贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > michael, brother of jerry >


michael, brother of jerry-第25章

小说: michael, brother of jerry 字数: 每页4000字

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 that he might see; he snarled at the cow whale when the men seized fresh grips against the impending shock and when he saw her close at hand and oncoming。

The Mary Turner was struck aft of the mizzen shrouds。  As she was hurled down to starboard; whither Michael was ignominiously flung; the crack of shattered timbers was plainly heard。  Henrik Gjertsen; at the wheel; clutching the wheel with all his strength; was spun through the air as the wheel was spun by the fling of the rudder。  He fetched up against Captain Doane; whose grip had been torn loose from the rail。  Both men crumpled down on deck with the wind knocked out of them。  Nishikanta leaned cursing against the side of the cabin; the nails of both hands torn off at the quick by the breaking of his grip on the rail。

While Daughtry was passing a turn of rope around the Ancient Mariner and the mizzen rigging and giving the turn to him to hold; Captain Doane crawled gasping to the rail and dragged himself erect。

〃That fetched her;〃 he whispered huskily to the mate; hand pressed to his side to control his pain。  〃Sound the well again; and keep on sounding。〃

More of the sailors took advantage of the interval to rush for'ard under the toppling fore…topmast; dive into the forecastle; and hastily pack their sea…bags。  As Ah Moy emerged from the steerage with his own rotund sea…bag; Daughtry dispatched Kwaque to pack the belongings of both of them。

〃Dry as a bone; sir;〃 came the mate's report。

〃Keep on sounding; Mr。 Jackson;〃 the captain ordered; his voice already stronger as he recovered from the shock of his collision with the helmsman。  〃Keep right on sounding。  Here she comes again; and the schooner ain't built that'd stand such hammering。〃

By this time Daughtry had Michael tucked under one arm; his free arm ready to anticipate the next crash by swinging on to the rigging。

In making its circle to come back; the cow lost her bearings sufficiently to miss the stern of the Mary Turner by twenty feet。 Nevertheless; the bore of her displacement lifted the schooner's stern gently and made her dip her bow to the sea in a stately curtsey。

〃If she'd a…hit 。 。 。 〃 Captain Doane murmured and ceased。

〃It'd a…ben good night;〃 Daughtry concluded for him。  〃She's a… knocked our stern clean off of us; sir。〃

Again wheeling; this time at no more than two hundred yards; the whale charged back; not completing her semi…circle sufficiently; so that she bore down upon the schooner's bow from starboard。  Her back hit the stem and seemed just barely to scrape the martingale; yet the Mary Turner sat down till the sea washed level with her stern…rail。  Nor was this all。  Martingale; bob…stays and all parted; as well as all starboard stays to the bowsprit; so that the bowsprit swung out to port at right angles and uplifted to the drag of the remaining topmast stays。  The topmast anticked high in the air for a space; then crashed down to deck; permitting the bowsprit to dip into the sea; go clear with the butt of it of the forecastle head; and drag alongside。

〃Shut up that dog!〃 Nishikanta ordered Daughtry savagery。  〃If you don't 。 。 。 〃

Michael; in Steward's arms; was snarling and growling intimidatingly; not merely at the cow whale but at all the hostile and menacing universe that had thrown panic into the two…legged gods of his floating world。

〃Just for that;〃 Daughtry snarled back; 〃I'll let 'm sing。  You made this mess; and if you lift a hand to my dog you'll miss seeing the end of the mess you started; you dirty pawnbroker; you。〃

〃Perfectly right; perfectly right;〃 the Ancient Mariner nodded approbation。  〃Do you think; steward; you could get a width of canvas; or a blanket; or something soft and broad with which to replace this rope?  It cuts me too sharply in the spot where my three ribs are missing。〃

