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the stokesley secret-第8章

小说: the stokesley secret 字数: 每页4000字

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 David had not been going; which made him think it a disgrace。 So; in the most independent manner be put on his hat; and was marching off; when Miss Fosbrook stood in front of him; and ordered him back。

He repeated; 〃I'm going to church。〃  It was plain enough that he had heard what those boys had said about not submitting。

〃Church is not the place to go to in a fit of wilfulness; Johnnie;〃 she said; and his sisters broke out; 〃O Johnnie!〃 but the naughty boy; fancying; perhaps; that want of time would lead to his getting his own way; marched on; sticking up his toes very high in the air。

Hal laughed。

〃Johnnie; Johnnie dear;〃 entreated Susan; 〃what would Mamma say?〃

John would not hear; and walked on。

〃John;〃 said Miss Fosbrook; 〃if you do not come back directly; I must carry you。〃

She had measured her strength with his:  he was only eight years old; and she believed that she could carry him; but he heard the church… bells ringing; and thought he should have his way。

She laid hold of him; and he began fighting and kicking; in stout shoes; whose thumps were no joke。  She held fast; but she felt frightened; and doubtful of the issue of the struggle; and again there was Hal laughing。

〃For…shame; Henry!〃 burst out Sam; and the same moment those two feet were secured; and John was a prisoner。  Miss Fosbrook called out to the rest to go on to church; and she and Sam dragged the boy up to the nursery; and shut him in there; roaring passionately。

Nurse Freeman; knowing nothing about it; could not believe but that the stranger lady had made her child naughty; and said something about their Mamma letting him go to church; and 〃when the child wished to go to church; it seemed strange he should not。〃

Miss Fosbrook would not defend herself; for she was in great haste; but Sam exclaimed; 〃Stuff! he was as naughty as could be all this morning; and only wanted to go now because he was told not。〃

Johnnie bellowed out something else; but Miss Fosbrook would not let Sam go on; she touched his arm; and drew him off with her; he exclaiming; 〃Foolish old Freeman! she will pet and spoil him all church…time; till he is worse than ever。〃

It was lucky for her that she was too much hurried to dwell on this vexation; she almost ran to save herself from being late; and scarcely heard Sam's mutterings about wishing to break Martin Greville's head。

〃You need not hurry so much;〃 he said; 〃there's a shorter cut; only I suppose you can't get through a gap。〃

〃Can't I?〃 she laughed; and he led her on straight through the Short… horns。  Some of them looked at her more than she fancied; but she knew she might give up all hopes of Sam if he detected her fears。 Then came the gap; where a tree had been cut down in the hedge; and such a jump down from it!  But she gathered up her muslin; and made her leap so gallantly; that the boy cried;

〃Hurrah! well done!〃 and came and walked close to her; saying confidentially; 〃I say; do you think we shall ever do the pig?〃

〃I am sure it might be done。  If you are likely to do it you must know better than I。〃

〃I don't know that I much care about it。  It will be rather a bother; only now we have said it; I shall hate it if we don't do it。〃

〃I think the pleasure of giving it will be a delightful reward for a little self…command。〃

〃Only Hal and the girls will make such a work about it。  I'm glad; after all; that Bessie has nothing to do with it; or she would want to dress it up in flowers and ribbons。  Ha…ha!  But what a little crab it is!〃

〃Don't be too sure of that。  People may have other designs。〃

〃Bessie's can't be anything but trumpery。〃

〃Sometimes present trumpery is a step to something better。  'A was an Archer' is not very wise; but it is the road to readingand even if it were not so; Sam; it is not right to shame people into giving; for what is not bestowed for the true reasons; does no good to giver nor to receiver。

Sam looked up with a frown of attention; as if he were trying to take in the new light; but he did take it in; and smacking his hands together with a noise like a pistol…shot; said; 〃Ay; that's it!  We don't want what is grudged。〃

Miss Fosbrook thought of words that would another time be more familiar to Sam。  〃Not grudgingly; nor of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver。〃

What she said was; 〃You see; if you plague Bessie too much; to make her like ourselves; when she is really so different; you are driving her to the shamming you despise so much。〃

〃But ought not she to be cured of being silly?〃

〃When we have quite made up our minds upon what silliness is。  There; the bell has stopped。〃


The most part of church…time Johnnie was eating Nurse Freeman's plum… cake。  Perhaps this did not make him any easier in the conscience; but he had a very unlucky sentiment; that as he was already naughty and in disgrace; it was of no use to take the trouble of being good till he could make a fresh beginning; and after what the Grevilles had said; he did not think that would be till Papa and Mamma came home; he did not at all mean to give in to a girl that was not even twenty。  So he would not turn to the only wise thing he could have done; the learning of his Collect; but he teased Nurse out of more cake and more; and got what play he could out of little George; and that was not much; for Johnnie was not in a temper to be pleasant with a little one。

Coming home from church; Collects were to be learnt and said before tea:  but Hal; after glancing over his own; took up his cap and said; 〃Come along; Sam; Purday will be feeding the pigs; I want to choose the size of ours。〃

〃I've not done;〃 said Sam。

〃Papa never said we were to say them to Miss Fosbrook。〃

〃He meant it though;〃 was all Sam's answer。  〃Don't hinder me。〃

〃Well; I've no notion of being bound by what people mean;〃 continued Hal; and no one could imagine the torment he made himself; neither going nor staying; arguing the matter with his elder brother; as if Sam's coming would justify him; and interrupting everyone; till at last Miss Fosbrook gathered all her spirit; and ordered him either to sit down and learn properly at once; or to go quite away。  She was very much vexed; for Henry had been the most obliging and good… natured of all at first; and likely to be fond of her; but such a great talker could not fail to be weak; and his vanity had been set against her。  He looked saucy at first; and much inclined to resist; if he had seen any sympathy for him in Sam he might have done so; but Miss Fosbrook's steady eye was too much for him; so he saved his dignity; as he thought; by exclaiming; 〃I'm sure I don't want to stay in this stuffy hole with such a set of owls; I shall go to Purday。〃 And off he marched。

The others stayed; and said their Collects and Catechism very respectably; all but John; who had not learned the Collect at all; and was sent into another room to finish it; to which he made no resistance; he had had enough of actual fighting with Miss Fosbrook。

Then she offered to read a story to the others; but she found that this was distasteful even to her friend Sam; he thought it stupid to be read to; and said he should see after Hal; David trotted after him; and Susan and Anne repaired to the nursery to play with the little ones and the baby。  She minded it the less; as they all had some purpose; but she had already been vexed to find that all but Davy preferred the most arrant vacant idleness to anything rational。 To be sure; Susan sometimes; Bessie and Hal always; would read any book that made no pretensions to be instructive; but even a fact about a lion or an elephant made them detect wisdom in disguise; and throw it aside。  She thought; however; she would make the most of Bessie; and asked whether she would like to hear reading; or read to herself。

〃To myself;〃 said Bessie; and there was a silence; while Miss Fosbrook; glad of the quiet; began reading her Christian Year。 Presently she heard a voice so low that it seemed at a distance and it made her start; for it was saying 〃Christabel!〃 then she almost laughed; for it seemed to have been an audacious experiment; to judge by little Elizabeth's scared looks and the glow on her che

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