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history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18-第23章

小说: history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18 字数: 每页4000字

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cely defensive again; amid the slashing and careering: wrestle of extreme fury; say the witnesses。 〃This for Striegau!〃 cried the Saxon dragoons; furiously sabring。 'Archenholtz; i。 100。' Yes; and is there nothing to account of Pirna; and the later scores? Scores unliquidated; very many still; but the end is; Hulsen is driven away; retreats; Parthian…like; down…hill; some space; whose sad example has to spread rightwards like a powder…train; till all are in retreat;northward; towards Nimburg; is the road;and the Battle of Kolin is finished。

Friedrich made vehement effort to rally the Horse; to rally this and that; but to no purpose: one account says he did collect some small body; and marched forth at the head of it against a certain battery; but; in his rear; man after man fell away; till Lieutenant…Colonel Grant (not 〃Le Grand;〃 as some call him; and indeed there is an ACCENT of Scotch in him; still audible to us here) had to remark; 〃Your Majesty and I cannot take the battery ourselves!〃 Upon which Friedrich turned round; and; finding nobody; looked at the Enemy through his glass; and slowly rode away 'Retzow; i。 139。'on a different errand。

Seeing the Battle irretrievably lost; he now called Bevern and Moritz to him; gave them charge of the retreat〃To Nimburg; cross Elbe there 'fifteen good miles away'; and in the defiles of Planian have especial care!〃 and himself rode off thitherward; his Garde…du…Corps escorting。 Retzow says; 〃a swarm of fugitive horse… soldiers; baggage…people; grooms and led horses gathered in the train of him: these latter; at one point;〃 Retzow has heard in Opposition circles; 〃rushed up; galloping: 'Enemy's hussars upon us!' and set the whole party to the gallop for some time; till they found the alarm was false。〃 'Ib。 i。 140。' Of Friedrich we see nothing; except as if by cloudy moonlight in an uncertain manner; through this and the other small Anecdote; perhaps semi…mythical; and true only in the essence of it。

Daun gave no chase anywhere; on his extreme left he had; perhaps as preparative for chasing; ordered out the cavalry; 〃General Stampach and cavalry from the centre;〃 with cannon; with infantry and appliances; to clear away the wrecks of Mannstein; and what still stands; to right of him; on the Planian Highway yonder。 But Stampach found 〃obstacles of ground;〃 wet obstacles and also dry;Prussian posts; smaller and greater; who would not stir a hand…breadth: in fact; an altogether deadly storm of Negative; spontaneous on their part; from the indignant regiments thereabouts; King's First Battalion; and two others; who blazed out on Stampach in an extraordinary manner; tearing to shreds every attempt of his; themselves stiff as steel: 〃Die; all of us; rather than stir!〃 And; in fact; the second man of these poor fellows did die there? 'Kutzen; p。 138 (from the canonical; or 〃STAFF…OFFICER'S〃 enumeration: see SUPRA; p。 403 n。)。' So that Bevern; Commander in that part; who was absent speaking with the King; found on his return a new battle broken out; which he did not forbid but encourage; till Stampach had enough; and withdrew in rather torn condition。 This; if this were some preparative for chasing; was what Daun did of it; in the cavalry way; and this was all。 The infantry he strictly prohibited to stir from their position;〃No saying; if we come into the level ground; with such an enemy!〃and passed the night under arms。 Far on our left; or what was once our left; Ziethen with all his squadrons; nay Hulsen with most of his battalions; continued steady on the ground; and marched away at their leisure; as rear…guard。

〃It seemed;〃 says Tempelhof; in splenetic tone; 〃as if Feldmarschall Daun; like a good Christian; would not suffer the sun to go down on his wrath。 This day; nearly the longest in the year; he allowed the Prussian cavalry; which had beaten Nadasti; to stand quiet on the field till ten at night 'till nine'; he did not send a single hussar in chase of the infantry。 He stood all night under arms; and next day returned to his old Camp; as if he had been afraid the King would come back。 Arriving there himself; he could see; about ten in the morning; behind Kaurzim and Planian; the whole Prussian Baggage fallen into such a coil that the wagons were with difficulty got on way again; nevertheless he let it; under cover of the grenadier battalion Manteuffel; go in peace。〃 'Tempelhof; i。 195。' A man that for caution and slowness could make no use of his victory!

