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history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18-第4章

小说: history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18 字数: 每页4000字

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ven to burn them; in the last crisis of catastrophe! Considerable portions of that provender fell into the Prussian throat; as much as 〃three months' provision for the whole Army;〃 count they;adding to those Frontier sundries the really important Magazine which they seized at Jung…Bunzlau farther in。 ' Helden…Geschichte; iv。 6…13; &c。' It is one among their many greater advantages from this surprisal of the enemy; and sudden topsy…turvying of his plans。 Browne and Konigseck have to retire on Prag at their swiftest; looking to more important results than Magazines。

It is Friedrich's old plan。 Long since; in 1744; we saw a march of this kind; Three Columns rushing with simultaneous rapidity on Prag; and need not repeat the particulars on this occasion。 Here are some Notes on the subject; which will sufficiently bring it home to readers:   〃The Three Columns were; for a part of the way; Four; the King's being; at first; in two branches; till they united again; on the other side of the Hills。 For the King;〃 what is to be noted; 〃had shot out; three weeks before; a small preliminary branch; under Moritz of Dessau; who marched; well westward; by Eger (starting from Chemnitz in Saxony); and had some tussling with our poor old friend Duke d'Ahremberg; Browne's subordinate in those parts。 D'Ahremberg; having 20;000 under him; would not quit Eger for Moritz; but pushed out Croats upon him; and sat still。 This; it was afterwards surmised; had been a feint on Friedrich's part; to give the Austrians pleasant thoughts: 'Invading us; is he? Would fain invade us; but cannot!' Moritz fell back from Eger; and was ready to join the King's march; (at Linay; April 23d' (third day from Lockwitz; on the King's part)。 Onwards from which point the Columns are specifically Three; in strength; and on routes; somewhat as follows:

1。 〃The FIRST Column; or King's;which is 60;000 after this junction; 45;000 foot; 15;000 horse;quitted Lockwitz (head… quarter for a month past); WEDNESDAY; APRIL 20TH。 They go by the Pascopol and other roads; through Pirna; for one place: through Karbitz; Aussig; are at Linay on the 23d; where Moritz joins: 24th; in the united state; forward again (leave Lobositz two miles to left); to Trebnitz; 25th; and rest there one day。

〃At Aussig an unfortunate thing befell。 Zastrow; respectable old General Zastrow; was to drive the Austrians out of Aussig: Zastrow does it; April 22d…23d; drives them well over the heights; April 25th; however; marching forward towards Lobositz; Zastrow is shot through both temples (Pandour hid among the bushes and cliffs; OTHER side of Elbe); and falls dead on the spot。 Buried in GOTTLEUBE Kirk; 1st May。〃

In these Aussig affairs; especially in recapturing the Castle of Tetschen near by; Colonel Mayer; father of the new 〃Free…Corps;〃 did shining service;and was approved of; he and they。 And; a day or two after; was detached with a Fifteen Hundred of that kind; on more important business: First; to pick up one or two Bohemian Magazines lying handy; after which; to pay a visit to the Reich and its bluster about Execution…Army; and teach certain persons who it is they are thundering against in that awkwardly truculent manner! Errand shiningly done by Mayer; as perhaps we may hear;and certainly as all the Newspapers loudly heard;in the course of the next two months。

At crossing of the Eger; Friedrich's Column had some chasing of poor D'Ahremberg; attempting to cut him off from his Bridges; Bridge of Koschlitz; Bridge of Budin; but he made good despatch; Browne and he; and; except a few prisoners of Ziethen's gathering; and most of his Magazines unburnt; they did him no damage。 The chase was close enough; more than once; the Austrian head… quarter of to…night was that of the Prussians to…morrow。 Monday; May 2d; Friedrich's Column was on the Weissenberg of Prag; Browne; D'Ahremberg; and Prince Karl; who is now come up to take command; having hastily filed through the City; leaving a fit garrison; the day before。 Except his Magazines; nothing the least essential went wrong with Browne; but Konigseck; who had not a Friedrich on his heels;Konigseck; trying more; as his opportunities were more;was not quite so lucky。

