贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the virgin of the sun >


the virgin of the sun-第39章

小说: the virgin of the sun 字数: 每页4000字

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hide the shining of my spears; and; Daughter; you are that dust。
To…morrow the old Inca Upanqui visits me here with a small army。 I
read your thought。 It isWhy do you not kill him and his army?
Daughter; for this reason。 He is very aged and about to lay down his
sceptre; who grows feeble of mind and body。 If I killed him what would
it serve me; seeing that he has left his son; Urco; who will be Inca;
ruling at Cuzco; and that of his soldiers not one in fifty will be
with him here? Moreover; he is my guest; and the gods frown on those
who slay their guests; nor will men ever trust them more。'

〃Now I answered: 'You spoke of me as a cloud of dust; Father; how;
then; can this poor dust serve your ends and those of the Chanca

〃'Thus Daughter;' he answered。 'With your own consent you are promised
in marriage to Urco。 Upanqui the Inca has heard rumours that the
Chancas prepare for war。 Therefore; he who travels on his last journey
through certain of his dominions comes to lead you away; to be Urco's
bride; saying to himself; 〃If those rumours are true; King Huaracha
will withhold his only child and heiress; since never will he make war
upon Cuzco if she rules there as its queen。〃 Therefore; if I refuse
you to him; he will withdraw and begin the war; rolling down his
thousands upon us before we are ready; and bringing the Chancas to
destruction and enslavement。 Therefore also not only my fate; but the
fate of all your country lies in your hand。'

〃'Father;' I said; 'tell me; who was ever dear to you that lack sons;
is there no escape? Must I eat this bitter bread? Before you answer;
learn that you have guessed aright; and that I who; when I made that
promise; cared for no man; have come to feel the burning of love's

〃Now he looked at me awhile; then said: 'Child of the Moon; there is
but one escape; and it must be soughtin the moon。 The dead cannot be
given in marriage。 If your strait is so sore; though it would cut me
to the heart; perchance it is better that you should die and go
whither doubtless he whom you love will soon follow you。 Depart now
and counsel with Heaven in your sleep。 To…morrow; before Upanqui
comes; we will talk again。'

〃So I knelt and kissed the hand of the King; my father; and left him;
wondering at his nobleness who could show such a road to his only
child; though its treading would mean woe to him and mayhap the ruin
of his hopes。 Still that road is an old one among the women of my
people; and why should I not walk it; as thousands have done before

〃How came you here?〃 I asked hoarsely。

〃Lord; I guessed that you would be walking in this garden which joins
on to that of the palace; andnone were about; andthe door in the
wall was open。 Indeed; it was almost as though I were left alone and
unwatched of set purpose。 So I came and soughtand found; having a
question to put to you。〃

〃What question; Quilla?〃

〃This: Shall I live or shall I die? Speak the word and I obey。 Yet ere
you speak; remember that if I live we meet for the last time; since
very soon I go hence to become the wife of Urco and play the part that
is prepared for me?〃

Now when I; Hubert; heard these words; I felt as though my heart would
burst within my breast and knew not what to say。 So to gain time I
asked her:

〃Which do you desireto live or to die?〃

She laughed a little as she answered:

〃That is a strange question; Lord。 Have I not told you that if I live
I must do so befouled as one of Urco's women; whereas; if I die; I die
clean and take my love with me to where Urco cannot come; but where;
mayhap; another may follow at the appointed time。〃

〃Which time would be very soon; I think; Quilla; seeing that he who
had spoiled all this pretty plot would scarcely be left long upon the
earth; even if he wished to stay there。 Yet I say: Do not dielive

〃To become Urco's woman! That is strange counsel from a lover's lips;
Lord; such as would scarcely have been given by any of our nobles。〃

〃Aye; Quilla; and it is given because I am not of your people and do
not think as they think; who reject their customs。 You are not yet
Urco's wife; and may be rid of him by other paths than that of death;
but from the grave there is no escape。〃

〃And in the grave there is no more fear; Lord。 Thither Urco cannot
come; there are neither wars nor plottings; there honour does not
beckon and love hold back。 I say that I will die and make an end; as
for like causes many of my blood have done; though not here and now。
When I am about to be delivered to Urco then I will die; and perchance
not alone。 Perchance he will accompany me;〃 she added slowly。

〃And if this happens; what shall I do?〃

〃Live on; Lord; and find other women to love you; as a god should。
There are many in this land fairer and wiser than I; and; save myself;
you may take whom you will。〃

〃Listen; Quilla。 I have a story to tell you。〃

Then; as briefly as I could; I set out the tale of Blanche and of her
end; while she hung upon my every word。

〃Oh! I grieve for you;〃 she said; when I had finished。

〃You grieve for me; and yet; what she did for my sake you would do
also; so that; as it were; both my hands must be dyed with blood。 This
first terror I have borne; but if a second falls upon me then I know
that I shall go mad and perish in this way or in that; and you;
Quilla; will be my murderess。〃

〃No; no; not that!〃 she murmured。

〃Then swear to me by your god and by your spirit; that you will do
yourself no harm; whatever chances; and that if die you must; it shall
be with me for company。〃

〃Is your love so great that you would dare this for my sake; Lord?〃

〃I think so; though not till all else had failed。 I think that if you
were taken from me; Quilla; I could not live on here in loneliness and
exilehowever great the sin。 But do you swear?〃

〃Aye; Love and Lord; I swear; for your sake。 Moreover; I add to the
oath。 If perhaps we should escape these perils and come together; I
will be such a wife to you as never man has had。 I will wrap you round
with love and lift you up to be a king; that you may live in glory
forgetting your home across the sea; and all the sorrows that befell
you there。 Children you shall have also of whom you need not be
ashamed; though my dark blood runs in them; and armies at command and
palaces filled with gold; and all royal joys。 And if perchance the
gods declare against us; and we pass from the world together; then I
think; oh! then I think that I shall give you finer gifts than these;
though what they are I know not yet; since to the power of love there
is no endhere on earth or yonder in the skies。〃

I stared at her face in the starlight; and oh! it had grown splendid。
No longer was it that of a woman; since through it; like light through
pearl; shone a soul divine。 It might have been a goddess who stood
beside me; for those eyes were holy and her embrace that wrapped me
close was not that of the flesh alone。

〃I must be gone;〃 she whispered; 〃but now I go without fear。 Perchance
we may not speak again for long; but trust me always。 Play your part
and I will play mine。 Follow me wherever I am taken and keep near to
me; if you may; as ever my spirit shall be near to you。 Then what
matters anything; even if we are slain? Farewell; beloved; kiss me and

Another moment and she had glided away and was lost in the shadows。

She was gone; and I stood amazed and overcome。 Oh! what a love it was
that this alien woman had given to me and how could I be worthy of it?
Now I forgot my griefs; now I no longer mourned because I was an
outcast who nevermore might look upon the land where I was born; nor
see the face of one my own race or blood。 All my loss was paid back to
me again and yet again; in the coin of the glory of this woman whom I
had won。 Dangers rose about us; but I feared them no more; because I
knew that her love's conquering feet would stamp them flat and lead me
safe to a joyful treasure…house of splendour of spirit and of body
where we should dwell side by side; triumphant and unafraid。

Whilst I thought thus; lost in a rapture such as I had not felt since
Blanche kissed me

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