贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > michael, brother of jerry >


michael, brother of jerry-第53章

小说: michael, brother of jerry 字数: 每页4000字

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ich made the institution such a success。  When he was taken out of the plaster; he was still denied that instinctive pleasure which all animals take in licking their wounds; for shrewdly arranged bandages were wrapped and buckled on him。  And when they were finally removed; there were no wounds to lick; though deep in the shoulder was a pain that required months in which to die out。

Harris Collins bothered him no more with trying to teach him tricks; and; one day; loaned him as a filler…in to a man and woman who had lost three of their dog…troupe by pneumonia。

〃If he makes out you can have him for twenty dollars;〃 Collins told the man; Wilton Davis。

〃And if he croaks?〃 Davis queried。

Collins shrugged his shoulders。  〃I won't sit up nights worrying about him。  He's unteachable。〃

And when Michael departed from Cedarwild in a crate on an express wagon; he might well have never returned; for Wilton Davis was notorious among trained…animal men for his cruelty to dogs。  Some care he might take of a particular dog with a particularly valuable trick; but mere fillers…in came too cheaply。  They cost from three to five dollars apiece。  Worse than that; so far as he was concerned; Michael had cost nothing。  And if he died it meant nothing to Davis except the trouble of finding another dog。

The first stage of Michael's new adventure involved no unusual hardship; despite the fact that he was so cramped in his crate that he could not stand up and that the jolting and handling of the crate sent countless twinges of pain shooting through his shoulder。  The journey was only to Brooklyn; where he was duly delivered to a second…rate theatre; Wilton Davis being so indifferent a second…rate animal man that he could never succeed in getting time with the big circuits。

The hardship of the cramped crate began after Michael had been carried into a big room above the stage and deposited with nearly a score of similarly crated dogs。  A sorry lot they were; all of them scrubs and most of them spirit…broken and miserable。  Several had bad sores on their heads from being knocked about by Davis。 No care was taken of these sores; and they were not improved by the whitening that was put on them for concealment whenever they performed。  Some of them howled lamentably at times; and every little while; as if it were all that remained for them to do in their narrow cells; all of them would break out into barking。

Michael was the only one who did not join in these choruses。  Long since; as one feature of his developing moroseness; he had ceased from barking。  He had become too unsociable for any such demonstrations; nor did he pattern after the example of some of the sourer…tempered dogs in the room; who were for ever bickering and snarling through the slats of their cages。  In fact; Michael's sourness of temper had become too profound even for quarrelling。 All he desired was to be let alone; and of this he had a surfeit for the first forty…eight hours。

Wilton Davis had assembled his troupe ahead of time; so that the change of programme was five days away。  Having taken advantage of this to go to see his wife's people over in New Jersey; he had hired one of the stage…hands to feed and water his dogs。  This the stage…hand would have done; had he not had the misfortune to get into an altercation with a barkeeper which culminated in a fractured skull and an ambulance ride to the receiving hospital。 To make the situation perfect for what followed; the theatre was closed for three days in order to make certain alterations demanded by the Fire Commissioners。

No one came near the room; and after several hours Michael grew aware of hunger and thirst。  The time passed; and the desire for food was supplanted by the desire for water。  By nightfall the barking and yelping became continuous; changing through the long night hours to whimpering and whining。  Michael alone made no sound; suffering dumbly in the bedlam of misery。

Morning of the second day dawned; the slow hours dragged by to the second night; and the darkness of the second night drew down upon a scene behind the scenes; sufficient of itself to condemn all trained…animal acts in all theatres and show…tents of all the world。  Whether Michael dreamed or was in semi…delirium; there is no telling; but; whichever it was; he lived most of his past life over again。  Again he played as a puppy on the broad verandas of MISTER Haggin's plantation bungalow at Meringe; or; with Jerry; stalked the edges of the jungle down by the river…bank to spy upon the crocodiles; or; learning from MISTER Haggin and Bob; and patterning after Biddy and Terrence; to consider black men as lesser and despised gods who must for ever be kept strictly in their places。

On the schooner Eugenie he sailed with Captain Kellar; his second master; and on the beach at Tulagi lost his heart to Steward of the magic fingers and sailed away with him and Kwaque on the steamer Makambo。  Steward was most in his visions; against a hazy background of vessels; and of individuals like the Ancient Mariner; Simon Nishikanta; Grimshaw; Captain Doane; and little old Ah Moy。  Nor least of all did Scraps appear; and Cocky; the valiant…hearted little fluff of life gallantly bearing himself through his brief adventure in the sun。  And it would seem to Michael that on one side; clinging to him; Cocky talked farrago in his ear; and on the other side Sara clung to him and chattered an interminable and incommunicable tale。  And then; deep about the roots of his ears would seem to prod the magic; caressing fingers of Steward the beloved。

〃I just don't I have no luck;〃 Wilton Davis mourned; gazing about at his dogs; the air still vibrating with the string of oaths he had at first ripped out。

〃That comes of trusting a drunken stage…hand;〃 his wife remarked placidly。  〃I wouldn't be surprised if half of them died on us now。〃

〃Well; this is no time for talk;〃 Davis snarled; proceeding to take off his coat。  〃Get busy; my love; and learn the worst。 Water's what they need。  I'll give them a tub of it。〃

Bucketful by bucketful; from the tap at the sink in the corner; he filled a large galvanized…iron tub。  At sound of the running water the dogs began whimpering and yelping and moaning。  Some tried to lick his hands with their swollen tongues as he dragged them roughly out of their cages。  The weaker ones crawled and bellied toward the tub; and were over…trod by the stronger ones。  There was not room for all; and the stronger ones drank first; with much fighting and squabbling and slashing of fangs。  Into the foremost of this was Michael; slashing and being slashed; but managing to get hasty gulps of the life…saving fluid。  Davis danced about among them; kicking right and left; so that all might have a chance。  His wife took a hand; laying about her with a mop。  It was a pandemonium of pain; for; their parched throats softened by the water; they were again able to yelp and cry out loudly all their hurt and woe。

Several were too weak to get to the water; so it was carried to them and doused and splashed into their mouths。  It seemed that they would never be satisfied。  They lay in collapse all about the room; but every little while one or another would crawl over to the tub and try to drink more。  In the meantime Davis had started a fire and filled a caldron with potatoes。

〃The place stinks like a den of skunks;〃 Mrs。 Davis observed; pausing from dabbing the end of her nose with a powder…puff。 〃Dearest; we'll just have to wash them。〃

〃All right; sweetheart;〃 her husband agreed。  〃And the quicker the better。  We can get through with it while the potatoes are boiling and cooling。  I'll scrub them and you dry them。  Remember that pneumonia; and do it thoroughly。〃

It was quick; rough bathing。  Reaching out for the dogs nearest him; he flung them in turn into the tub from which they had drunk。 When they were frightened; or when they objected in any way; he rapped them on the head with the scrubbing brush or the bar of yellow laundry soap with which he was lathering them。  Several minutes sufficed for a dog。

〃Drink; damn you; drinkhave some more;〃 he would say; as he shoved their heads down and under the dirty; soapy water。

He seemed to h

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