贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > tanglewood tales(探戈林故事) >


tanglewood tales(探戈林故事)-第39章

小说: tanglewood tales(探戈林故事) 字数: 每页4000字

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but;   being   acquainted   with   Mother   Ceres;   he   answered   her   question   as 

civilly as he knew how; and invited her to taste some milk and honey out 

of   a   wooden   bowl。   But   neither   could   Pan   tell   her   what   had   become   of 

Proserpina; any better than the rest of these wild people。 

     And thus Mother Ceres went wandering about for nine long days and 

nights;   finding   no   trace   of   Proserpina;   unless   it   were   now   and   then   a 

withered flower; and these she picked up and put in her bosom; because 

she fancied that they might have fallen from her poor child's hand。 All day 

she traveled onward through the hot sun; and; at night again; the flame of 

the torch would redden and gleam along the pathway; and she continued 

her search by its light; without ever sitting down to rest。 

     On the   tenth day;  she   chanced   to espy  the   mouth   of   a   cavern   within 

which (though it was bright noon everywhere else) there would have been 

only a dusky twilight; but it so happened that a torch was burning there。 It 

flickered; and struggled with the duskiness; but could not half light up the 

gloomy   cavern   with   all   its   melancholy   glimmer。   Ceres   was   resolved   to 

leave no spot without a search; so she peeped into the entrance of the cave; 

and lighted it up a little more; by holding her own torch before her。 In so 

doing; she caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a woman; sitting on the 

brown   leaves of   the   last   autumn;  a   great heap   of   which   had been   swept 

into   the   cave   by   the   wind。   This   woman   (if   woman   it   were)   was   by   no 

means   so   beautiful   as   many   of   her   sex;   for   her   head;   they   tell   me;   was 

shaped   very   much   like   a   dog's;   and;   by   way   of   ornament;   she   wore   a 

wreath of snakes around it。 But Mother Ceres; the moment she saw her; 

knew that this was an odd kind of a person; who put all her enjoyment in 

being   miserable;   and   never   would   have   a   word   to   say   to   other   people; 

unless they were as melancholy and wretched as she herself delighted to 


     〃I   am   wretched   enough   now;〃   thought   poor   Ceres;  〃to   talk   with   this 

melancholy Hecate; were she ten times sadder than ever she was yet。〃 So 

she stepped into the cave; and sat down on the withered leaves by the dog… 

headed woman's side。 In all the world; since her daughter's loss; she had 

found no other companion。 


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     〃O Hecate;〃 said she; 〃if ever you lose a daughter; you will know what 

sorrow is。 Tell me; for pity's sake; have you seen my poor child Proserpina 

pass by the mouth of your cavern?〃 

     〃No;〃 answered Hecate; in a cracked voice; and sighing betwixt every 

word or two; 〃no; Mother Ceres; I have seen nothing of your daughter。 But 

my ears; you must know; are made in such a way; that all cries of distress 

and affright all over the world are pretty sure to find their way to them; 

and nine days ago; as I sat in my cave; making myself very miserable; I 

heard the voice of a young girl; shrieking as if in great distress。 Something 

terrible has happened to the child; you may rest assured。 As well as I could 

judge; a dragon; or some other cruel monster; was carrying her away。〃 

     〃You kill me by saying so;〃 cried Ceres; almost ready to faint。 〃Where 

was the sound; and which way did it seem to go?〃 

     〃It   passed   very   swiftly   along;〃   said   Hecate;   〃and;   at   the   same   time; 

there was a heavy rumbling of wheels towards the eastward。 I can tell you 

nothing more; except that; in my honest opinion; you will never see your 

daughter again。 The best advice I can give you is; to take up your abode in 

this cavern; where we will be the two most wretched women in the world。〃 

     〃Not   yet;   dark   Hecate;〃   replied   Ceres。   〃But   do   you   first   come   with 

your torch; and help me to seek for my lost child。 And when there shall be 

no more hope of finding her (if that black day is ordained to come); then; 

if you will give me room to fling myself down; either on these withered 

leaves or on the naked rock; I will show what it is to be miserable。 But; 

until   I   know   that   she   has   perished   from  the   face   of   the   earth;   I   will   not 

allow myself space even to grieve。〃 

     The dismal Hecate did not much like the idea of going abroad into the 

sunny   world。   But   then   she   reflected   that   the   sorrow   of   the   disconsolate 

Ceres would be like a gloomy twilight round about them both; let the sun 

shine ever so brightly; and that therefore she might enjoy her bad spirits 

quite as well as if she were to stay in the cave。 So she finally consented to 

go; and they set out together; both carrying torches; although it was broad 

daylight and clear sunshine。 The torchlight seemed to make a gloom; so 

that the people whom they met; along the road; could not very distinctly 

see   their   figures;   and;   indeed;   if   they   once   caught   a   glimpse   of   Hecate; 


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with   the   wreath   of   snakes   round   her   forehead;   they   generally   thought   it 

prudent to run away; without waiting for a second glance。 

     As the pair traveled along in this woe…begone manner; a thought struck 


     〃There is one person;〃 she exclaimed; 〃who must have seen my poor 

child; and can doubtless tell what has become of her。 Why did not I think 

of him before? It is Phoebus。〃 

     〃What;〃 said Hecate; 〃the young man that always sits in the sunshine? 

O; pray do not think of going near him。 He is a gay; light; frivolous young 

fellow; and will only smile in your face。 And besides; there is such a glare 

of the sun about him; that he will quite blind my poor eyes; which I have 

almost wept away already。〃 

     〃You have   promised to be my  companion;〃   answered   Ceres。  〃Come; 

let us make haste; or the sunshine will be gone; and Phoebus along with 


     Accordingly;      they   went    along   in  quest   of   Phoebus;    both   of   them 

sighing grievously; and Hecate; to say the truth; making a great deal worse 

lamentation   than   Ceres;   for   all   the   pleasure   she   had;   you   know;   lay   in 

being miserable; and therefore she made the most of it。 By and by; after a 

pretty long journey; they arrived at the sunniest spot in the whole world。 

There   they   beheld   a   beautiful   young   man;   with   long;   curling   ringlets; 

which   seemed   to   be   made   of   golden   sunbeams;   his   garments   were   like 

light   summer   clouds;   and   the   expression of   his   face   was so   exceedingly 

vivid; that Hecate held her hands before her eyes; muttering that he ought 

to   wear   a   black   veil。   Phoebus   (for   this   was   the   very   person   whom   they 

were seeking) had a lyre in his hands; and was making its chords tremble 

with sweet music; at the same time singing a most exquisite song; which 

he     had     recently     composed。       For;    beside     a   great     many     other 

accomplishments; this young man was renowned for his admirable poetry。 

     As Ceres and her dismal companion approached him; Phoebus smiled 

on them so cheerfully that Hecate's wreath of snakes gave a spiteful hiss; 

and Hecate heartily wished herself back in her cave。 But as for Ceres; she 

was too earnest in her grief either to know or care whether Phoebus smiled 

or frowned。 


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     〃Phoebus!〃 exclaimed   she;   〃I   am  in great trouble;   and   have   come   to 

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