贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > clotelle(有色女英雄) >



小说: clotelle(有色女英雄) 字数: 每页4000字

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Greenville hotel negroes。 She saw from their very looks that she had their 

undivided       sympathies。      One    of  the   servants    overheard      the   rebels   in  a 

conversation;   in   which   it   was   determined   to   send   Clotelle   to   the   county 

town;   for   safe   keeping   in   the   jail;   the   following   day;   and   this   fact   was 

communicated to the   unfortunate   woman。                 The   slave   woman   who gave 

the information told her that she could escape if she desired。 

     Having already been robbed of every thing except the apparel upon her 


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person and some money she had concealed about her; she at once signified 

to the black woman her wish to get out of the reach of her persecutors。 The 

old worn…out clock in the narrow dining hall had struck one; a cold rain 

was patting upon the roof; and the women watchers; one after another; had 

fallen   asleep;   and   even   the   snuff…dippers;   whose   dirty   practice   creates   a 

nervousness       that  keeps    them    awake    longer    than   any   other   class;  had 

yielded   to   the   demands   of   Morpheus;   when   Aggy;   the   colored   servant; 

stealthily entered the room; beckoned to Clotelle; and both left in silence。 

     Cautiously and softly the black woman led the way; followed by the 

〃Angel   of   Mercy;〃   till;   after   passing   down   through   the   cellar   with   the 

water covering the floor; they emerged into the back yard。                    Two horses 

had been provided。 Clotelle mounted one; and a black man the other; the 

latter   leading    the   way。    Both    dashed     off  at  a  rapid   pace;   through     a 

drenching   storm;   with   such   a   pall…like   darkness   that   they   could   not   see 

each   other。 After   an   hour's   ride   the   negro   halted;   and   informed   Clotelle 

that he must leave her; and return with the horses; but that she was with 

friends。 He then gave a whistle; and for a moment held his breath。 Just as 

the  faithful   black   was   about   to   repeat   the  signal;  he   heard   the   response; 

and   in   a   moment   the   lady   alighted;   and   with   dripping   garments;   limbs 

chilled to numbness; followed her new guide to a place of concealment; 

near the village of Taitsville。 

     〃You is jes as wet as a drownded rat;〃 said the mulatto woman; who 

met Clotelle as she entered the negro's cabin。 

     〃Yes;〃 replied the latter; 〃this is a stormy night for one to be out。〃 

     〃Yes mam; dese is hard times for eberybody dat 'bleves in de Union。 I 

'spose deys cotched your husband; an' put him in de army; ain't dey?〃 

     〃No:     my husband died at Port Hudson; fighting for the Union;〃 said 


     〃Oh;   mam;   dats   de   place   whar   de   black   people   fight   de   rebels   so; 

wasn't it?〃 remarked Dinah; for such was her name。 

     〃Yes; that was the place;〃 replied the former。 〃I see that your husband 

has lost one of his hands: did he lose it in the war?〃 

     〃Oh no; missus;〃 said Dinah。           〃When dey was taken all de men; black 

an white; to put in de army; dey cotched my ole man too; and took him 


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long wid 'em。 So you see; he said he'd die afore he'd shoot at de Yanks。 So 

you see; missus; Jimmy jes took and lay his left han' on a log; and chop it 

off wid de hatchet。       Den; you see; dey let him go; an' he come home。 You 

see; missus; my Jimmy is a free man:            he was born free; an' he bought me; 

an' pay fifteen hundred dollars for me。〃 

     It was true that Jim had purchased his wife; nor had he forgotten the 

fact; as was shown a day or two after; while in conversation with her。 The 

woman; like many of her sex; was an inveterate scold; and Jim had but one 

way     to  govern    her  tongue。    〃Shet    your   mouf;    madam;     an'  hole   your 

tongue;〃 said Jim; after his wife had scolded and sputtered away for some 

minutes。 〃Shet your mouf dis minit; I say:              you shan't stan' dar; an' talk 

ter me in dat way。       I bought you; an' paid my money fer you; an〃 I ain't a 

gwine ter let you sase me in dat way。             Shet your mouf dis minit: ef you 

don't I'll sell you; 'fore God I will。       Shet up; I say; or I'll sell you。〃      This 

had the desired effect; and settled Dinah for the day。 

     After a week spent in this place of concealment; Jim conveyed Clotelle 

to Leaksville; Mississippi; through the Federal lines; and from thence she 

proceeded to New Orleans。 

     The    Rebellion     was   now    drawing     to  a  close。   The     valley   of  the 

Mississippi   was   in   full   possession   of   the   Federal   government。   Sherman 

was on his raid; and Grant was hemming in Lee。 Everywhere the condition 

of the freedmen attracted the attention of the friends of humanity; and no 

one felt more keenly their wants than Clotelle; and to their education and 

welfare   she   resolved   to   devote   the   remainder   of   her   life;   and   for   this 

purpose   went   to   the   State   of   Mississippi;   and   opened   a   school   for   the 

freedmen;      hired   teachers;   paying    them    out  of  her   own    purse。   In  the 

summer of 1866; the Poplar Farm; on which she had once lived as a slave; 

was confiscated and sold by Government authority; and was purchased by 

Clotelle; upon which she established a Freedmen's School; and where  at 

this writing; now June; 1867;resides the 〃Angel of Mercy。〃 


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