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小说: thais 字数: 每页4000字

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the verse; 〃If thou wilt be perfect; go and sell that thou hast; and
give to the poor。〃 Thereupon he sold all that he had; gave away the
money in alms; and embraced the monastic life。

During the ten years that he had lived remote from men; he no longer
seethed in the cauldron of false delights; but more profitably
macerated his flesh in the balms of penitence。

One day when; according to his pious custom; he was recalling to mind
the hours he had lived apart from God; and examining his sins one by
one; that he might the better ponder on their enormity; he remembered
that he had seen at the theatre at Alexandria a very beautiful actress
named Thais。 This woman showed herself in the public games; and did
not scruple to perform dances; the movements of which; arranged only
too cleverly; brought to mind the most horrible passions。 Sometimes
she imitated the horrible deeds which the Pagan fables ascribe to
Venus; Leda; or Pasiphae。 Thus she fired all the spectators with lust;
and when handsome young men; or rich old ones; came; inspired with
love; to hang wreaths of flowers round her door; she welcomed them;
and gave herself up to them。 So that; whilst she lost her own soul;
she also ruined the souls of many others。

She had almost led Paphnutius himself into the sins of the flesh。 She
had awakened desire in him; and he had once approached the house of
Thais。 But he stopped on the threshold of the courtesan's house;
partly restrained by the natural timidity of extreme youthhe was
then but fifteen years oldand partly by the fear of being refused on
account of his want of money; for his parents took care that he should
commit no great extravagances。

God; in His mercy; had used these two means to prevent him from
committing a great sin。 But Paphnutius had not been grateful to Him
for that; because at that time he was blind to his own interests; and
did not know that he was lusting after false delights。 Now; kneeling
in his cell; before the image of that holy cross on which hung; as in
a balance; the ransom of the world; Paphnutius began to think of
Thais; because Thais was a sin to him; and he meditated long;
according to ascetic rules; on the fearful hideousness of the carnal
delights with which this woman had inspired him in the days of his sin
and ignorance。 After some hours of meditation the image of Thais
appeared to him clearly and distinctly。 He saw her again; as he had
seen her when she tempted him; in all the beauty of the flesh。 At
first she showed herself like a Leda; softly lying upon a bed of
hyacinths; her head bowed; her eyes humid and filled with a strange
light; her nostrils quivering; her mouth half open; her breasts like
two flowers; and her arms smooth and fresh as two brooks。 At this
sight Paphnutius struck his breast and said

〃I call Thee to witness; my God; that I have considered how heinous
has been my sin。〃

Gradually the face of the image changed its expression。 Little by
little the lips of Thais; by lowering at the corners of the mouth;
expressed a mysterious suffering。 Her large eyes were filled with
tears and lights; her breast heaved with sighs; like the sighing of a
wind that precedes a tempest。 At this sight Paphnutius was troubled to
the bottom of his soul。 Prostrating himself on the floor; he uttered
this prayer

〃Thou who hast put pity in our hearts; like the morning dew upon the
fields; O just and merciful God; be Thou blessed! Praise! praise be
unto Thee! Put away from Thy servant that false tenderness which
tempts to concupiscence; and grant that I may only love Thy creatures
in Thee; for they pass away; but Thou endurest for ever。 If I care for
this woman; it is only because she is Thy handiwork。 The angels
themselves feel pity for her。 Is she not; O Lord; the breath of Thy
mouth? Let her not continue to sin with many citizens and strangers。
There is great pity for her in my heart。 Her wickednesses are
abominable; and but to think of them makes my flesh creep。 But the
more wicked she is; the more do I lament for her。 I weep when I think
that the devils will torment her to all eternity。〃

As he was meditating in this way; he saw a little jackal lying at his
feet。 He felt much surprised; for the door of his cell had been closed
since the morning。 The animal seemed to read the Abbot's thoughts; and
wagged its tail like a dog。 Paphnutius made the sign of the cross and
the beast vanished。 He knew then that; for the first time; the devil
had entered his cell; and he uttered a short prayer; then he thought
again about Thais。

〃With God's help;〃 he said to himself; 〃I must save her。〃 And he

The next morning; when he had said his prayers; he went to see the
sainted Palemon; a holy hermit who lived some distance away。 He found
him smiling quietly as he dug the ground; as was his custom。 Palemon
was an old man; and cultivated a little garden; the wild beasts came
and licked his hands; and the devils never tormented him。

〃May God be praised; brother Paphnutius;〃 he said; as he leaned upon
his spade。

〃God be praised!〃 replied Paphnutius。 〃And peace be unto my brother。〃

〃The like peace be unto thee; brother Paphnutius;〃 said Palemon; and
he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve。

〃Brother Palemon; all our discourse ought to be solely the praise of
Him who has promised to be wheresoever two or three are gathered
together in His Name。 That is why I come to you concerning a design I
have formed to glorify the Lord。〃

〃May the Lord bless thy design; Paphnutius; as He has blessed my
lettuces。 Every morning He spreads His grace with the dew on my
garden; and His goodness causes me to glorify Him in the cucumbers and
melons which He gives me。 Let us pray that He may keep us in His
peace。 For nothing is more to be feared than those unruly passions
which trouble our hearts。 When these passions disturb us we are like
drunken men; and we stagger from right to left unceasingly; and are
like to fall miserably。 Sometimes these passions plunge us into a
turbulent joy; and he who gives way to such; sullies the air with
brutish laughter。 Such false joy drags the sinner into all sorts of
excess。 But sometimes also the troubles of the soul and of the senses
throw us into an impious sadness which is a thousand times worse than
the joy。 Brother Paphnutius; I am but a miserable sinner; but I have
found; in my long life; that the cenobite has no foe worse than
sadness。 I mean by that the obstinate melancholy which envelopes the
soul as in a mist; and hides from us the light of God。 Nothing is more
contrary to salvation; and the devil's greatest triumph is to sow
black and bitter thoughts in the heart of a good man。 If he sent us
only pleasurable temptations; he would not be half so much to be
feared。 Alas! he excels in making us sad。 Did he not show to our
father Anthony a black child of such surpassing beauty that the very
sight of it drew tears? With God's help; our father Anthony avoided
the snares of the demon。 I knew him when he lived amongst us; he was
cheerful with his disciples; and never gave way to melancholy。 But did
you not come; my brother; to talk to me of a design you had formed in
your mind? Let me know what it isif; at least; this design has for
its object the glory of God。〃

〃Brother Palemon; what I propose is really to the glory of God。
Strengthen me with your counsel; for you know many things; and sin has
never darkened the clearness of your mind。〃

〃Brother Paphnutius; I am not worthy to unloose the latchet of thy
sandals; and my sins are as countless as the sands of the desert。 But
I am old; and I will never refuse the help of my experience。〃

〃I will confide in you; then; brother Palemon; that I am stricken with
grief at the thought that there is; in Alexandria; a courtesan named
Thais; who lives in sin; and is a subject of reproach unto the

〃Brother Paphnutius; that is; in truth; an abomination which we do
well to deplore。 There are many women amongst the Gentiles who lead
lives of that kind。 Have you thought of any remedy for this great

〃Brother Palemon; I will go to Alexandria and find this woman; and;
with God's help; I will

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