced by the French; threatened them with massacre if they

took the oath; while the British declared that they would forfeit

their farms if they refused。 The truth is that the British did

not wish to press the alternative。 To drive out the Acadians

would be to strengthen the neighboring French colony of Cape

Breton。 To force on them the oath might even cause a rising which

would overwhelm the few English in Nova Scotia。 So the tradition;

never formally accepted by the British; grew up that; while the

Acadians owed obedience to George II; they would be neutral in

case of war with France。 A common name for them used by the

British themselves was that of the Neutral French。 In time of

peace the Acadians could be left to themselves。 When; however;

war broke out between Britain and France the question of loyalty

became acute。 Such war there was in 1744。 Without doubt; some

Acadians then helped the Frenchbut it was; as they protested;

only under compulsion and; as far as they could; they seem to

have refused to aid either side。 The British muttered threats

that subjects of their King who would not fight for him had no

right to protection under British law。 Even then feeling was so

high that there was talk of driving the Acadians from their farms

and setting them adrift; and these poor people trembled for their

own fate when the British victors at Louisbourg in 1745 removed

the French population to France。 Assurances came from the British

government; however; that there was no

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