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history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18-第2章

小说: history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18 字数: 每页4000字

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; fair wind and full sea to them。 Army of 60;000 on paper; of effective more than 50;000; Head…quarters now at Bielefeld on the Weser;where; 〃April 16th;〃 or a few days later; Royal Highness of Cumberland comes to take command; likely to make a fine figure against Marechal d'Estrees and his 100;000 French! But there was no helping it。 Friedrich; through Winter; has had Schmettau earnestly flagitating the Hanoverian Officialities: 〃The Weser is wadable in many places; you cannot defend the Weser!〃 and counselling and pleading to all lengths;without the least effect。 〃Wants to save his own Halberstadt lands; at our expense!〃 Which was the idea in London; too: 〃Don't we; by Apocalyptic Newswriters and eyesight of our own; understand the man?〃 Pitt is by this time in Office; who perhaps might have judged a little otherwise。 But Pitt's seat is altogether temporary; insecure; the ruling deities Newcastle and Royal Highness; who withal are in standing quarrel。 So that Friedrich; Schmettau; Mitchell pleaded to the deaf。 Nothing but 〃Defend the Weser;〃 and ignorant Fatuity ready for the Impossible; is to be made out there。 〃Cannot help it; then;〃 thinks Friedrich; often enough; in bad moments; 〃Army of Observation will have its fate。 Happily there are only 5;000 Prussians in it; Wesel and the other garrisons given up!〃

Only 5;000 Prussians: by original Engagement; there should have been 25;000; and Friedrich's intention is even 45;000 if he prosper otherwise。 For in January; 1757 (Anniversary; or nearly so; of that NEUTRALITY CONVENTION last year); there had beenencouraged by Pitt; as I could surmise; who always likes Friedricha definite; much closer TREATY OF ALLIANCE; with 〃Subsidy of a million sterling;〃 Anti…Russian 〃Squadron of Observation in the Baltic;〃 〃25;000 Prussians;〃 and other items; which I forget。 Forget the more readily; as; owing to the strange state of England (near suffocating in its Constitutional bedclothes); the Treaty could not be kept at all; or serve as rule to poor England's exertions for Friedrich this Year; exertions which were of the willing…minded but futile kind; going forward pell…mell; not by plan; and could reach Friedrich only in the lump;had there been any 〃lump〃 of them to sum together。 But Pitt had gone out;we shall see what; in Pitt's absence; there was! So that this Treaty 1757 fell quite into the waste…basket (not to say; far deeper; by way of 〃pavement〃 we know where!);and is not mentioned in any English Book; nor was known to exist; till some Collector of such things printed it; in comparatively recent times。 '〃M。 Koch in 1802;〃 not very perfectly (Scholl; iii。 30 n。; who copies what Koch has given)。' A Treaty 1757; which; except as emblem of the then quasi…enchanted condition of England; and as Foreshadow of Pitt's new Treaty in January; 1758; and of three others that followed and were kept to the letter; is not of moment farther。


The thunderous fulminations in the Reich's…Dietan injured Saxony complaining; an insulted Kaiser; after vain DEHORTATORIUMS; reporting and denouncing 〃Horrors such as these: What say you; O Reich?〃have been going on since September last; and amount to boundless masses of the liveliest Parliamentary Eloquence; now fallen extinct to all creatures。 'Given; to great lengths; in  Helden…Geschichte;  iii。 iv。 (and other easily avoidable Books)。' The Kaiser; otherwise a solid pacific gentleman; intent on commercial operations (furnishes a good deal of our meal; says Friedrich); is Officially extremely violent in behalf of injured Saxony;that is to say; in fact; of injured Austria; which is one's own。 Kur…Mainz; Chairman of the Diet (we remember how he was got; and a Battle of Dettingen fought in consequence; long since); Kur…Mainz is admitted to have the most decided Austrian leanings: Britannic George; Austria being now in the opposite scale; finds him an unhandy Kur…Mainz; and what profit it was to introduce false weights into the Reich's balance that time! Not for long generations before; had the poor old semi…imaginary Reich's… Diet risen into such paroxysms; nor did it ever again after。 Never again; in its terrestrial History; was there such agonistic parliamentary struggle; and terrific noise of parliamentary palaver; witnessed in the poor Reich's…Diet。 Noise and struggle rising ever higher; peal after peal; from September; 1756; when it started; till August; 1757; when it had reached its acme (as perhaps we shall see); though it was far from ending then; or for years to come。

Contemporary by…standers remark; on the Austrian part; extraordinary rage and hatred against Prussia; which is now the one point memorable。 Austria is used to speak loud in the Diet; as we have ourselves seen: and it is again (if you dive into those old AEolus'…Caves; at your peril) unpleasantly notable to what pitch of fixed rage; and hot sullen hatred Austria has now gone; and how the tone has in it a potency of world…wide squealing and droning; such as you nowhere heard before。 Omnipotence of droning; edged with shrieky squealing; which fills the Universe; not at all in a melodious way。 From the depths of the gamut to the shrieky top again;a droning that has something of porcine or wild…boar character。 Figure assembled the wild boars of the world; all or mostly all got together; and each with a knife just stuck into its side; by a felonious individual too well known;you will have some notion of the sound of these things。 Friedrich sometimes remonstrates: 〃Cannot you spare such phraseology; unseemly to Kings? The quarrels of Kings have to be decided by the sword; what profit in unseemly language; Madam?〃but; for the first year and more; there was no abatement on the Austrian part。

Friedrich's own Delegate at Regensburg; a Baron von Plotho; come of old Brandenburg kindred; is a resolute; ready…tongued; very undaunted gentleman; learned in Diplomacies and Reich's Law; carries his head high; and always has his story at hand。 Argument; grounded on Reich's Law and the nature of the case; Plotho never lacks; on spur of the hour: and is indeed a very commendable parliamentary mastiff; and honorable and melodious in the bark of him; compared with those infuriated porcine specimens。 He has Kur…Hanover for ally on common occasions; and generally from most Protestant members individually; or from the CORPUS EVANGELICORUM in mass; some feeble whimper of support。 Finds difficulty in getting his Reich's Pleadings printed; dangerous; everywhere in those Southern Parts; to print anything whatever that is not Austrian: so that Plotho; at length; gets printers to himself; and sets up a Printing…Press in his own house at Regensburg。 He did a great deal of sonorous pleading for Friedrich; proud; deep…voiced; ruggedly logical; fairly beyond the Austrian quality in many cases;and always far briefer; which is another high merit。 October coming; we purpose to look in upon Plotho for one minute; 〃October 14th; 1757;〃 which may be reckoned essentially the acme or tuming…point of these unpleasant thunderings。 ' Helden…Geschichte;  iv。 745…749。'

What good he did to Friedrich; or could have done with the tongue of angels in such an audience; we do not accurately know。 Some good he would do even in the Reich's…Diet there; and out of doors; over a German public; still more; and is worth his frugal wages;say 1;000 pounds a year; printing and all other expense included! This is a mere guess of mine; Dryasdust having been incurious: but; to English readers it is incredible for what sums Friedrich got his work done; no work ever better。 Which is itself an appreciable advantage; computable in pounds sterling; and is the parent of innumerable others which no Arithmetic or Book…keeping by Double Entry will take hold of; and which are indeed priceless for Nations and for persons。 But this poor old bedridden Reich; starting in agonistic spasm at such rate: is it not touching; in a Corpus moribund for so many Centuries past! The Reich is something; though it is not much; nothing like so much as even Kaiser Franz supposes it。 Much or not so much; Kaiser Franz wishes to secure it for himself; Friedrich 

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