The Austrian force in the Field this day is counted to have been 60;000; their losses in killed; wounded and missing; 8;114。 The Prussians; who began 34;000 in strength; lost 13;773; of whom prisoners (including all the wounded); 5;380。 Their baggage; we have seen; was not meddled with: they lost 45 cannon; 22 flags;a loss not worth adding; in comparison to this sore havoc; for the second time; in the flower of the Prussian Infantry。 'Retzow; i。 141 (whose numbers are apt to be inaccurate); Kutzen; p。 144 (who depends on the Canonical STAFF…OFFICER Account)。'

The news reached Prag Camp at two in the morning (Sunday; 19th): to the sorrowful amazement of the Generals there; who 〃stood all silent; only the Prince of Prussia breaking out into loud lamentations and accusations;〃 which even Retzow thinks unseemly。 Friedrich arrived that Sunday evening: and the Siege was raised; next day; with next to no hindrance or injury。 With none at all on the part of Daun; who was still standing among the heights and swamps of Planian;busy singing; or shooting; universal TE…DEUM; with very great rolling fire and other pomp; that day while Friedrich gathered his Siege…goods and got on march。


No tongue can express the joy of the Austrians over this victory; vouchsafed them; in this manner; by Lieutenant…Colonel Benkendorf and the Powers above。 Miraculously; behold; they are not upon the retreat to Suchdol; at double…quick; and in ragged ever…lengthening line; but stand here; keeping rank all night; on the Planian…Kolin upland of the Kamhayek:behold; they have actually beaten Friedrich; for the first time; not been beaten by him。 Clearly beaten that Friedrich; by some means or other。 With such a result; too; consider it;drawn sword was at our throat; and marvellously now it is turned round upon his (if Daun be alert); and welet us rejoice to all lengths; and sing TE…DEUM and TE…DAUNUM with one throat; till the Heavens echo again。

 There was quite a hurricane; or lengthened storm; of jubilation and tripudiation raised at Vienna on this victory: New ORDER OF MARIA THERESA; in suitable Olympian fashion; with no end of regulating and inaugurating;with Daun the first Chief of it; and 〃Pensions to Merit〃 a conspicuous part of the plan; we are glad to see。 It subsists to this day: the grandest Military Order the Austrians yet have。 Which then deafened the world; with its infinite solemnities; patentings; discoursings; trumpetings; for a good while。 As was natural; surely; to that high Imperial Lady with the magnanimous heart; to that loyal solid Austrian People with its pudding…head。 Daun is at the top of the Theresa Order; and of military renown in Vienna circles;of Lieutenant…Colonel Benkendorf I never heard that he got the least pension or recognition;continued quietly a military lion to discerning men; for the rest of his days。 '〃Died at Dresden; General of Cavalry;〃 5th May; 1801 (Rodenbeck; i。 338; 339)。'

Nay once; on Dauu's TE…DEUM day; he had a kind of recognition;and even; by good accident; can tell us of it in his own words: 'Kutzen (citing some BIOGRAPHY of Benkendorf); p。 143。'

〃I was sent for to head…quarters by a trumpeter;〃Benkendorf was; 〃when all was ready for the TE…DEUM。 Feldmarschall Daun was pleased to say at sight of me; 'That as I had had so much to do with the victory; it was but right I should thank our Herr Gott along with him。' Having no change of clothes;as the servant; who was to have a uniform and some linens ready for me; had galloped off during the Fight; and our baggage was all gone to rearward; I tried to hustle out of sight among the crowd of Imperial Officers all in gala: but the reigning Duke of Wurtemberg 'Wilhelmina's Son…in…law; a perverse obstina

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