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history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18-第79章

小说: history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18 字数: 每页4000字

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ar northward in upon the  Russian Minotaur; making him still blinder in the important moments now coming。

Friedrich rides up to view the Zabern Hollow: 〃Beyond expectation deep; very boggy too; with its foul leakage or brook: no attacking of their western flank through this Zaberngrund;attack the corner of them; then; here on the southwest!〃 That is Friedrich's rapid resource。 The lines halt; accordingly; make ready。 Behind flaming Zorndorf stands his extreme left; which is to make the attack; infantry in front; horse to rear and farther leftwards;and under the command of Seidlitz in this quarter; which is an important circumstance。 Right wing; reaching to behind Wilkersdorf; is to refuse itself; whole force of centre is to push upon that Russian corner; to support the left in doing it;according to the Leuthen or LEUCTRA principle; once more。 May no mistakes occur in executing it this day!

The first division of the Prussian Infantry; or extreme Left; marches forward by the west end of flaming Zorndorf; next division; which should stand close to right of it; or even behind it in action; and follow it close into the Russian fire; has to march by the east end of Zorndorf; this is a farther road; owing to the flames; and not a lucky one。 Second division could never get into fair contact with that first division again: that was the mistake: and it might have been fatal; but was not; as we shall see。 First division has got clear of Zorndorf; in advancing towards its Russian business;is striding forward; its left flank safe against the Zaberngrund; steadily by fixed stages; against the fated Russian Corner; which is its point of attack。 First division; second division; are clear of Zorndorf; though with a wide gap between them; are steadily striding forward towards the Russian Corner。 Two strong batteries; wide apart; have planted themselves ahead; and are playing upon the Russian Quadrilateral; their fires crossing at the due Corner yonder; with terrible effect; Russian artillery; which are multitudinous and all gathered down to this southwestern corner; are responding; though with their fire spread; and far less effectual。 The Prussian line steps on; extreme left perhaps in too animated a manner; their cannon batteries enfilade the thick mass of Russians at a frightful rate (〃forty… two men of a certain regiment blown away by a single ball;〃 in one instance 'Tielcke。'); drive the interior baggage…horses to despair: a very agitated Quadrilateral; under its grim canopy of cannon smoke; and of straw smoke; heaped on it from the Zorndorf side here。 Manteuffel; leader of that first or leftmost division; sees the internal simmering; steps forward still more briskly; to firing distance; begins his platoon thunder; with the due steady fury; had the second division but got up to support Manteuffel! The second division is in fire too; but not close to Manteuffel; where it should be。

Fermor notices the gap; the wavering of Manteuffel unsupported; plunges out in immense torrent; horse and foot; into the gap; into Manteuffel's flank and front; hurls Manteuffel back; who has no support at hand: 〃ARAH; ARAH (Hurrah; Hurrah)! Victory; Victory!〃 shout the Russians; plunging wildly forward; sweeping all before them; capturing twenty…six pieces of cannon; for one item。 What a moment for Friedrich; looking on it from some knoll somewhere near Zorndorf; I suppose; hastily bidding Seidlitz strike in: 〃Seidlitz; now!〃 The hurrahing Russians cannot keep rank at that rate of going。 like a buffalo stampede; but fall into heaps and gaps: Seidlitz; with a swiftness; with a dexterity beyond praise; has picked his way across that quaggy Zabern Hollow; falls; with say 5;000 horse; on the flank of this big buffalo stampede; tumbles it into instant ruin;which proves irretrievable; as the Prussian Infantry come on again; and back Seidlitz。

In fifteen minutes more (I guess it now to be ten o'clock); the Russian Minotaur; this end of it; on to the Gallows Ground; is one wild mass。 Seldom was there seen such a charge; issuiug in such deluges of wreck; of chaotic flight; or chaotic refusal to fly。 The Seidlitz cavalry went sabring till; for very fatigue; they gave it up; and could no more。 The Russian horse fled to Kutzdorf; Fermor with them; who saw no more of this Fight; and did not get back till dark;had not the Bridges been burnt; and no crossing of the Mutzel possible; Fermor never would have come back; and here had been the end of Zorndorf。 Luckier if it had! But there is no crossing of the Mutzel; there is only drowning in the quagmires there:death any way; what can be done but die?

The Russian infantry stand to be sabred; in the above manner; as if they had been dead oxen。 More remote from Seidlitz; they break open the sutlers' brandy…casks; and in few minutes get roaring drunk。 Their officers; desperate; split the brandy…casks; soldiers flap down to drink it from the puddles; furiously remonstrate with their officers; and 〃kill a good many of them〃 (VIELE; says Tielcke); especially the foreign sort。 〃A frightful blood…bath;〃 by all the Accounts: blood…bath; brandy…bath; and chief Nucleus of Chaos then extant aboveground。 Fermor is swept away: this chaos; the very Prussians drawing back from it; wearied with massacring; lasts till about one o'clock。 Up to the Gallows…ground the Minotaur is mere wreck and delirium: but beyond the Gallows…ground; the other half forms a new front to itself; becomes a new Minotaur; though in reduced shape。 This is Part First of the Battle of Zorndorf; Friedrichon the edge of great disaster at one moment; but miraculously savedhas still the other half to do (unlucky that he left no Bridges on the Mutzel); and must again change his program。

Half of the Minotaur is gone to shreds in this manner; but the attack upon it; too; is spent: what is to be done with the other half of the monster; which is again alive; which still stands; and polypus…like has arranged a new life for itself; a new front against the Galgengrund yonder? Friedrich brings his right wing into action。 Rapidly arranges right wing; centre; all of the left that is disposable; with batteries; with cavalry; for an attack on the opposite or southeastern end of his monster。 If your monster; polypus…like; come alive again in the tail…part; you must fell that other head of him。 Batteries; well in advance; begin work upon the new head of the monster; which was once his tail; fresh troops; long lines of them; pushing forward to begin platoon…volleying: time now; I should guess; about half…past two。 Our infantry has not yet got within musket…range;when torrents of Russian Horse; Foot too following; plunge out; wide…flowing; stormfully swift; and dash against the coming attack。 Dash against it; stagger it; actually tumble it back; in the centre part; take one of the batteries; and a whole battalion prisoners。 Here again is a moment! Friedrich; they say; rushed personally into this vortex; rallied these broken battalions; again rallied and led them up; but it was to no purpose: they could not be made to stand; these centre battalions; 〃some sudden panic in them; a thing unaccountable;〃 says Tempelhof; 〃they are Dohna's people; who fought perfectly at Jagersdorf; and often elsewhere〃 (they were all in such a finely burnished state the other day; but have not biting talent; like the grass…devils): enough; they fairly scour away; certain disgraceful battalions; and are not got ranked again till below Wilkersdorf; above a mile off; though the grass…devils; on both hands of them; stand grimly steady; left in this ominous manner。

What would have become of the affair one knows not; if it had not been that Seidlitz once more made his appearance。 On Friedrich's order; or on his own; I do not know; but sure it is; Seidlitz; with sixty…one squadrons; arriving from some distance; breaks in like a DEUS EX MACHINA; swift as the storm…wind; upon this Russian Horse… torrent; drives it again before him like a mere torrent of chaff; back; ever back; to the shore of Acheron and the Stygian quagmires (of the Mutzel; namely); so that it did not return again; and the Prussian infantry had free field for their platoon exercise。 Their rage against the Russians was extreme; and that of the Rus

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