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小说: heidi 字数: 每页4000字

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r had come in the evening before brimful of anger and had told about the large party who were coming up from Frankfurt; and he did not know what other things might happen after that; and the old woman had not slept all night; pursued by the old thought of Heidi being taken from her。 Heidi ran in; and taking her little stool immediately sat down by grandmother and began eagerly pouring out all her news; growing more excited with her pleasure as she went on。 But all of a sudden she stopped short and said anxiously; 〃What is the matter; grandmother; aren't you a bit pleased with what I am telling you?〃

〃Yes; yes; of course; child; since it gives you so much pleasure;〃 she answered; trying to look more cheerful。

〃But I can see all the same that something troubles you。 Is it because you think after all that Fraulein Rottenmeier may come?〃 asked Heidi; beginning to feel anxious herself。

〃No; no! it is nothing; child;〃 said the grandmother; wishing to reassure her。 〃just give me your hand that I may feel sure you are there。 No doubt it would be the best thing for you; although I feel I could scarcely survive it。〃

〃I do not want anything of the best if you could scarcely survive it;〃 said Heidi; in such a determined tone of voice that the grandmother's fears increased as she felt sure the people from Frankfurt were coming to take Heidi back with them; since now she was well again they naturally wished to have her with them once more。 But she was anxious to hide her trouble from Heidi if possible; as the latter was so sympathetic that she might refuse perhaps to go away; and that would not be right。 She sought for help; but not for long; for she knew of only one。

〃Heidi;〃 she said; 〃there is something that would comfort me and calm my thoughts; read me the hymn beginning: 'All things will work for good。' 〃

Heidi found the place at once and read out in her clear young voice:

          All things will work for good            To those who trust in Me;            I come with healing on my wings;            To save and set thee free。

〃Yes; yes; that is just what I wanted to hear;〃 said the grandmother; and the deep expression of trouble passed from her face。 Heidi looked at her thoughtfully for a minute or two and then said; 〃Healing means that which cures everything and makes everybody well; doesn't it; grandmother?〃

〃Yes; that is it;〃 replied the old woman with a nod of assent; 〃and we may be sure everything will come to pass according to God's good purpose。 Read the verse again; that we may remember it well and not forget it again。〃

And Heidi read the words over two or three times; for she also found pleasure in this assurance of all things being arranged for the best。

When the evening came; Heidi returned home up the mountain。 The stars came out overhead one by one; so bright and sparkling that each seemed to send a fresh ray of joy into her heart; she was obliged to pause continually to look up; and as the whole sky at last grew spangled with them she spoke aloud; 〃Yes; I understand now why we feel so happy; and are not afraid about anything; because God knows what is good and beautiful for us。〃 And the stars with their glistening eyes continued to nod to her till she reached home; where she found her grandfather also standing and looking up at them; for they had seldom been more glorious than they were this night。

Not only were the nights of this month of May so clear and bright; but the days as well; the sun rose every morning into the cloudless sky; as undimmed in its splendor as when it sank the evening before; and the grandfather would look out early and exclaim with astonishment; 〃This is indeed a wonderful year of sun; it will make all the shrubs and plants grow apace; you will have to see; general; that your army does not get out of hand from overfeeding。〃 And Peter would swing his stick with an air of assurance and an expression on his face as much as to say; see to that。〃

So May passed; everything growing greener and greener; and then came the month of June; with a hotter sun and long light days; that brought the flowers out all over the mountain; so that every spot was bright with them and the air full of their sweet scents。 This month too was drawing to its close when one day Heidi; having finished her domestic duties; ran out with the intention of paying first a visit to the fir trees; and then going up higher to see if the bush of rock roses was yet in bloom; for its flowers were so lovely when standing open in the sun。 But just as she was turning the corner of the hut; she gave such a loud cry that her grandfather came running out of the shed to see what had happened。

〃Grandfather; grandfather!〃 she cried; beside herself with excitement。 〃Come here! look! look!〃

The old man was by her side by this time and looked in the direction of her outstretched hand。

A strange looking procession was making its way up the mountain; in front were two men carrying a sedan chair; in which sat a girl well wrapped up in shawls; then followed a horse; mounted by a stately…looking lady who was looking about her with great interest and talking to the guide who walked beside her; then a reclining chair; which was being pushed up by another man; it having evidently been thought safer to send the invalid to whom it belonged up the steep path in a sedan chair。 The procession wound up with a porter; with such a bundle of cloaks; shawls; and furs on his back that it rose well above his head。

〃Here they come! here they come!〃 shouted Heidi; jumping with joy。 And sure enough it was the party from Frankfurt; the figures came nearer and nearer; and at last they had actually arrived。 The men in front put down their burden; Heidi rushed forward and the two children embraced each other with mutual delight。 Grandmamma having also reached the top; dismounted; and gave Heidi an affectionate greeting; before turning to the grandfather; who had meanwhile come up to welcome his guests。 There was no constraint about the meeting; for they both knew each other perfectly well from hearsay and felt like old acquaintances。

After the first words of greeting had been exchanged grandmamma broke out into lively expressions of admiration。 〃What a magnificent residence you have; Uncle! I could hardly have believed it was so beautiful! A king might well envy you! And how well my little Heidi lookslike a wild rose!〃 she continued; drawing the child towards her and stroking her fresh pink cheeks。 〃I don't know which way to look first; it is all so lovely! What do you say to it; Clara; what do you say?〃

Clara was gazing round entranced; she had never imagined; much less seen; anything so beautiful。 She gave vent to her delight in cries of joy。 〃O grandmamma;〃 she said; 〃I should like to remain here for ever。〃

The grandfather had meanwhile drawn up the invalid chair and spread some of the wraps over it; he now went up to Clara。

〃Supposing we carry the little daughter now to her accustomed chair; I think she will be more comfortable; the travelling sedan is rather hard;〃 he said; and without waiting for any one to help him he lifted the child in his strong arms and laid her gently down on her own couch。 He then covered her over carefully and arranged her feet on the soft cushion; as if he had never done anything all his life but attend on cripples。 The grandmamma looked on with surprise。

〃My dear Uncle;〃 she exclaimed; 〃if I knew where you had learned to nurse I would at once send all the nurses I know to the same place that they might handle their patients in like manner。 How do you come to know so much?〃

Uncle smiled。 〃I know more from experience than training;〃 he answered; but as he spoke the smile died away and a look of sadness passed over his face。 The vision rose before him of a face of suffering that he had known long years before; the face of a man lying crippled on his couch of pain; and unable to move a limb。 The man had been his Captain during the fierce fighting in Sicily; he had found him lying wounded and had carried him away; and after that the captain would suffer no one else near him; and Uncle had stayed and nursed him till his sufferings ended in death。 It all came back to Uncle now; and it see

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