贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > around the world in 80 days(环游世界80天) >


around the world in 80 days(环游世界80天)-第16章

小说: around the world in 80 days(环游世界80天) 字数: 每页4000字

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t caught glimpses of its brick houses and clay huts; giving an aspect of desolation to the place; as the train entered it。 
Benares was Sir Francis Cromarty's destination; the troops he was rejoining being encamped some miles northward of the city。 He bade adieu to Phileas Fogg; wishing him all success; and expressing the hope that he would come that way again in a less original but more profitable fashion。 Mr Fogg lightly pressed him by the hand。 The parting of Aouda; who did not forget what she owed to Sir Francis; betrayed more warmth; and; as for Passepartout; he received a hearty shake of the hand from the gallant general。 
The railway; on leaving Benares; passed for a while along the valley of the Ganges。 Through the windows of their carriage the travellers had glimpses of the diversified landscape of Behar; with its mountains clothed in verdure; its fields of barley; wheat; and corn; its jungles peopled with green alligators; its neat villages; and its still thickly…leaved forests。 Elephants were bathing in the waters of the sacred river; and groups of Indians; despite the advanced season and chilly air; were performing solemnly their pious ablutions。 These were fervent Brahmins; the bitterest foes of Buddhism; their deities being Vishnu; the solar god; Shiva; the divine impersonation of natural forces; and Brahma; the supreme ruler of priests and legislators。 What would these divinities think of India; anglicized as it is to…day; with steamers whistling and scudding along the Ganges; frightening the gulls which float upon its surface; the turtles swarming along its banks; and the faithful dwelling upon its borders? 
The panorama passed before their eyes like a flash; save when the steam concealed it fitfully from the view; the travellers could scarcely discern the fort of Chupenie; twenty miles south…westward from Benares; the ancient stronghold of the rajahs of Behar; or Ghazipur and its famous rose…water factories; or the tomb of Lord Cornwallis; rising on the left bank of the Ganges; the fortified town of Buxar; or Patna; a large manufacturing and trading place; where is held the principal opium market of India; or Monghir; a more than European town; for it is as English as Manchester or Birmingham; with its iron foundries; edge…tool factories; and high chimneys puffing clouds of black smoke heavenward。 
Night came on; the train passed on at full speed; in the midst of the roaring of tigers; bears; and wolves which fled before the locomotive; and the marvels of Bengal; Golconda; ruined Gour; Murshedabad; the ancient capital; Burdwan; Hugly; and the French town of Chandernagor; where Passepartout would have been proud to see his country's flag flying; were hidden from their view in the darkness。 
Calcutta was reached at seven in the morning; and the packet left for Hong Kong at noon; so that Phileas Fogg had five hours before him。 
According to his journal; he was due at Calcutta on the 25th of October; and that was the exact date of his actual arrival。 He was therefore neither behind…hand nor ahead of time。 The two days gained between London and Bombay had been lost; as has been seen; in the journey across India。 But it is not to be supposed that Phileas Fogg regretted them。 


The train entered the station; and Passepartout; jumping out first; was followed by Mr Fogg; who assisted his fair companion to descend。 Phileas Fogg intended to proceed at once to the Hong Kong steamer; in order to get Aouda comfortably settled for the voyage。 He was unwilling to leave her while they were still on dangerous ground。 
Just as lie was leaving the station a policeman came up to him; and said; ‘Mr Phileas Fogg?' 
‘I am he。' 
‘Is this man your servant?' added the policeman; pointing to Passepartout。 
‘Be so good; both of you; as to follow me。' 
Mr Fogg betrayed no surprise whatever。 The policeman was a representative of the law; and law is sacred to an Englishman。 Passepartout tried to reason about the matter; but the policeman tapped him with his stick; and Mr Fogg made him a signal to obey。 
‘May this young lady go with us?' asked he。 ‘She may;' replied the policeman。 
Mr Fogg; Aouda and Passepartout were conducted to a ‘palki…gari'; a sort of four…wheeled carriage; drawn by two horses; in which they took their places and were driven away。 No one spoke during the twenty minutes which elapsed before they reached their destination。 They first passed through the ‘black town'; with its narrow streets; its miserable; dirty huts; and squalid population; then through the ‘European town'; which presented a relief in its bright brick mansions; shaded by coconut…trees and bristling with masts; where; although it was early morning; elegantly dressed horsemen and handsome equipages were passing back and forth。 
The carriage stopped before a modest…looking house; which; however; did not have the appearance of a private mansion。 The policeman having requested his prisoners … for so; truly; they might be called … to descend; conducted them into a room with barred windows; and said: ‘You will appear before Judge Obadiah at half…past eight。' 
He then retired; and closed the door。 
‘Why; we are prisoners!' exclaimed Passepartout; falling into a chair。 
Aouda; with an emotion she tried to conceal; said to Mr Fogg: ‘Sir; you must leave me to my fate! It is on my account that you receive this treatment; it is for having saved me!' 
Phileas Fogg contented himself with saying that it was impossible。 It was quite unlikely that he should be arrested for preventing a suttee。 The complainants would not dare present themselves with such a charge。 There was some mistake。 Moreover; he would not in any event abandon Aouda; but would escort her to Hong Kong。 
‘But the steamer leaves at noon!' observed Passepartout; nervously。 
‘We shall be on board by noon;' replied his master; placidly。 
It was said so positively; that Passepartout could not help muttering to himself; ‘Parbleu; that's certain! Before noon we shall be on board。' But he was by no means reassured。 
At half…past eight the door opened; the policeman appeared; and; requesting them to follow him; led the way to an adjoining hall。 It was evidently a court…room; and a crowd of Europeans and natives already occupied the rear of the apartment。 
Mr Fogg and his two companions took their places on a bench opposite the desks of the magistrate and his clerk。 Immediately after; Judge Obadiah; a fat; round man; followed by the clerk; entered。 He proceeded to take down a wig which was hanging on a nail; and put it hurriedly on his head。 
‘The first case;' said he; then; putting his hand to his head; he exclaimed; ‘Heh! This is not my wig!' 
‘No; your worship;' returned the clerk; ‘it is mine。' 
‘My dear Mr Oysterpuff; how can a judge give a wise sentence in a clerk's wig?' 
The wigs were exchanged。 
Passepartout was getting nervous; for the hands on the face of the big clock over the judge seemed to go round with terrible rapidity。 
‘The first case;' repeated Judge Obadiah。 
‘Phileas Fogg?' demanded Oysterpuff。 
‘I am here;' replied Mr Fogg。 
‘Present!' responded Passepartout。 
‘Good;' said the judge。 ‘You have been looked for; prisoners; for two days on the trains from Bombay。' 
‘But of what are we accused?' asked Passepartout; impatiently。 
‘You are about to be informed。' 
‘I am an English subject; sir;' said Mr Fogg; ‘and I have the right' 
‘Have you been ill…treated?' 
‘Not at all。' 
‘Very well; let the complainants come in。' 
A door was swung open by order of the judge and three Indian priests entered。 
‘That's it;' muttered Passepartout; ‘these are the rogues who were going to burn our young lady。' 
The priests took their places in front of the judge; and the clerk proceeded to read in a loud voice; a complaint of sacrilege against Phileas Fogg and his servant; who were accused of having violated a place held consecrated by the Brahmin religion。 
‘You hear the charge?' asked the judge。 
‘Yes; sir;' replied Mr Fogg; consulting his watch; and I admit it。' 
‘You admit it?' 
‘I admit it; and I wish to hear these priests admit; in their turn; what they were

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