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history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18-第48章

小说: history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18 字数: 每页4000字

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h; sits down to dinner; dinner with Officers at the usual hour of noon;little dreaming what the Dauphiness has in her head。

Truth is; the Dauphiness is in exultant spirits; this morning; intending great things against a certain 〃little Marquis of Brandenburg;〃 to whom one does so much honor。 Generals looking down yesterday on the King of Prussia's Camp; able to count every man in it (and half the men being invisible; owing to bends of the ground); counted him to 10;000 or so; and had said; 〃Pshaw; are not we above 50;000; let us end it! Take him on his left。 Round yonder; till we get upon his left; and even upon his rear withal; St。 Germain co…operating on the other side of him: on left; on rear; on front; at the same moment; is not that a sure game?〃 A very ticklish game; answers surly sagacious Lloyd: 〃No general will permit himself to be taken in flank with his eyes open; and the King of Prussia is the unlikeliest you could try it with!〃

Trying it meanwhile they are; marching along by the low grounds here; intending to sweep gradually leftwards towards Janus…Hill quarter; there to sweep home upon him; coil him up; left and rear and front; in their boa…constrictor folds; and end his trifle of an Army and him。 〃Why not; if we do our duty at all; annihilate his trifle of an Army; take himself prisoner; and so end it?〃 Report says; Soubise had really; in some moment of enthusiasm lately; warned the Versailles populations to expect such a thing; and that the Duchess of Orleans; forgetful of poor King Louis's presence; had in HER enthusiasm; exclaimed: 〃TANT MIEUX; I shall at last see a King; then!〃 But perhaps it is a mere French epigram; such as the winds often generate there; and put down for fact。 Friedrich's retreat to Weissenfels is cut off for Friedrich: an Austrian party has been at the Herren…Muhle Bridge this morning; has torn it up and pitched it into the river; planks far on to Merseburg by this time。 And; in fact; unless Friedrich be nimble But that he usually is。

Friedrich's dinner had gone on with deliberation for about two hours; Friedrich's intentions not yet known to any; but everybody; great and small; waiting eagerly for them; like greyhounds on the slip;when Adjutant Gaudi; who had been on the House…top the while; rushes into the Dining…room faster than he ought; and; with some tremor in his voice and eyes; reports hastily: 〃At Schevenroda; at Pettstadt yonder! Enemy has turned to left。 Clearly for the left。〃〃Well; and if he do? No flurry needed; Captain!〃 answered Friedrich;(NOT in these precise words; but rebuking Gaudi; with a look not of laughter wholly; and with a certain question; as to the state of Gaudi's stomachic part; which is still known in traditionary circles; but is not mentionable here);and went; with due gravity; himself to the roof; with his Officers。 〃To the left; sure enough; meaning to attack us there:〃 the thing Friedrich had despaired of is voluntarily coming; then; and it is a thing of stern qualities withal; a wager of life; with glorious possibilities behind。

Friedrich earnestly surveys the phenomenon for some minutes; in some minutes; Friedrich sees his way through it; at least into it; and how he will do it。 Off; eastward; march! Swift are his orders; almost still swifter the fulfillment of them。 Prussian Army is a nimble article in comparison with Dauphiness! In half an hour's time; all is packed and to the road; and; except Mayer and certain Free…Corps or Light…Horse; to amuse St。 Germain and his Almsdorf people; there is not a Prussian visible in these localities to French eyes。 〃At half…past two;〃 says the Squire's Man;or let us take him a sentence earlier; to lose nothing of such a Document: 〃At noon his Majesty took dinner; sat till about two o'clock; then again went to the roof; and perceived that the Enemy's Army at Pettstadt were turning about the little Wood there northeastward; as if for Lunstadt 'into the Lunstadt road';such cannonading too;〃 from those Almsdorf people; 〃that the balls flew over our heads;〃or I tremulously thought so。 〃At half…past two; the word was given; March! And good speed they made about it; in this Herrenhaus; and out of doors too; striking their tents; and cording up and trimly shouldering everything with incredible brevity;〃 as if machinery were doing it; 〃and at three; on the Prussian part; all was packed and out into the court for being carried off; and; in fact; the Prussian Army was on march at three。〃 Seidlitz; with all his Horse; vanishing round the corner of the Height; speeding along; invisible on his northern slope there; straight for the Janus…Polzen Hill part; the Infantry following; double…quick;well knowing; each; what he has got to do。

