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treatises on friendship and old age-第16章

小说: treatises on friendship and old age 字数: 每页4000字

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no health at all!  If that had not been the case; we should have had
in him a second brilliant light in the political horizon; for he had
added a wider cultivation to his father's greatness of spirit。  What
wonder; then; that old men are eventually feeble; when even young
men cannot escape it? My dear Laelius and Scipio; we must stand
up against old age and make up for its drawbacks by taking pains。
We must fight it as we should an illness。 We must look after our
health; use moderate exercise; take just enough food and drink to
recruit; but not to overload; our strength。  Nor is it the body alone
that must be supported; but the intellect and soul much more。  For
they are like lamps: unless you feed them with oil; they too go out
from old age。 Again; the body is apt to get gross from exercise; but
the intellect becomes nimbler by exercising itself。 For what
Caecilius means by 〃old dotards of the comic stage 〃 are the
credulous; the forgetful; and the slipshod。 These are faults that do
not attach to old age as such; but to a sluggish; spiritless; and
sleepy old age。 Young men are more frequently wanton and
dissolute than old men; but yet; as it is not all young men that are
so; but the bad set among them; even so senile folly…usually called
imbecility…applies to old men of unsound character; not to all。 
Appius governed four sturdy sons; five daughters; that great
establishment; and all those clients; though he was both old and
blind。 For he kept his mind at full stretch like a how; and never
gave in to old age by growing slack。  He maintained not merely an
influence; but an absolute command over his family: his slaves
feared him; his sons were in awe of him; all loved him。 In that
family; indeed; ancestral custom and discipline were in full vigour。 
The fact is that old age is respectable just as long as it asserts
itself; maintains its proper rights; and is not enslaved to any one。 
For as I admire a young man who has something of the old man in
him; so do I an old one who has something of a young man。 The
man who aims at this may possibly become old in body…in mind he
never will。 I am now engaged in composing the seventh book of
my _Origins_。 I collect all the records of antiquity。  The speeches
delivered in all the celebrated cases which I have defended I am at
this particular time getting into shape for publication。 I am writing
treatises on augural; pontifical; and civil law。 I am; besides;
studying hard at Greek; and after the manner of the
Pythagoreans…to keep my memory in working order…I repeat in the
evening whatever I have said; heard; or done in the course of each
day。  These are the exercises of the intellect; these the training
grounds of the mind: while I sweat and labour on these I don't
much feel the loss of bodily strength。 I appear in court for my
friends; I frequently attend the Senate and bring motions before it
on my own responsibility; prepared after deep and long reflection。
And these I support by my intellectual; not my bodily forces。 And
if I were not strong enough to do these things; yet I should enjoy
my sofa…imagining the very operations which I was now unable to
perform。  But what makes me capable of doing this is my past life。
For a man who is always living in the midst of these studies and
labours does not perceive when old age creeps upon him。 Thus; by
slow and imperceptible degrees life draws to its end。 There is no
sudden breakage; it just slowly goes out。

12。 The third charge against old age is that it LACKS SENSUAL
PLEASURES。  What a splendid service does old age render; if it
takes from us the greatest blot of youth!  Listen; my dear young
friends; to a speech of Archytas of Tarentum; among the greatest
and most illustrious of men; which was put into my hands when as
a young man I was at Tarentum with Q。 Maximus。 〃No more
deadly curse than sensual pleasure has been inflicted on mankind
by nature; to gratify which our wanton appetites are roused beyond
all prudence or restraint。  It is a fruitful source of treasons;
revolutions; secret communications with the enemy。  In fact; there
is no crime; no evil deed; to which the appetite for sensual
pleasures does not impel us。  Fornications and adulteries; and
every abomination of that kind; are brought about by the
enticements of pleasure and by them alone。 Intellect is the best gift
of nature or God: to this divine gift and endowment there is
nothing so inimical as pleasure。 For when appetite is our master;
there is no place for self…control; nor where pleasure reigns
supreme can virtue hold its ground。 To see this more vividly;
imagine a man excited to the highest conceivable pitch of sensual
pleasure。 It can be doubtful to no one that such a person; so long as
he is under the influence of such excitation of the senses; will be
unable to use to any purpose either intellect; reason; or thought。 
Therefore nothing can be so execrable and so fatal as pleasure;
since; when more than ordinarily violent and lasting; it darkens all
the light of the soul。〃

These were the words addressed by Archytas to the Samnite Caius
Pontius; father of the man by whom the consuls Spurius Postumius
and Titus Veturius were beaten in the battle of Caudium。  My
friend Nearchus of Tarentum; who had remained loyal to Rome;
told me that he had heard them repeated by some old men; and
that Plato the Athenian was present; who visited Tarentum; I find;
in the consulship of L。 Camillus and Appius Claudius。

What is the point of all this? It is to show you that; if we were
unable to scorn pleasure by the aid of reason and philosophy; we
ought to have been very grateful to old age for depriving us of all
inclination for that which it was wrong to do。  For pleasure hinders
thought; is a foe to reason; and; so to speak; blinds the eyes of the
mind。 It is; moreover; entirely alien to virtue。  I was sorry to have
to expel Lucius; brother of the gallant Titus Flamininus; from the
Senate seven years after his consulship; but I thought it imperative
to affix a stigma on an act of gross sensuality。 For when he was in
Gaul as consul; he had yielded to the entreaties of his paramour at
a dinner…party to behead a man who happened to be in prison
condemned on a capital charge。 When his brother Titus was
Censor; who preceded me; he escaped; but I and Flaccus could not
countenance an act of such criminal and abandoned lust; especially
as; besides the personal dishonour; it brought disgrace on the

13。 I have often been told by men older than myself; who said that
they had heard it as boys from old men; that Gaius Fabricius was in
the habit of expressing astonishment at having heard; when envoy
at the headquarters of king Pyrrhus; from the Thessalian Cineas;
that there was a man of Athens who professed to be a
〃philosopher;〃 and affirmed that everything we did was to be
referred to pleasure。 When he told this to Manius Curius and
Publius Decius; they used to remark that they wished that the
Samnites and Pyrrhus himself would hold the same opinion。  It
would be much easier to conquer them; if they had once given
themselves over to sensual indulgences。  Manius Curius had been
intimate with P。 Decius; who four years before the former's
consulship had devoted himself to death for the Republic。 Both
Fabricius and Coruncanius knew him also; and from the
experience of their own lives; as well as from the action of P。
Decius; they were of opinion that there did exist something
intrinsically noble and great; which was sought for its own sake;
and at which all the best men aimed; to the contempt and neglect
of pleasure。  Why then do I spend so many words on the subject of
pleasure? Why; because; far from being a charge against old age;
that it does not much feel the want of any pleasures; it is its highest

But; you will say; it is deprived of the pleasures of the table; the
heaped up board; the rapid passing of the wine…cup。 Well; then; it
is also free from headache; disordered digestion; broken sleep。 But
if we must grant pleasure something; since we do not find it easy
to resist its charms;…for Plato; with happy inspiration; calls
pleasure 〃vice's bait;〃 beca

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