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raft upon which he sails through life…not without risk; as I admit; if

he cannot find some word of God which will more surely and safely

carry him。 And now; as you bid me; I will venture to question you;

as I should not like to reproach myself hereafter with not having said

at the time what I think。 For when I consider the matter either

alone or with Cebes; the argument does certainly appear to me;

Socrates; to be not sufficient。

  Socrates answered: I dare say; my friend; that you may be right; but

I should like to know in what respect the argument is not sufficient。

  In this respect; replied Simmias: Might not a person use the same

argument about harmony and the lyre…might he not say that harmony is a

thing invisible; incorporeal; fair; divine; abiding in the lyre

which is harmonized; but that the lyre and the strings are matter

and material; composite; earthy; and akin to mortality? And when

someone breaks the lyre; or cuts and rends the strings; then he who

takes this view would argue as you do; and on the same analogy; that

the harmony survives and has not perished; for you cannot imagine;

as we would say; that the lyre without the strings; and the broken

strings themselves; remain; and yet that the harmony; which is of

heavenly and immortal nature and kindred; has perished…and perished

too before the mortal。 The harmony; he would say; certainly exists

somewhere; and the wood and strings will decay before that decays。 For

I suspect; Socrates; that the notion of the soul which we are all of

us inclined to entertain; would also be yours; and that you too

would conceive the body to be strung up; and held together; by the

elements of hot and cold; wet and dry; and the like; and that the soul

is the harmony or due proportionate admixture of them。 And; if this is

true; the inference clearly is that when the strings of the body are

unduly loosened or overstrained through disorder or other injury; then

the soul; though most divine; like other harmonies of music or of

the works of art; of course perishes at once; although the material

remains of the body may last for a considerable time; until they are

either decayed or burnt。 Now if anyone maintained that the soul; being

the harmony of the elements of the body; first perishes in that

which is called death; how shall we answer him?

  Socrates looked round at us as his manner was; and said; with a

smile: Simmias has reason on his side; and why does not some one of

you who is abler than myself answer him? for there is force in his

attack upon me。 But perhaps; before we answer him; we had better

also hear what Cebes has to say against the argument…this will give us

time for reflection; and when both of them have spoken; we may

either assent to them if their words appear to be in consonance with

the truth; or if not; we may take up the other side; and argue with

them。 Please to tell me then; Cebes; he said; what was the

difficulty which troubled you?

  Cebes said: I will tell you。 My feeling is that the argument is

still in the same position; and open to the same objections which were

urged before; for I am ready to admit that the existence of the soul

before entering into the bodily form has been very ingeniously; and;

as I may be allowed to say; quite sufficiently proven; but the

existence of the soul after death is still; in my judgment;

unproven。 Now my objection is not the same as that of Simmias; for I

am not disposed to deny that the soul is stronger and more lasting

than the body; being of opinion that in all such respects the soul

very far excels the body。 Well; then; says the argument to me; why

do you remain unconvinced? When you see that the weaker is still in

existence after the man is dead; will you not admit that the more

lasting must also survive during the same period of time? Now I;

like Simmias; must employ a figure; and I shall ask you to consider

whether the figure is to the point。 The parallel which I will

suppose is that of an old weaver; who dies; and after his death

somebody says: He is not dead; he must be alive; and he appeals to the

coat which he himself wove and wore; and which is still whole and

undecayed。 And then he proceeds to ask of someone who is

incredulous; whether a man lasts longer; or the coat which is in use

and wear; and when he is answered that a man lasts far longer;

thinks that he has thus certainly demonstrated the survival of the

man; who is the more lasting; because the less lasting remains。 But

that; Simmias; as I would beg you to observe; is not the truth;

everyone sees that he who talks thus is talking nonsense。 For the

truth is that this weaver; having worn and woven many such coats;

though he outlived several of them; was himself outlived by the

last; but this is surely very far from proving that a man is

slighter and weaker than a coat。 Now the relation of the body to the

soul may be expressed in a similar figure; for you may say with reason

that the soul is lasting; and the body weak and short…lived in

comparison。 And every soul may be said to wear out many bodies;

especially in the course of a long life。 For if while the man is alive

the body deliquesces and decays; and yet the soul always weaves her

garment anew and repairs the waste; then of course; when the soul

perishes; she must have on her last garment; and this only will

survive her; but then again when the soul is dead the body will at

last show its native weakness; and soon pass into decay。 And therefore

this is an argument on which I would rather not rely as proving that

the soul exists after death。 For suppose that we grant even more

than you affirm as within the range of possibility; and besides

acknowledging that the soul existed before birth admit also that after

death the souls of some are existing still; and will exist; and will

be born and die again and again; and that there is a natural

strength in the soul which will hold out and be born many times…for

all this; we may be still inclined to think that she will weary in the

labors of successive births; and may at last succumb in one of her

deaths and utterly perish; and this death and dissolution of the

body which brings destruction to the soul may be unknown to any of us;

for no one of us can have had any experience of it: and if this be

true; then I say that he who is confident in death has but a foolish

confidence; unless he is able to prove that the soul is altogether

immortal and imperishable。 But if he is not able to prove this; he who

is about to die will always have reason to fear that when the body

is disunited; the soul also may utterly perish。

  All of us; as we afterwards remarked to one another; had an

unpleasant feeling at hearing them say this。 When we had been so

firmly convinced before; now to have our faith shaken seemed to

introduce a confusion and uncertainty; not only into the previous

argument; but into any future one; either we were not good judges;

or there were no real grounds of belief。

  Ech。 There I feel with you…indeed I do; Phaedo; and when you were

speaking; I was beginning to ask myself the same question: What

argument can I ever trust again? For what could be more convincing

than the argument of Socrates; which has now fallen into discredit?

That the soul is a harmony is a doctrine which has always had a

wonderful attraction for me; and; when mentioned; came back to me at

once; as my own original conviction。 And now I must begin again and

find another argument which will assure me that when the man is dead

the soul dies not with him。 Tell me; I beg; how did Socrates

proceed? Did he appear to share the unpleasant feeling which you

mention? or did he receive the interruption calmly and give a

sufficient answer? T

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