贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18 >


history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18-第29章

小说: history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18 字数: 每页4000字

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Retzow; Goltz; and two others who need not be of our acquaintance。 Impossible to stay there; thinks the Prince; thinks everybody; and they shift to Neuschloss; westward thirty miles。 July 1st; Daun had crossed the Elbe (Daun let us say for brevity; though it is Daun and Karl; or even Karl and Daun; Karl being chief; and capable of saying so at times; though Daun is very splendent since Kolin);crossed the Elbe above Brandeis; Nadasti; with precursor Pandours; now within an hour's march of Jung…Bunzlau;and it was time to go。

〃JULY 3d…6th; At Neuschloss; which is thought a strong position; key of the localities there; and nearer Friedrich too; the Prince stayed not quite four days; shifted to Bohm (BohmISCH) Leipa; JULY 7th;rather off from Leitmeritz; but a march towards Zittau; where the provisions are。 'A bad change;' said the Prince's friends afterwards; (change advised by Winterfeld;who never mentioned that circumstance to his Majesty; many as he did mention; not in the best way!'Prince gets to Bohm Leipa July 7th; stays there; in questionable circumstances; nine days。

〃Bohm Leipa is still not above thirty miles northeastward of the King; and it is about the same distance southwestward from Zittau; out of which fine Town; partly by cross…roads; the Prince gets his provisions on this march。 From Zittau hitherward; as far as the little Town of Gabel; which lies about half way; there is broad High Road; the great Southern KAISER…STRASSE: from Gabel; for Bohm Leipa; you have to cross southwestward by country roads; the keys to which; especially Gabel; the Prince has not failed to secure by proper garrison parties。 And so; for about a week; not quite uncomfortably; he continues at Bohm Leipa; getting in his convoys from Zittau。 Diligently scanning the Pandour stragglings and sputterings round him; which are clearly on the increasing hand。 Diligently corresponding with the King; meanwhile; who much discourages undue apprehension; or retreat movement till the last pinch。 'Edging backward; and again backward; you come bounce upon Berlin one day; and will then have to halt!'which is not pleasant to the Prince。 But; indisputably; the Pandour spurts on him do become Pandour gushings; with regulars also noticeable: it is certain the Austrians are out;pretending first to mean the King and Leitmeritz; but knowing better; and meaning the Prince and Bohm Leipa all the while。〃By way of supplement; take Daun's positions in the interim:

Daun and Karl were at Podschernitz 26th June; 1st July; cross the Elbe; above Brandeis (Nadasti now within an hour's march of Jung… Bunzlau); 7th July (day while the Prince is flitting to Bohm Leipa); Daun is through Jung…Bunzlau to Munchengratz; thence to Liebenau; 14th; to Niemes; not above four miles from the Prince's rightmost outpost (rightmost or eastmost; which looks away from his Brother); while a couple of advanced parties; Beck and Maguire; hover on his flank Zittau…ward; and Nadasti (if he knew it) is pushing on to rear。

〃THURSDAY; 14th JULY; About six in the evening; at Bohm Leipa; distinct cannon…thunder is heard from northeast: 'Evidently Gabel getting cannonaded; and our wagon convoy 'empty; going to Zittau for meal; General Puttkammer escorting' is in a dangerous state!' And by and by hussar parties of ours come in; with articulate news to that bad effect: 'Gabel under hot attack of regulars; Puttkammer with his 3;000 vigorously defending; will expect to be relieved within not many hours!' Here has the crisis come。 Crisis sure enough;and the Prince; to meet it; summons that refuge of the irresolute; a Council of War。

