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history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18-第3章

小说: history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18 字数: 每页4000字

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ser Franz supposes it。 Much or not so much; Kaiser Franz wishes to secure it for himself; Friedrich to hinder him;and it must be a poor something; if not worth Plotho's wages on Friedrich's part。

It would insult the patience of every reader to go into these   spasmodic tossings of the poor paralytic Reich; or to mention the least item of them beyond what had some result; or fraction of result; on the world's real affairs。 We shall say only; therefore; that after tempests not a few of porcine squealing; answered always by counter…latration on the vigilant Plotho's part;squealing; chiefly; from the Reich's…Hofrath at Vienna; the Head Tribunal of Imperial Majesty; which sits judging and denouncing there; touched to the soul; as if by a knife driven into its side; by those unheard…of treatments of Saxony and disregard to our DEHORTATORIUMS; and which bursts out; peal after peal; filling the Universe; Plotho not unvigilant;the poor old Reich's…Diet did at last get into an acting posture; and determine; by clear majority of 99 against 60; that there should be a 〃Reich's Execution Army〃 got on foot。 Reich's Execution Army to coerce; by force of arms; this nefarious King of Prussia into making instant restitution to Saxony; with ample damages on the nail; that right be done to Kurfursts of this Reich。 To such height of vigor has the Reich's… Diet gone;and was voting it at Regensburg January 10th; 1757; ' Helden…Geschichte;  iv。 252; 302; 330; Stenzel; v。 32。' that very day when nefarious Friedrich at Berlin; case…hardened in iniquity to such a pitch; sat writing his INSTRUCTION TO COUNT FINCK; which we read not long since。 Simultaneous movements; unknown to one another; in this big wrestle。

Reich's…Diet perfected its Vote; had it quite through; and sanctioned by the Kaiser's Majesty; January 29th: 〃Arming to be a TRIPLUM〃 (triple contingent required of you this time); with Romish…months (ROMERMONATE) of cash contributions from all and sundry (rigorously gathered; I should hope; where Austria has power); so many as will cover the expense。 Army to be got on actual foot hastily; instantly if possible: an 〃EILENDE REICHS…EXECUTIONS ARMEE;〃 so it ran; but the word EILENDE (speedy) had a mischance in printing; and was struck off into ELENDE (contemptibly wretched): so that on all Market…Squares and Public Places of poor Teutschland; you read flaming Placards summoning out; not a speedy or immediate; but 〃a MISERABLE Reich's Execution Army!〃 A word which; we need not say; was laughed at by the unfeeling part of the public; and was often called to mind by the Reich's Execution Army's performances; when said SPEEDY Army did at last take the field。

For the Reich performed its Vote; actually had a Reich's Execution Army; the last it ever had in this world; not by any means the worst it ever had; for they used generally to be bad。 Commanders; managers are named; Romermonate are gathered in; or the sure prospect of them; and; through May…June; 1757; there is busy stir; of drumming; preparing and enlisting; all over the Reich。 End of July; we shall see the Reich's Army in Camp; end of August; actually in the field; and later on; a touch of its fighting withal。 Many other things the Reich tried against unfortunate Friedrich;gradual advance; in fact; to Ban of the Reich (or total anathema and cutting…off from fire and water): but in none of these; in Ban as little as any; did it come to practical result at all; or acquire the least title to be remembered at this day。 Finis of Ban; some eight months hence; has something of attractive as futility; the curious Death of a Futility。 Finis of Ban (October 14th; already indicated) we may for one moment look in upon; if there be one moment to spare; the restreaders may fancy it; and read only of the actuality and fighting part; which will itself be enough for them on such a matter。


Four Invasions; from their respective points of the compass; northeast; northwest; southeast and southwest: here is a formidable outlook for the one man against whom they are all advancing open… mouthed。 The one manwith nothing but a Duke of Cumberland and his Observation Army for backing in such duelhad need to look to himself! Which; we well know; he does; wrapt in profoundly silent vigilance; with his plans all laid。 Of the Four Invasions; three; the Russian; French; Austrian; are very large; and the two latter; especially the last; are abundantly formidable。 The Swedish; of which there is rumoring; he hopes may come to little; or not come at all。 Nor is Russia; though talking big; and actually getting ready above 100;000 men; so immediately alarming。 Friedrich always hopes the English; with their guineas and their managements; will do something for him in that quarter; and he knows; at worst; that the Russian Hundred Thousand will be a very slow…moving entity。 The Swedish Invasion Friedrich; for the present; leaves to chance: and against Russia; he has sent old Marshal Lehwald into those Baltic parts; far eastward; towards the utmost Memel Frontier; to put the Country upon its own defence; and make what he can of it with 30;000 men;West…Prussian militias a good few of them。 This is all he can spare on the Swedish…Russian side: Austria and France are the perilous pair of entities; not to be managed except by intense concentration of stroke; and by going on them in succession; if one have luck!

Friedrich's motions and procedures in canton…quarters; through Winter and in late months; have led to the belief that he means to stand on the defensive; that the scene of the Campaign will probably be Saxony; and that Austria; for recovering injured Saxony; for recovering dear Silesia; will have to take an invasive attitude。 And Austria is busy everywhere preparing with that view。 Has Tolpatcheries; and advanced Brigades; still harassing about in the Lausitz。 A great Army assembling at Prag;Browne forward towards the Metal Mountains securing posts; gathering magazines; for the crossing into Saxony there。 There; it is thought; the tug of war will probably be。 Furious; and strenuous; it is not doubted; on this Friedrich's part: but against such odds; what can he do? With Austrians in front; with Russians to left; with French to right and arear; not to mention Swedes and appendages: surely here; if ever; is a lost King!

It is by no means Friedrich's intention that Saxony itself shall need to be invaded。 Friedrich's habit is; as his enemies might by this time be beginning to learn; not that of standing on the defensive; but that of GOING on it; as the preferable method wherever possible。 March 24th; Friedrich had quitted Dresden City; and for a month after (head…quarters Lockwitz; edge of the Pirna Country); he had been shifting; redistributing; his cantoned Army; privately into the due Divisions; due readiness for march。 Which done; on fixed days; about the end of April; the whole Army; he himself from Lockwitz; April 20th;to the surprise of Austria and the world; Friedrich in three grand Columns; Bevern out of the Lausitz; King himself over the Metal Mountains; Schwerin out of Schlesien; is marching with extraordinary rapidity direct for Prag; in the notion that a right plunge into the heart of Bohemia will be the best defence for Saxony and the other places under menace。

This is a most unexpected movement; which greatly astonishes the world…theatre; pit; boxes and gallery alike (as Friedrich's sudden movements often do); and which is; above all; interesting on the stage itself; where the actors had been counting on a quite opposite set of entries and activities! Feldmarschall Browne and General Konigseck (not our old friend Konigseck; who used to dry… nurse in the Netherlands; but his nephew and heir) may cease gathering Magazines; in those Lausitz and Metal…Mountain parts: happy could they give wings to those already gathered! Magazines; for Austrian service; are clearly not the things wanted there。 One does not burn one's Magazines till the last extremity; but wings they have none; and such is the enigmatic velocity of those Prussian movements; one seldom has time even to burn them; in the last crisis of catastrophe! Considerable portions of that provender fell in

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