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then; with a sort of hesitating confidence in human reason; you may; I

think; follow the course of the argument; and if this is clear;

there will be no need for any further inquiry。

  That; he said; is true。

  But then; O my friends; he said; if the soul is really immortal;

what care should be taken of her; not only in respect of the portion

of time which is called life; but of eternity! And the danger of

neglecting her from this point of view does indeed appear to be awful。

If death had only been the end of all; the wicked would have had a

good bargain in dying; for they would have been happily quit not

only of their body; but of their own evil together with their souls。

But now; as the soul plainly appears to be immortal; there is no

release or salvation from evil except the attainment of the highest

virtue and wisdom。 For the soul when on her progress to the world

below takes nothing with her but nurture and education; which are

indeed said greatly to benefit or greatly to injure the departed; at

the very beginning of its pilgrimage in the other world。

  For after death; as they say; the genius of each individual; to whom

he belonged in life; leads him to a certain place in which the dead

are gathered together for judgment; whence they go into the world

below; following the guide who is appointed to conduct them from

this world to the other: and when they have there received their due

and remained their time; another guide brings them back again after

many revolutions of ages。 Now this journey to the other world is

not; as Aeschylus says in the 〃Telephus;〃 a single and straight

path…no guide would be wanted for that; and no one could miss a single

path; but there are many partings of the road; and windings; as I must

infer from the rites and sacrifices which are offered to the gods

below in places where three ways meet on earth。 The wise and orderly

soul is conscious of her situation and follows in the path; but the

soul which desires the body; and which; as I was relating before;

has long been fluttering about the lifeless frame and the world of

sight; is after many struggles and many sufferings hardly and with

violence carried away by her attendant genius; and when she arrives at

the place where the other souls are gathered; if she be impure and

have done impure deeds; or been concerned in foul murders or other

crimes which are the brothers of these; and the works of brothers in

crime…from that soul everyone flees and turns away; no one will be her

companion; no one her guide; but alone she wanders in extremity of

evil until certain times are fulfilled; and when they are fulfilled;

she is borne irresistibly to her own fitting habitation; as every pure

and just soul which has passed through life in the company and under

the guidance of the gods has also her own proper home。

  Now the earth has divers wonderful regions; and is indeed in

nature and extent very unlike the notions of geographers; as I believe

on the authority of one who shall be nameless。

  What do you mean; Socrates? said Simmias。 I have myself heard many

descriptions of the earth; but I do not know in what you are putting

your faith; and I should like to know。

  Well; Simmias; replied Socrates; the recital of a tale does not; I

think; require the art of Glaucus; and I know not that the art of

Glaucus could prove the truth of my tale; which I myself should

never be able to prove; and even if I could; I fear; Simmias; that

my life would come to an end before the argument was completed。 I

may describe to you; however; the form and regions of the earth

according to my conception of them。

  That; said Simmias; will be enough。

  Well; then; he said; my conviction is that the earth is a round body

in the center of the heavens; and therefore has no need of air or

any similar force as a support; but is kept there and hindered from

falling or inclining any way by the equability of the surrounding

heaven and by her own equipoise。 For that which; being in equipoise;

is in the center of that which is equably diffused; will not incline

any way in any degree; but will always remain in the same state and

not deviate。 And this is my first notion。

  Which is surely a correct one; said Simmias。

  Also I believe that the earth is very vast; and that we who dwell in

the region extending from the river Phasis to the Pillars of Heracles;

along the borders of the sea; are just like ants or frogs about a

marsh; and inhabit a small portion only; and that many others dwell in

many like places。 For I should say that in all parts of the earth

there are hollows of various forms and sizes; into which the water and

the mist and the air collect; and that the true earth is pure and in

the pure heaven; in which also are the stars…that is the heaven

which is commonly spoken of as the ether; of which this is but the

sediment collecting in the hollows of the earth。 But we who live in

these hollows are deceived into the notion that we are dwelling

above on the surface of the earth; which is just as if a creature

who was at the bottom of the sea were to fancy that he was on the

surface of the water; and that the sea was the heaven through which he

saw the sun and the other stars…he having never come to the surface by

reason of his feebleness and sluggishness; and having never lifted

up his head and seen; nor ever heard from one who had seen; this

region which is so much purer and fairer than his own。 Now this is

exactly our case: for we are dwelling in a hollow of the earth; and

fancy that we are on the surface; and the air we call the heaven;

and in this we imagine that the stars move。 But this is also owing

to our feebleness and sluggishness; which prevent our reaching the

surface of the air: for if any man could arrive at the exterior limit;

or take the wings of a bird and fly upward; like a fish who puts his

head out and sees this world; he would see a world beyond; and; if the

nature of man could sustain the sight; he would acknowledge that

this was the place of the true heaven and the true light and the

true stars。 For this earth; and the stones; and the entire region

which surrounds us; are spoilt and corroded; like the things in the

sea which are corroded by the brine; for in the sea too there is

hardly any noble or perfect growth; but clefts only; and sand; and

an endless slough of mud: and even the shore is not to be compared

to the fairer sights of this world。 And greater far is the superiority

of the other。 Now of that upper earth which is under the heaven; I can

tell you a charming tale; Simmias; which is well worth hearing。

  And we; Socrates; replied Simmias; shall be charmed to listen。

  The tale; my friend; he said; is as follows: In the first place; the

earth; when looked at from above; is like one of those balls which

have leather coverings in twelve pieces; and is of divers colors; of

which the colors which painters use on earth are only a sample。 But

there the whole earth is made up of them; and they are brighter far

and clearer than ours; there is a purple of wonderful luster; also the

radiance of gold; and the white which is in the earth is whiter than

any chalk or snow。 Of these and other colors the earth is made up; and

they are more in number and fairer than the eye of man has ever

seen; and the very hollows (of which I was speaking) filled with air

and water are seen like light flashing amid the other colors; and have

a color of their own; which gives a sort of unity to the variety of

earth。 And in this fair region everything that grows…trees; and

flowers; and fruits…is in a like degree fairer than any here; and

there are hills; and stones in them in a like degree smoother; and

more transparent; and fa

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