2。 〃Column SECOND; to the King's left; comes from the Lausitz under Brunswick…Bevern;18;000 foot; 5;000 horse。 This is the Bevern who so distinguished himself at Lobositz last year; and he is now to culminate into a still brighter exploit;the last of his very bright ones; as it proved。 Bevern set out from about Zittau (from Grottau; few miles south of Zittau); the same day with Friedrich; that is April 20th;and had not well started till he came upon formidable obstacles。 Came upon General Konigseck; namely: a Konigseck manoeuvring ahead; in superior force; a Maguire; Irish subordinate of Konigseck's; coming from the right to cut off our baggage (against whom Bevern has to detach); a Lacy; coming from the left;or indeed; Konigseck and Lacy in concert; intending to offer battle。 Battle of Reichenberg; which accordingly ensued; April 21st;〃of which; though it was very famous for so small a Battle; there can be no account given here。

The short truth is; Konigseck falling back; Parthian…like; with a force of 30;000 or more; has in front of him nothing but Bevern; who; as he issues from the Lausitz; and till he can unite with Schwerin farther southward; is but some 20;000 odd: cannot Konigseck call halt; and bid Bevern return; or do worse? Konigseck; a diligent enough soldier; determines to try; chooses an excellent position;at or round Reichenberg; which is the first Bohemian Town; one march from Zittau in the Lausitz; and then one from Liebenau; which latter would be Bevern's SECOND Bohemian stage on the Prag road; if he continued prosperous。 Reichenberg; standing nestled among hills in the Neisse Valley (one of those Four Neisses known to us; the Neisse where Prince Karl got exploded; in that signal manner; Winter; 1745; by a certain King); offers fine capabilities; which Konigseck has laid hold of。 There is especially one excellent Hollow (on the left or western bank of Neisse River; that is; ACROSS from Reichenberg); backed by woody hills; nothing but hills; brooks; woods all round; Hollow scooped out as if for the purpose; and altogether of inviting character to Konigseck。 There; 〃Wednesday; April 20th;〃 Konigseck posts himself; plants batteries; fells abatis; plenty of cannon; of horse and foot; and; say all soldiers; one of the best positions possible。

So that Bevern; approaching Reichenberg at evening; evening of his first march; Wednesday; April 20th; finds his way barred; and that the difficulties may be considerable。 〃Nothing to be made of it to…night;〃 thinks Bevern; 〃but we must try to…morrow!〃 and has to take camp; 〃with a marshy brook in front of him;〃 some way on the hither side of Reichenberg; and study overnight what method of unbarring there may be。 Thursday morning early; Bevern; having well reconnoitred and studied; was at work unbarring。 Bevern crossed his own marshy brook; courageously assaulted Konigseck's position; left wing of Konigseck; stormed the abatis; the batteries; plunged in upon Konigseck; man to man; horse to horse; and after some fierce enough but brief dispute; tumbled Konigseck out of the ground。 Konigseck made some attempt to rally; attempted twice; but in vain; had fairly to roll away; and at length to run; leaving 1;000 dead upon the field; about 500 prisoners; one or two guns; and I forget how many standards; or whether any kettle…drums。 This was thought to be a decidedly bright feat on Bevern's part (rather mismanaged latterly on Konigseck's); 'Tempelhof; i。 100;  Helden… Geschichte;  iii。 1077 (Friedrich's own Account; 〃Linay  in Bohmen; 24th April; 1757〃); &c。 &c。 There is; in Busching's italic》 Magazin  (xvi。 139 et seq。); an intelligible sketch of this Action of Reichenherg; with satirical criticisms; which have some basis; on Lacy; Maguire and others; by an Anonymous Military Cynic;who gives many such in BUSCHING (that of Fontenoy; for example); not without force of judgment; and signs of wide study and experience in his trade。'much approved by Friedrich; as he hears of it; at Linay; on his own prosperous

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