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history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18-第78章

小说: history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18 字数: 每页4000字

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zel; 'Mitchell to Holderness; 〃DErmItzel; 24th August; 1758〃 (MEMOIRS AND PAPERS; i。 425; Ib。 ii。 40…47; Mitchell's Private Journal)。' by no means himself crossing there; on the contrary; carefully breaking all the Bridges before he go (〃No retreat for those Russian vagabonds; only death or surrender for them!〃)himself not intending to cross till he be up at Damm; Neu Damm; well eastward of his Russians; and have got them all pinfolded between Mutzel and Oder in that way。 In the evening; he reaches Damm and the Mill of Damm; some three or four miles higher up the Mutzel;and there pushes partly across at once。 That is to say; his vanguard at once; and takes a defensive position; his Artillery and other Divisions by degrees; in the silent night hours; and; before daybreak to…morrow; every soul will be across; and the Bridge broken again; and Fermor had better have his accounts settled。

Fermor's roving Cossack clouds seldom bring him in intelligence; but only return stained with charcoal grime and red murder: up to late last night; he had not known where Friedrich was at all; had idly thought him busy with the Schaumburg Redoubt; on the other side of Oder; fencing and precautioning: but now (night of the 23d); these Cossacks do come in with news; 〃Indisputable to our poor minds; the Prussians are at Klossow yonder;captured a dozen green vagabonds of us; and have sent us galloping!〃which news; with the night closing in on him; was astonishing; thrice and four times important to Fermor。

Instantly he raises the siege of Custrin; any siege there was; gets his immense baggage…train shoved off that night to Klein Kamin; Landsberg way; summons the force from Landsberg to join him without loss of a moment;and in the meanwhile pitches himself in long bivouac in the Drewitz Wood or Fir…Heath; with the quaggy Zaberngrund in front。 Quaggy Zaberngrund;do readers remember it; one of those 〃Three continuous Leakages;〃 very important; to Fermor and us at present? This is the safest place Fermor can find for himself; scraggy firs around; good quagmires and Zabern Hollow in front; looking to the east; waiting what a new day will bring。 That was Fermor's posture; while Friedrich quitted Klossow in the dawn of the 24th。 Be busy; ye Cossack doggeries; return with news; not with mere grime and marks of blood on your mouths!

Evening of the 24th; Cossacks report that Friedrich has got to Damm Mill; has hold of the Bridge there; and may be looked for; sure as the daylight; to…morrow。 Fermor is 50;000 odd; his Landsberg forces all coming in; one Detachment out Stettin way; which cannot come in; Fermor finds that his baggage…train is fairly on the road to Klein Kamin;and that he will have to quit this bosky bivouac; and fight for himself in the open ground; or do worse。


Artless Fermor draws out to the open ground; north of Zorndorf; south of Quartschen; arranges himself in huge quadrilateral mass; with his 〃staff…baggage〃 (lighter baggage) in the centre; and his front; so to speak; everywhere。 'Excellent Plan of him; or rather Plans; in his successive shapes; in Tielcke; ii。 (PLATES 4; 5; 6; 7; 8)。' Mass; say two miles long by one mile broad; but it is by no means regular; and has many zigzags according to the ground; and narrows and droops southward on the eastern end: one of the most artless arrangements; but known to Fermor; and the readiest on this pinch of time。 Munnich devised this quadrilateral mode; and found it good against the Turks; and their deluges of raging horse and foot: Fermor could perhaps do better; but there is such a press of hurry。 Fermor's western flank; or biggest breadth of quadrilateral; leans on that Zabern Hollow; with its fine quagmires; his eastern; narrowest part; droops down on certain mud…pools and conveniences towards Zicher。 Gallows Hollow; a slighter than the Zabern; runs through the centre of him; and with his best people he fronts towards the Mutzel Bridges; especially towards Damm…Mill Bridge whence Friedrich will emerge; sure as the sunrise; one knows not with what issue。 Artless Fermor is nothing daunted; nor are his people; but stand patiently under arms; regardless of future and present; to a degree not common in soldiering。

Friday; August 25th; by half…past three in the morning; Friedrich is across the Mutzel; self and Infantry by Damm…Mutzel Bridge; cavalry by another Bridge (KERSTEN…BRUGGE; means 〃Christian Bridge;〃 in the dialect of Charlemagne's time; a very old arrangement of Successive Logs up there!) some furlongs higher up。 The Bridge at Damm is perhaps some three miles from the nearest Russians about Zicher; but Friedrich has no thought of attacking Fermor there; he has a quite other program laid; and will attack Fermor precisely on the side opposite to there。 Friedrich's intention is to sweep quite round this monstrous Russian quadrilateral; to break in upon it on the western flank; and hurl it back upon Mutzel and its quagmires。 He has broken his two bridges after passing; all bridges are gone there; and the country is bottomless: surrender at discretion if once you are driven thither! And Friedrich's own retreat; if he fail; is short and open to Custrin。 〃Admirable;〃 say the Critics; 〃and altogether in Friedrich's style!〃Friedrich; adds one Critic; was not aware that the Russian Heavy…Baggage Train; which is their powder…flask and bread…basket and staff of life; lies at Klein Kamin; within few miles on his left just now; Russians themselves on his right; that the Russians could have been abolished from those countries without fighting at all! 'Retzow; i。 305…329。' This is very true。 Friedrich's haste is great; his humor hot; and he has not heard of this Klein…Kamin fact; which in common times he would have done; and of which in a calmer mood he would; with a fine scientific gusto; have taken his advantage。

Friedrich pours incessant southward; cavalry parallel to infantry and a certain distance beyond it; eastward of it; and they have burnt the Bridges; which is a curious fact! Continually southward; as if for Tamsel:poor old Tamsel; do readers recollect it at all; does Friedrich at all? No pleasant dinner; or lily…and…rose complexions; there for one to…day!Some distance short of Tamsel; Friedrich; emerging; turns westward;intending what on earth? thinks Fermor。 Friedrich has been mostly hidden by the woods all this while; and enigmatic to Fermor。 Fermor does now at last see the color of the facts;and that one's chief front must change itself to southward; one's best leg and arm be foremost; or towards Zorndorf; not towards the Mutzel as hitherto。 Fermor stirs up his Quadrilateral; makes the required change; 〃You; best or northern line; step across; and front southward; across to southward; I say; second…best go northward in their stead:〃 and so; with some other slight polishings; suggested by the ground and phenomena; we anew await this Prussian Enigma with our best leg foremost。 The march or circular sweep of these Prussian lines; from Damm Bridge through the woods and champaign to their appointed place of action; is seven or eight miles; lines when halted in battle…order will be two miles long or more。

Friedrich pours steadily along; horse and foot; by the rear cf Wilkersdorf; of Zorndorf;Russian Minotaur scrutinizing him in that manner with dull bloodshot eyes; uncertain what he will do。 It is eight in the morning; hot August; wind a mere lull; but southernly if any。 Small Hussar pickets ride to right of the main Army March; to keep the Cossacks in check: who are roving about; all on wing; and pert enough; in spite of the Hussar pickets; Desperado individuals of them gallop up to the Infantry ranks; and fire off their pistols there;without reply; reply or firing; till the word come; is strictly forbidden。 Infantry pours along; like a ploughman drawing his furrow; heedless of the circling crows。 Crows or Cossacks; finding they are not regarded; set fire to Zorndorf; and gallop off。 Zorndorf goes up readily; mainly wood and straw; rolls in big clouds of smoke far northward in upon the  Russian Minotaur; making him still blinder in the important moments now co

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