But at this interesting point; the Editorssmall thanks to them; authentic but thrice…stupid mortalscut short our Eye…witness; not so much as telling us his name; some of them not even his date or whereabouts; and so the curtain tumbles down (as if its string had been cut; or suddenly eaten by unwise animals); and we are left to gray hubbub; and our own resources at second…hand。 Except only that a French Officerone of those cannonading from Almsdorf; no doubt declares that 〃it was like a change of scene in the Opera (DECORATION D'OPERA);〃 'Letter in MULLER: p。 60。 In WESTPHALEN (ii。 128…133) is a much superior French Letter; intercepted somewhere; and fallen to Duke Ferdinand; well worth reading; on Rossbach and the previous Affairs。' so very rapid; and that 〃they all rolled off eastward at quick time。〃 At extremely quick time; and soon; in the slight hollow behind Janus Hugel; vanished from sight of these Almsdorf French; and of the Soubise…Hildburghausen Army in general。 Which latter is agreeably surprised at the phenomenon; and draws a highly flattering conclusion from it。 〃Gone; then; off at double…quick for Merseburg; aha!〃 think the Soubise…Hildburghausen people: 〃Double…quick you too; my pretty men; lest they do whisk away; and we never get a stroke at them;!〃

Seidlitz meanwhile; with his cavalry (thirty…eight squadrons; about 4;000 horse); is rapidly doing the order he has had。 Seidlitz at a sharp military trot; and the infantry at doublequick to keep up near him; which they cannot quite do; are; as we have said; making right across for the Polzen…Hill and Janus…Hill quarter; their route the string; French route the bow; and are invisible to the French; owing to the heights between。 Seidlitz; when he gets to the proper point eastward; will wheel about; front to southward; and be our left wing; infantry; as centre and right; will appear in like manner; andwe shall see!

The exultant Dauphiness; or Soubise…Hildburghausen Army (let us call it; for brevity's sake; Dauphiness or French; which it mainly was); on that rapid disappearance of the Prussians; never doubted but the Prussians were off on flight for Merseburg; to get across by the Bridge there。 Whereat Dauphiness; doubly exultant; mended her own pace; cavalry at a sharp trot; infantry double…quick; but unable to keep up;for the purpose of capturing or intercepting the runaway Prussians。 Speed; my friends;if you would do a stroke upon Friedrich; and show the Versailles people a King at last! Thus they; hurrying on; in two parallel columns;infantry; long floods of it; coming double…quick but somewhat fallen behind; cavalry 7;000 or so; as vanguard;faster and faster; sweeping forward on their southern side of the Janus…and…Polzen slope; and now rather climbing the same。

Seidlitz has his hussar pickets on the top; to keep him informed as to their motions; and how far they are got。 Seidlitz; invisible on the south slope of the Polzen Hugel; finds about half…past three P。M。 that he is now fairly ahead of Dauphiness; Seidlitz halts; wheels; comes to the top; 〃Got the flank of them; sure enough!〃 and without waiting signal or farther orders; every instant being precious; rapidly forms himself; and plunges down on these poor people。 〃Compact as a wall; and with an incredible velocity (D'UNE VITESSE INCROYABLE);〃 says one of them。 Figure the astonishment of Dauphiness; of poor Broglio; who commands the horse here。 Taken in flank; instead of taking other people; intercepted; not in the least needing to intercept! Has no time to form; t

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