〃Winterfeld; who is just come home in these moments; did not attend;not; till three next morning。 Winterfeld had gone to bed; fairly 'tired dead;' with long marching and hurrying about。 To the poor Prince there are three courses visible。 Course FIRST; That of joining the King at Leitmeritz。 Gabel; Zittau lost in that case; game given up;reception likely to be bad at Leitmeritz! Course SECOND;the course Friedrich himself would at once have gone upon; and been already well ahead with;That of instantly taking measures for the relief of Puttkammer。 Dispute Gabel to the last; retreat; on loss of it; Parthian…like; to Zittau; by that broad Highway; short and broad; whole distance hence only thirty miles。 'Thirty miles;' say the multitude of Counsellors: 'Yes; but the first fifteen; TO Gabel; is cross…road; hilly; difficult; they have us in flank!' 'We are 25;000;' urges the Prince; 'fifteen miles is not much!' The thing had its difficulties: the Prince himself; it appears; faintly thought it feasible: '25;000 we; 20;000 they; only fifteen miles;' said he。 But the variety of Counsellors: 'Cross…roads; defiles; flank…march; dangerous;' said they。 And so the third course; which was incomparably the worst; found favor in Council of War: That of leaving Gabel and Puttkammer to their fate; and of pushing off for Zittau leftwards through the safe Hills; by Kamnitz; Kreywitz; Rumburg;which; if the reader look; is by a circuitous; nay quite parabolic course; twice or thrice as far:'In that manner let us save Zittau and our Main Body!' said the Council of War。 Yes; my friends: a cannon…ball; endeavoring to get into Zittau from the town…ditch; would have to take a parabolic course;and the cannon… ball would be speedy upon it; and not have Hill roads to go by! This notable parabolic circuit of narrow steep roads may have its difficulties for an Army and its baggages!〃 Enough; the poor Prince adopted that worst third course; and even made no despatch in getting into it; and it proved ruinous to Zittau; and to much else; his own life partly included。

〃JULY 16th…22d。 Thursday night; or Friday 3 A。M。; that third and incomparably worst course was adopted: Gabel; Puttkammer with his wagons; ensigns; kettledrums; all this has to surrender in a day: High Road to Zittau; for the Austrians; is a smooth march; when they like to gather fully there; and start。 And in the Hills; with their jolts and precipitous windings; infested too by Pandours; the poor Prussian Main Body; on its wide parabolic circuit; has a time of it! Loses its pontoons; loses most of its baggage; obliged to set fire; not to the Pandours; but to your own wagons; and necessaries of army life; encamps on bleak heights; no food; not even water; road quite lost; road to be rediscovered or invented; Pandours sputtering on you out of every bush and hollow; your peasant wagoners cutting traces and galloping off:such are the phenomena of that march by circuit leftward; on the poor Prince's part。 March began; soon after midnight; SATURDAY; 16th; Schmettau as vanguard; and〃

And; in fine; by FRIDAY; 22d; after not quite a week of it; the Prince; curving from northward (in parabolic course; LESS speedy than the cannon…ball's would have been) into sight of Zittau; behold; there are the Austrians far and wide to left of us; encamped impregnable behind the Neisse River there! They have got the Eckart's Hill; which commands Zittau:and how to get into Zittau and our magazines; and how to subsist if we were in? The poor Prince takes post on what Heights there are; on his own side of the Neisse; looks wistfully down upon Zittau; asking How?

About stroke of noon the Austrians; from their Eckartsberg; do a thing which was much talked of。 They open battery of red…hot balls upon Zittau; kindle the roofs of it; shingle…roofs in dry July; set Zittau all on blaze; the 10;000 innocent souls shrieking in vain to Heaven and Earth; and before sunset; Zittau is ashes and red…hot walls; not Zittau but a cinder…heap;Prussian Garrison not hurt; nor Magazine as yet; Garrison busy with buckets; I should guess; but beginning to find the air grow very hot。 On the morrow morning; Zittau is a smouldering cinder…heap; hotter and hotter to the Prussian Garrison; and does not exist as a City。

One of the most inhuman actions ever heard of in War; shrieks universal Germany; asks itself what could have set a chivalrous Karl upon this devil…like procedure? 〃Protestants these poor Zittauers were; shone in commerce; no such weaving; industrying; in all Teutschland elsewhere: Hah! An eye…sorrow; they; with their commerce; their weavings and industryings; to Austrian Papists

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