贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > michael, brother of jerry >


michael, brother of jerry-第55章

小说: michael, brother of jerry 字数: 每页4000字

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 if you want to; and I'll lay you out afterward。  But first of all I'm going to lay out that dog。 Come on along and seedamn him!  How was I to know?  He was a new one。  He never peeped in rehearsal。  How was I to know he was going to yap when we arranged the set behind you?〃

〃You've raised hell;〃 the manager of the theatre greeted Davis; as the latter; trailed by Dick Bell; came upon Michael bristling from between the legs of the stage…hand。

〃Nothing to what I'm going to raise;〃 Davis retorted; shortening his grip on the iron bar and raising it。  〃I'm going to kill 'm。 I'm going to beat the life out of him。  You just watch。〃

Michael snarled acknowledgment of the threat; crouched to spring; and kept his eyes on the iron weapon。

〃I just guess you ain't goin' to do anything of the sort;〃 the stage…hand assured Davis。

〃It's my property;〃 the latter asserted with an air of legal convincingness。

〃And against it I'm goin' to stack up my common sense;〃 was the stage…hand's reply。  〃You tap him once; and see what you'll get。 Dogs is dogs; and men is men; but I'm damned if I know what you are。  You can't pull off rough stuff on that dog。  First time he was on a stage in his life; after being starved and thirsted for two days。  Oh; I know; Mr。 Manager。〃

〃If you kill the dog it'll cost you a dollar to the garbage man to get rid of the carcass;〃 the manager took up。

〃I'll pay it gladly;〃 Davis said; again lifting the iron bar。 〃I've got some come…back; ain't I?〃

〃You animal guys make me sick;〃 the stage…hand uttered。  〃You just make me draw the line somewheres。  And here it is:  you tap him once with that baby crowbar; and I'll tap you hard enough to lose me my job and to send you to hospital。〃

〃Now look here; Jackson 。 。 。 〃 the manager began threateningly。

〃You can't say nothin' to me;〃 was the retort。  〃My mind's made up。  If that cheap guy lays a finger on that dog I'm just sure goin' to lose my job。  I'm gettin tired anyway of seein' these skates beatin' up their animals。  They've made me sick clean through。〃

The manager looked to Davis and shrugged his shoulders helplessly。

〃There's no use pulling off a rough…house;〃 he counselled。  〃I don't want to lose Jackson and he'll put you into hospital if he ever gets started。  Send the dog back where you got him。  Your wife's told me about him。  Stick him into a box and send him back collect。  Collins won't mind。  He'll take the singing out of him and work him into something。〃

Davis; with another glance at the truculent Jackson; wavered。

〃I'll tell you what;〃 the manager went on persuasively。  〃Jackson will attend to the whole thing; box him up; ship him; everything won't you; Jackson?〃

The stage…hand nodded curtly; then reached down and gently caressed Michael's bruised head。

〃Well;〃 Davis gave in; turning on his heel; 〃they can make fools of themselves over dogs; them that wants to。  But when they've been in the business as long as I have 。 。 。 〃


A post card from Davis to Collins explained the reasons for Michael's return。  〃He sings too much to suit my fancy;〃 was Davis's way of putting it; thereby unwittingly giving the clue to what Collins had vainly sought; and which Collins as unwittingly failed to grasp。  As he told Johnny:

〃From the looks of the beatings he's got no wonder he's been singing。  That's the trouble with these animal people。  They don't know how to take care of their property。  They hammer its head off and get grouched because it ain't an angel of obedience。Put him away; Johnny。  Wash him clean; and put on the regular dressing wherever the skin's broken。  I give him up myself; but I'll find some place for him in the next bunch of dogs。〃

Two weeks later; by sheerest accident; Harris Collins made the discovery for himself of what Michael was good for。  In a spare moment in the arena; he had sent for him to be tried out by a dog man who needed several fillers…in。  Beyond what he knew; such as at command to stand up; to lie down; to come here and go there; Michael had done nothing。  He had refused to learn the most elementary things a show…dog should know; and Collins had left him to go over to another part of the arena where a monkey band; on a sort of mimic stage; was being arranged and broken in。

Frightened and mutinous; nevertheless the monkeys were compelled to perform by being tied to their seats and instruments and by being pulled and jerked from off stage by wires fastened to their bodies。  The leader of the orchestra; an irascible elderly monkey; sat on a revolving stool to which he was securely attached。  When poked from off the stage by means of long poles; he flew into ecstasies of rage。  At the same time; by a rope arrangement; his chair was whirled around and around。  To an audience the effect would be that he was angered by the blunders of his fellow… musicians。  And to an audience such anger would be highly ludicrous。  As Collins said:

〃A monkey band is always a winner。  It fetches the laugh; and the money's in the laugh。  Humans just have to laugh at monkeys because they're so similar and because the human has the advantage and feels himself superior。  Suppose we're walking along the street; you and me; and you slip and fall down。  Of course I laugh。  That's because I'm superior to you。  I didn't fall down。 Same thing if your hat blows off。  I laugh while you chase it down the street。  I'm superior。  My hat's still on my head。  Same thing with the monkey band。  All the fool things of it make us feel so superior。  We don't see ourselves as foolish。  That's why we pay to see the monkeys behave foolish。〃

It was scarcely a matter of training the monkeys。  Rather was it the training of the men who operated the concealed mechanisms that made the monkeys perform。  To this Harris Collins was devoting his effort。

〃There isn't any reason why you fellows can't make them play a real tune。  It's up to you; just according to how you pull the wires。  Come on。  It's worth going in for。  Let's try something you all know。  And remember; the regular orchestra will always help you out。  Now; what do you all know?  Something simple; and something the audience'll know; too?〃

He became absorbed in trying out the idea; and even borrowed a circus rider whose act was to play the violin while standing on the back of a galloping horse and to throw somersaults on such precarious platform while still playing the violin。  This man he got merely to play simple airs in slow time; so that the assistants could keep the time and the air and pull the wires accordingly。

〃Of course; if you make a howling mistake;〃 Collins told them; 〃that's when you all pull the wires like mad and poke the leader and whirl him around。  That always brings down the house。  They think he's got a real musical ear and is mad at his orchestra for the discord。〃

In the midst of the work; Johnny and Michael came along。

〃That guy says he wouldn't take him for a gift;〃 Johnny reported to his employer。

〃All right; all right; put him back in the kennels;〃 Collins ordered hurriedly。〃Now; you fellows; all ready!  'Home; Sweet Home!'  Go to it; Fisher!  Now keep the time the rest of you! 。 。 。 That's it。  With a full orchestra you're making motions like the tune。Faster; you; Simmons。  You drag behind all the time。〃

And the accident happened。  Johnny; instead of immediately obeying the order and taking Michael back to the kennels; lingered in the hope of seeing the orchestra leader whirled chattering around on his stool。  The violinist; within a yard of where Michael sat squatted on his haunches; played the notes of 〃Home; Sweet Home〃 with loud slow exactitude and emphasis。

And Michael could not help it。  No more could he help it than could he help responding with a snarl when threatened by a club; no more could he help it than when he had spoiled the turn of Dick and Daisy Bell when swept by the strains of 〃Roll Me Down to Rio〃; no more could he help it than could Jerry; on the deck of the Ariel; help singing when Villa Kennan put her arms around him; smothered him deliciously in her cloud of hair; and sang his memory back into time and the fellowship of the ancient pack。  As with Jerry; was it with Michael。  Music was a 

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