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小说: clotelle(有色女英雄) 字数: 每页4000字

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Tall;   lean   and   lank;   with   high   cheek…bones;   face   much   pitted   with   the 

small…pox; gray  eyes   with   red   eyebrows;  and   sandy  whiskers;   he   indeed 

stood   alone   without   mate   or   fellow   in   looks。 Jennings   prided   himself 

upon what he called his goodness of heat; and was always speaking of his 

humanity。      As many of the slaves whom he intended taking to the New 

Orleans market had been raised in Richmond; and had relations there; he 

determined to leave the city early in the morning; so as not to witness any 

of the scenes so common on the departure of a slave…gang to the far South。 

In this; he was most successful; for not even Isabella; who had called at 

the prison several times to see her mother and sister; was aware of the time 

that they were to leave。 

     The slave…trader started at early dawn; and was beyond the confines of 

the city long before the citizens were out of their beds。 As a slave regards a 

life on the sugar; cotton; or rice plantation as even worse than death; they 

are ever on the watch for an opportunity to escape。 The trader; aware of 

this; secures his victims in chains before he sets out on his journey。              On 

this   occasion;   Jennings   had   the   men   chained   in   pairs;   while   the   women 

were allowed to go unfastened; but were closely watched。 

    After a march of eight days; the company arrived on the banks of the 

Ohio River; where they took a steamer for the place of their destination。 

Jennings had already advertised in the New Orleans papers; that he would 

be there with a prime lot of able…bodied slaves; men and women; fit for 

field…service;    with   a  few  extra   ones   calculated   for  house…servants;all 

between the ages of fifteen and twenty…five years; but like most men who 

make   a   business   of   speculating   in   human   beings;  he   often   bought   many 

who were far advanced in years; and would try to pass them off for five or 


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six   years   younger   than   they   were。   Few   persons   can   arrive   at   anything 

approaching the real age of the negro; by mere observation; unless they are 

well    acquainted     with   the   race。   Therefore;    the   slave…trader    frequently 

carried out the deception with perfect impunity。 

     After the steamer had left the wharf and was fairly out on the bosom of 

the   broad   Mississippi;   the   speculator   called   his   servant   Pompey   to   him; 

and instructed him as to getting the negroes ready for market。 Among the 

forty    slaves   that  the   trader   had   on   this  occasion;    were    some    whose 

appearance indicated that they had seen some years and had gone through 

considerable service。         Their gray hair and whiskers at once pronounced 

them to be above the ages set down in the trader's advertisement。 Pompey 

had long been with Jennings; and understood his business well; and if he 

did not take delight in the discharge of his duty; he did it at least with a 

degree of alacrity; so that he might receive the approbation of his master。 

     Pomp; as he was usually called by the trader; was of real negro blood; 

and    would     often   say;  when     alluding    to  himself;   〃Dis    nigger   am    no 

counterfeit; he is de ginuine artikle。 Dis chile is none of your haf…and…haf; 

dere is no bogus about him。〃 

     Pompey was of low stature; round face; and; like most of his race; had 

a set of teeth; which; for whiteness and beauty; could not be surpassed; his 

eyes were large; lips thick; and hair short and woolly。 Pompey had been 

with Jennings so long; and had seen so much of buying and selling of his 

fellow…creatures; that he appeared perfectly indifferent to the heart…rending 

scenes which daily occurred in his presence。 Such is the force of habit: 

            〃Vice   is   a   monster   of   such   frightful   mien;          That   to   be 

hated; needs but to be seen;                But seen too oft; familiar with its face; 

We first endure; then pity; then embrace。〃 

     It was on the second day of the steamer's voyage; that Pompey selected 

five   of   the  oldest   slaves;   took   them   into   a  room   by   themselves;     and 

commenced preparing them for the market。 

     〃Now;〃 said he; addressing himself to the company; 〃I is de chap dat is 

to   get   you   ready   for   de   Orleans   market;   so   dat   you   will   bring   marser   a 

good price。 How old is you?〃 addressing himself to a man not less than 



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     〃If I live to see next sweet…potato…digging time; I shall be either forty 

or forty…five; I don't know which。〃 

     〃Dat may be;〃 replied Pompey; 〃but now you is only thirty years old; 

dat's what marser says you is to be。〃 

     〃I know I is more den dat;〃 responded the man。 

     〃I can't help nuffin' about dat;〃 returned Pompey; 〃but when you get 

into de market and any one ax you how old you is; and you tell um you is 

forty or forty…five; marser will tie you up and cut you all to pieces。 But if 

you tell um dat you is only thirty; den he won't。 Now remember dat you is 

thirty years old and no more。〃 

     〃Well den; I guess I will only be thirty when dey ax me。〃 

     〃What's your name?〃 said Pompey; addressing himself to another。 


     〃Oh!     Uncle Jim; is it?〃     〃Yes。〃 

     〃Den you must have all them gray whiskers shaved off; and all dem 

gray hairs plucked out of your head。〃 This was all said by Pompey in   a 

manner which showed that he knew what he was about。 

     〃How     old   is  you?〃   asked    Pompey     of  a  tall;  strong…looking     man。 

〃What's your name?〃 

     〃I am twenty…nine years old; and my name is Tobias; but they calls me 


     〃Well;   Toby;   or   Mr。   Tobias;   if   dat   will   suit   you   better;   you   are   now 

twenty…three years old; dat's all;do you understand dat?〃 

     〃Yes;〃 replied Toby。 

     Pompey   now   gave   them   all   to   understand   how   old   they   were   to   be 

when asked by persons who were likely to purchase; and then went and 

reported to his master that the old boys were all right。 

     〃Be sure;〃 said Jennings; 〃that the niggers don't forget what you have 

taught   them;   for   our   luck   this   time   in   the   market   depends   upon   their 

appearance。 If any of them have so many gray hairs that you cannot pluck 

them out; take the blacking and brush; and go at them。〃 


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                             CHAPTER IV 

                                  THE BOAT…RACE 

       AT eight o'clock; on the evening of the third day of the passage; the 

lights of another steamer were seen in the distance; and apparently coming 

up very fast。     This was the signal for a general commotion on board the 

Patriot;   and   everything    indicated    that  a  steamboat…race     was    at  hand。 

Nothing can exceed the excitement attendant upon the racing of steamers 

on the Mississippi。 

     By the   time   the boats   had   reached Memphis  they  were side   by  side; 

and each exerting itself to get in advance of the other。 The night was clear; 

the   moon   shining   brightly;   and   the   boats   so   near   to   each   other   that   the 

passengers     were    within   speaking    distance。    On   board   the   Patriot  the 

firemen were   using oil; lard; butter;  and even bacon;  with wood;  for   the 

purpose of raising the steam to its highest pitch。 The blaze mingled with 

the   black   smoke    that  issued   from   the  pipes   of  the  other  boat;   which 

showed that she also was burning someth

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