贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the magic skin(驴皮记) >


the magic skin(驴皮记)-第31章

小说: the magic skin(驴皮记) 字数: 每页4000字

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shall be sure of having my manuscript punctually。'

〃Rastignac repeated this business conversation to me in low tones; and
then; without giving me any voice in the matter; he replied:

〃 'We agree to your proposal。 When can we call upon you to arrange the

〃 'Oh; well! Come and dine here to…morrow at seven o'clock。'

〃We rose。 Rastignac flung some money to the waiter; put the bill in
his pocket; and we went out。 I was quite stupified by the flippancy
and ease with which he had sold my venerable aunt; la Marquise de

〃 'I would sooner take ship for the Brazils; and give the Indians
lessons in algebra; though I don't know a word of it; than tarnish my
family name。'

〃Rastignac burst out laughing。

〃 'How dense you are! Take the fifty crowns in the first instance; and
write the memoirs。 When you have finished them; you will decline to
publish them in your aunt's name; imbecile! Madame de Montbauron; with
her hooped petticoat; her rank and beauty; rouge and slippers; and her
death upon the scaffold; is worth a great deal more than six hundred
francs。 And then; if the trade will not give your aunt her due; some
old adventurer; or some shady countess or other; will be found to put
her name to the memoirs。'

〃 'Oh;' I groaned; 'why did I quit the blameless life in my garret?
This world has aspects that are very vilely dishonorable。'

〃 'Yes;' said Rastignac; 'that is all very poetical; but this is a
matter of business。 What a child you are! Now; listen to me。 As to
your work; the public will decide upon it; and as for my literary
middle…man; hasn't he devoted eight years of his life to obtaining a
footing in the book…trade; and paid heavily for his experience? You
divide the money and the labor of the book with him very unequally;
but isn't yours the better part? Twenty…five louis means as much to
you as a thousand francs does to him。 Come; you can write historical
memoirs; a work of art such as never was; since Diderot once wrote six
sermons for a hundred crowns!'

〃 'After all;' I said; in agitation; 'I cannot choose but do it。 So;
my dear friend; my thanks are due to you。 I shall be quite rich with
twenty…five louis。'

〃 'Richer than you think;' he laughed。 'If I have my commission from
Finot in this matter; it goes to you; can't you see? Now let us go to
the Bois de Boulogne;' he said; 'we shall see your countess there; and
I will show you the pretty little widow that I am to marrya charming
woman; an Alsacienne; rather plump。 She reads Kant; Schiller; Jean
Paul; and a host of lachrymose books。 She has a mania for continually
asking my opinion; and I have to look as if I entered into all this
German sensibility; and to know a pack of balladsdrugs; all of them;
that my doctor absolutely prohibits。 As yet I have not been able to
wean her from her literary enthusiasms; she sheds torrents of tears as
she reads Goethe; and I have to weep a little myself to please her;
for she has an income of fifty thousand livres; my dear boy; and the
prettiest little hand and foot in the world。 Oh; if she would only say
mon ange and brouiller instead of mon anche and prouiller; she would
be perfection!'

〃We saw the countess; radiant amid the splendors of her equipage。 The
coquette bowed very graciously to us both; and the smile she gave me
seemed to me to be divine and full of love。 I was very happy; I
fancied myself beloved; I had money; a wealth of love in my heart; and
my troubles were over。 I was light…hearted; blithe; and content。 I
found my friend's lady…love charming。 Earth and air and heavenall
natureseemed to reflect Foedora's smile for me。

〃As we returned through the Champs…Elysees; we paid a visit to
Rastignac's hatter and tailor。 Thanks to the 'Necklace;' my
insignificant peace…footing was to end; and I made formidable
preparations for a campaign。 Henceforward I need not shrink from a
contest with the spruce and fashionable young men who made Foedora's
circle。 I went home; locked myself in; and stood by my dormer window;
outwardly calm enough; but in reality I bade a last good…bye to the
roofs without。 I began to live in the future; rehearsed my life drama;
and discounted love and its happiness。 Ah; how stormy life can grow to
be within the four walls of a garret! The soul within us is like a
fairy; she turns straw into diamonds for us; and for us; at a touch of
her wand; enchanted palaces arise; as flowers in the meadows spring up
towards the sun。

〃Towards noon; next day; Pauline knocked gently at my door; and
brought mewho could guess it?a note from Foedora。 The countess
asked me to take her to the Luxembourg; and to go thence to see with
her the Museum and Jardin des Plantes。

〃 'The man is waiting for an answer;' said Pauline; after quietly
waiting for a moment。

〃I hastily scrawled my acknowledgements; and Pauline took the note。 I
changed my dress。 When my toilette was ended; and I looked at myself
with some complaisance; an icy shiver ran through me as I thought:

〃 'Will Foedora walk or drive? Will it rain or shine?No matter;
though;' I said to myself; 'whichever it is; can one ever reckon with
feminine caprice? She will have no money about her; and will want to
give a dozen francs to some little Savoyard because his rags are

〃I had not a brass farthing; and should have no money till the evening
came。 How dearly a poet pays for the intellectual prowess that method
and toil have brought him; at such crises of our youth! Innumerable
painfully vivid thoughts pierced me like barbs。 I looked out of my
window; the weather was very unsettled。 If things fell out badly; I
might easily hire a cab for the day; but would not the fear lie on me
every moment that I might not meet Finot in the evening? I felt too
weak to endure such fears in the midst of my felicity。 Though I felt
sure that I should find nothing; I began a grand search through my
room; I looked for imaginary coins in the recesses of my mattress; I
hunted about everywhereI even shook out my old boots。 A nervous
fever seized me; I looked with wild eyes at the furniture when I had
ransacked it all。 Will you understand; I wonder; the excitement that
possessed me when; plunged deep in the listlessness of despair; I
opened my writing…table drawer; and found a fair and splendid ten…
franc piece that shone like a rising star; new and sparkling; and
slily hiding in a cranny between two boards? I did not try to account
for its previous reserve and the cruelty of which it had been guilty
in thus lying hidden; I kissed it for a friend faithful in adversity;
and hailed it with a cry that found an echo; and made me turn sharply;
to find Pauline with a face grown white。

〃 'I thought;' she faltered; 'that you had hurt yourself! The man who
brought the letter' (she broke off as if something smothered her
voice)。 'But mother has paid him;' she added; and flitted away like a
wayward; capricious child。 Poor little one! I wanted her to share in
my happiness。 I seemed to have all the happiness in the world within
me just then; and I would fain have returned to the unhappy; all that
I felt as if I had stolen from them。

〃The intuitive perception of adversity is sound for the most part; the
countess had sent away her carriage。 One of those freaks that pretty
women can scarcely explain to themselves had determined her to go on
foot; by way of the boulevards; to the Jardin des Plantes。

〃 'It will rain;' I told her; and it pleased her to contradict me。

〃As it fell out; the weather was fine while we went through the
Luxembourg; when we came out; some drops fell from a great cloud;
whose progress I had watched uneasily; and we took a cab。 At the
Museum I was about to dismiss the vehicle; and Foedora (what agonies!)
asked me not to do so。 But it was like a dream in broad daylight for
me; to chat with her; to wander in the Jardin des Plantes; to stray
down the shady alleys; to feel her hand upon my arm; the secret
transports repressed in me were reduced; no doubt; to a fixed and
foolish smile upon my lips; there was something unreal about it all。
Yet in all her movements; however alluring; whether we stood or
whether we walked;

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