贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > tanglewood tales(探戈林故事) >


tanglewood tales(探戈林故事)-第24章

小说: tanglewood tales(探戈林故事) 字数: 每页4000字

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whom he had just eaten up。 When he caught sight of Cadmus; therefore; 

he set up another abominable hiss; and flung back his immense jaws; until 

his mouth looked like a great red cavern; at the farther end of which were 

seen the legs of his last victim; whom he had hardly had time to swallow。 

     But Cadmus   was so   enraged   at the   destruction of   his   friends that   he 

cared neither for the size of the dragon's jaws nor for his hundreds of sharp 

teeth。 Drawing his sword; he rushed at the monster; and flung himself right 

into   his   cavernous   mouth。   This   bold   method   of   attacking   him   took   the 

dragon by surprise; for; in fact; Cadmus had leaped so far down into his 

throat; that the rows of terrible teeth could not close upon him; nor do him 

the least harm in the world。 Thus; though the struggle was a tremendous 

one; and though the dragon shattered the tuft of trees into small splinters 


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by the lashing of his tail; yet; as Cadmus was all the while slashing and 

stabbing     at  his   very   vitals;  it  was   not  long    before   the   scaly   wretch 

bethought himself of slipping away。 He had not gone his length; however; 

when the brave Cadmus gave him a sword thrust that finished the battle; 

and creeping out of the gateway of the creature's jaws; there he beheld him 

still wriggling his vast bulk; although there was no longer life enough in 

him to harm a little child。 

     But do not you suppose that it made Cadmus sorrowful to think of the 

melancholy fate which had befallen those poor; friendly people; who had 

followed the cow along with him? It seemed as if he were doomed to lose 

everybody whom he loved; or to see them perish in one way or another。 

And here he was; after all his toils and troubles; in a solitary place; with 

not a single human being to help him build a hut。 

     〃What shall I do?〃 cried he aloud。 〃It were better for me to have been 

devoured by the dragon; as my poor companions were。〃 

     〃Cadmus;〃 said a voice but whether it came from above or below him; 

or whether it spoke within his own breast; the young man could not tell 

〃Cadmus; pluck out the dragon's teeth; and plant them in the earth。〃 

     This was a strange thing to do; nor was it very easy; I should imagine; 

to   dig   out   all   those   deep…rooted   fangs   from   the   dead   dragon's   jaws。   But 

Cadmus toiled and tugged; and after pounding the monstrous head almost 

to pieces   with   a   great   stone;   he   at last   collected   as   many  teeth   as   might 

have   filled   a   bushel   or   two。   The   next   thing   was   to   plant   them。   This; 

likewise; was a tedious piece of work; especially as Cadmus was already 

exhausted   with   killing   the   dragon   and   knocking   his   head   to   pieces;   and 

had nothing to dig the earth with; that I know of; unless it were his sword 

blade。 Finally; however; a sufficiently large tract o* ground was turned up; 

and sown with this new kind of seed; although half of the dragon's teeth 

still remained to be planted some other day。 

     Cadmus;      quite   out   of  breath;   stood    leaning   upon    his  sword;    and 

wondering what was to happen next。 He had waited but a few moments; 

when he   began to   see   a   sight;   which   was   as   great   a   marvel   as   the   most 

marvelous thing I ever told you about。 

     The sun was shining slantwise over the field; and showed all the moist; 


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dark soil   just like   any other newly…planted piece of ground。 All at   once; 

Cadmus fancied he saw something glisten very brightly; first at one spot; 

then at another; and then at a hundred and a thousand spots together。 Soon 

he perceived them to be the steel heads of spears; sprouting up everywhere 

like so many stalks of grain; and continually growing taller and taller。 Next 

appeared a vast number of bright sword blades; thrusting themselves up in 

the same way。 A moment afterwards; the whole surface of the ground was 

broken by a multitude of polished brass helmets; coming up like a crop of 

enormous beans。 So rapidly did they grow; that Cadmus now discerned the 

fierce   countenance   of   a   man   beneath   every  one。   In   short;   before   he   had 

time to think what a wonderful affair it was; he beheld an abundant harvest 

of what looked like human beings; armed with helmets and breastplates; 

shields;   swords;   and   spears;   and   before   they  were   well   out   of   the   earth; 

they   brandished   their   weapons;   and   clashed   them   one   against   another; 

seeming to think; little while as they had yet lived; that they had wasted 

too much of life without a battle。 Every tooth of the dragon had produced 

one of these sons of deadly mischief。 

     Up   sprouted   also   a   great   many   trumpeters;   and   with   the   first   breath 

that they drew; they put their brazen trumpets to their lips; and sounded a 

tremendous and ear…shattering blast; so that the whole space; just now so 

quiet and solitary; reverberated with the clash and clang of arms; the bray 

of   warlike   music;  and   the  shouts   of   angry  men。   So   enraged   did   they  all 

look; that Cadmus fully expected them to put the whole world to the sword。 

How fortunate would it be for a great conqueror; if he could get a bushel 

of the dragon's teeth to sow! 

     〃Cadmus;〃 said the same voice which he had before heard; 〃throw a 

stone into the midst of the armed men。〃 

     So Cadmus seized a large stone; and flinging it into the middle of the 

earth   army;   saw   it   strike  the  breastplate   of   a   gigantic   and   fierce…looking 

warrior。 Immediately on feeling the blow; he seemed to take it for granted 

that   somebody   had   struck   him;   and;   uplifting   his   weapon;   he   smote   his 

next neighbor a blow that cleft his helmet asunder; and stretched him on 

the ground。 In an instant; those nearest the fallen warrior began to strike at 

one another with their swords; and stab with their spears。 The confusion 


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spread     wider   and   wider。   Each    man    smote    down    his  brother;   and   was 

himself   smitten   down   before   he   had   time   to   exult   in   his   victory。   The 

trumpeters; all the while; blew their blasts shriller and shriller; each soldier 

shouted a battle cry; and often fell with it on his lips。 It was the strangest 

spectacle   of   causeless   wrath;   and   of   mischief   for   no   good   end;   that   had 

ever been witnessed; but; after all; it was neither more foolish nor  more 

wicked than a thousand battles that have since been fought; in which men 

have slain their brothers with just as little reason as these children of the 

dragon's teeth。 It ought to be considered; too; that the dragon people were 

made for nothing else; whereas other mortals were born to love and help 

one another。 

     Well;   this   memorable   battle   continued   to   rage   until   the   ground   was 

strewn with helmeted heads that had been cut off。 Of all the thousands that 

began the fight; there were only five left standing。 These now rushed from 

different parts of the field; and; meeting in the middle of it; clashed their 

swords; and struck at each other's hearts as fiercely as ever。 

     〃Cadmus;〃 said the voice again; 〃bid those five warriors sheathe their 

swords。 They will help you to build the city。〃 

     Without     hesitating    an   instant;   Cadmus     stepped     forward;    with   the 

aspect   of   a   king   and   a   leader;   and   extending   his   drawn   sword   amongst 


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