Daughtry thrust Michael into the old man's arm。

〃Hold him; sir;〃 the steward said。  〃If that pawnbroker makes a move against Killeny Boy; spit in his face; bite him; anything。 I'll be back in a jiffy; sir; before he can hurt you and before the whale can hit us again。  And let Killeny Boy make all the noise he wants。  One hair of him's worth more than a world…full of skunks of money…lenders。〃

Daughtry dashed into the cabin; came back with a pillow and three sheets; and; using the first as a pad and knotting the last together in swift weaver's knots; he left the Ancient Mariner safe and soft and took Michael back into his own arms。

〃She's making water; sir;〃 the mate called。  〃Six inchesno; seven inches; sir。〃

There was a rush of sailors across the wreckage of the fore… topmast to the forecastle to pack their bags。

〃Swing out that starboard boat; Mr。 Jackson;〃 the captain commanded; staring after the foaming course of the cow as she surged away for a fresh onslaught。  〃But don't lower it。  Hold it overside in the falls; or that damned fish'll smash it。  Just swing it out; ready and waiting; let the men get their bags; then stow food and water aboard of her。〃

Lashings were cast off the boat and the falls attached; when the men fled to holding…vantage just ere the whale arrived。  She struck the Mary Turner squarely amidships on the port beam; so that; from the poop; one saw; as well as heard; her long side bend and spring back like a limber fabric。  The starboard rail buried under the sea as the schooner heeled to the blow; and; as she righted with a violent lurch; the water swashed across the deck to the knees of the sailors about the boat and spouted out of the port scuppers。

〃Heave away!〃 Captain Doane ordered from the poop。  〃Up with her! Swing her out!  Hold your turns!  Make fast!〃

The boat was outboard; its gunwale resting against the Mary Turner's rail。

〃Ten inches; sir; and making fast;〃 was the mate's information; as he gauged the sounding…rod。

〃I'm going after my tools;〃 Captain Doane announced; as he started for the cabin。  Half into the scuttle; he paused to add with a sneer for Nishikanta's benefit; 〃And for my one chronometer。〃

〃A foot and a half; and making;〃 the mate shouted aft to him。

〃We'd better do some packing ourselves;〃 Grimshaw; following on the captain; said to Nishikanta。

〃Steward;〃 Nishikanta said; 〃go below and pack my bedding。  I'll take care of the rest。〃

〃Mr。 Nishikanta; you can go to hell; sir; and all the rest as well;〃 was Daughtry's quiet response; although in the same breath he was saying; respectfully and assuringly; to the Ancient Mariner:  〃You hold Killeny; sir。  I'll take care of your dunnage。 Is there anything special you want to save; sir?〃

Jackson joined the four men below; and as the five of them; in haste and trepidation; packed articles of worth and comfort; the Mary Turner was struck again。  Caught below without warning; all were flung fiercely to port and from Simon Nishikanta's room came wailing curses of announcement of the hurt to his ribs against his bunk…rail。  But this was drowned by a prodigious smashing and crashing on deck。

〃Kindling woodthere won't be anything else left of her;〃 Captain Doane commented in the ensuing calm; as he crept gingerly up the companionway with his chronometer cuddled on an even keel to his breast。

Placing it in the custody of a sailor; he returned below and was helped up with his sea…chest by the steward。  In turn; he helped the steward up with the Ancient Mariner's sea…chest。  Next; aided by anxious sailors; he and Daughtry dropped into the lazarette through the cabin floor; and began breaking out and passing up a stream of suppliescases of salmon and beef; of marmalade and biscuit; of butter and preserved milk; and of all sorts of the tinned; desiccated; evaporated; and condensed stuff that of modern times goes down to the sea in ships for the nourishment of men。

Daughtry and the captain emerged last from the cabin; and both stared upward for a moment at the gaps in the slender; sky… scraping top…hamper; where; only minutes before; the main… and mizzen…topmasts had been。  A second moment they devoted to the wreckage of the same on deckthe mizzen…topmast; thrust through the spanker and supported vertically by the stout canvas; thrashing back and forth with each thrash of the sail; the main… topmast squarely across the ruine

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