贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > michael, brother of jerry >


michael, brother of jerry-第24章

小说: michael, brother of jerry 字数: 每页4000字

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Had the trade wind not failed on the second day after laying the course for the Marquesas; had Captain Doane; at the mid…day meal; not grumbled once again at being equipped with only one chronometer; had Simon Nishikanta not become viciously angry thereat and gone on deck with his rifle to find some sea…denizen to kill; and had the sea…denizen that appeared close alongside been a bonita; a dolphin; a porpoise; an albacore; or anything else than a great; eighty…foot cow whale accompanied by her nursing calfhad any link been missing from this chain of events; the Mary Turner would have undoubtedly reached the Marquesas; filled her water…barrels; and returned to the treasure…hunting; and the destinies of Michael; Daughtry; Kwaque; and Cocky would have been quite different and possibly less terrible。

But every link was present for the occasion。  The schooner; in a dead calm; was rolling over the huge; smooth seas; her boom sheets and tackles crashing to the hollow thunder of her great sails; when Simon Nishikanta put a bullet into the body of the little whale calf。  By an almost miracle of chance; the shot killed the calf。  It was equivalent to killing an elephant with a pea…rifle。 Not at once did the calf die。  It merely immediately ceased its gambols and for a while lay quivering on the surface of the ocean。 The mother was beside it the moment after it was struck; and to those on board; looking almost directly down upon her; her dismay and alarm were very patent。  She would nudge the calf with her huge shoulder; circle around and around it; then range up alongside and repeat her nudgings and shoulderings。

All on the Mary Turner; fore and aft; lined the rail and stared down apprehensively at the leviathan that was as long as the schooner。

〃If she should do to us; sir; what that other one did to the Essex;〃 Dag Daughtry observed to the Ancient Mariner。

〃It would be no more than we deserve;〃 was the response。  〃It was uncalled…fora wanton; cruel act。〃

Michael; aware of the excitement overside but unable to see because of the rail; leaped on top of the cabin and at sight of the monster barked defiantly。  Every eye turned on him in startlement and fear; and Steward hushed him with a whispered command。

〃This is the last time;〃 Grimshaw muttered in a low voice; tense with anger; to Nishikanta。  〃If ever again; on this voyage; you take a shot at a whale; I'll wring your dirty neck for you。  Get me。  I mean it。  I'll choke your eye…balls out of you。〃

The Jew smiled in a sickly way and whined; 〃There ain't nothing going to happen。  I don't believe that Essex ever was sunk by a whale。〃

Urged on by its mother; the dying calf made spasmodic efforts to swim that were futile and caused it to veer and wallow from side to side。

In the course of circling about it; the mother accidentally brushed her shoulder under the port quarter of the Mary Turner; and the Mary Turner listed to starboard as her stern was lifted a yard or more。  Nor was this unintentional; gentle impact all。  The instant after her shoulder had touched; startled by the contact; she flailed out with her tail。  The blow smote the rail just for'ard of the fore…shrouds; splintering a gap through it as if it were no more than a cigar…box and cracking the covering board。

That was all; and an entire ship's company stared down in silence and fear at a sea…monster grief…stricken over its dying progeny。

Several times; in the course of an hour; during which the schooner and the two whales drifted farther and farther apart; the calf strove vainly to swim。  Then it set up a great quivering; which culminated in a wild wallowing and lashing about of its tail。

〃It is the death…flurry;〃 said the Ancient Mariner softly。

〃By damn; it's dead;〃 was Captain Doane's comment five minutes later。  〃Who'd believe it?  A rifle bullet!  I wish to heaven we could get half an hour's breeze of wind to get us out of this neighbourhood。〃

〃A close squeak;〃 said Grimshaw;

Captain Doane shook his head; as his anxious eyes cast aloft to the empty canvas and quested on over the sea in the hope of wind… ruffles on the water。  But all was glassy calm; each great sea; of all the orderly procession of great seas; heaving up; round…topped and mountainous; like so much quicksilver。

〃It's all right;〃 Grimahaw encouraged。  〃There she goes now; beating it away from us。〃

〃Of course it's all right; always was all right;〃 Nishikanta bragged; as he wiped the sweat from his face and neck and looked with the others after the departing whale。  〃You're a fine brave lot; you are; losing your goat to a fish。〃

〃I noticed your face was less yellow than usual;〃 Grimshaw sneered。  〃It must have gone to your heart。〃

Captain Doane breathed a great sigh。  His relief was too strong to permit him to join in the squabbling。

〃You're yellow;〃 Grimshaw went on; 〃yellow clean through。〃  He nodded his head toward the Ancient Mariner。  〃Now there's the real thing as a man。  No yellow in him。  He never batted an eye; and I reckon he knew more about the danger than you did。  If I was to choose being wrecked on a desert island with him or you; I'd take him a thousand times first。  If〃

But a cry from the sailors interrupted him。

〃Merciful God!〃 Captain Doane breathed aloud。

The great cow whale had turned about; and; on the surface; was charging straight back at them。  Such was her speed that a bore was raised by her nose like that which a Dreadnought or an Atlantic liner raises on the sea。

〃Hold fast; all!〃 Captain Doane roared。

Every man braced himself for the shock。  Henrik Gjertsen; the sailor at the wheel; spread his legs; crouched down; and stiffened his shoulders and arms to hand…grips on opposite spokes of the wheel。  Several of the crew fled from the waist to the poop; and others of them sprang into the main…rigging。  Daughtry; one hand on the rail; with his free arm clasped the Ancient Mariner around the waist。

All held。  The whale struck the Mary Turner just aft of the fore… shroud。  A score of things; which no eye could take in simultaneously; happened。  A sailor; in the main rigging; carried away a ratline in both hands; fell head…downward; and was clutched by an ankle and saved head…downward by a comrade; as the schooner cracked and shuddered; uplifted on the port side; and was flung down on her starboard side till the ocean poured level over her rail。  Michael; on the smooth roof of the cabin; slithered down the steep slope to starboard and disappeared; clawing and snarling; into the runway。  The port shrouds of the foremast carried away at the chain…plates; and the fore…topmast leaned over drunkenly to starboard。

〃My word;〃 quoth the Ancient Mariner。  〃We certainly felt that。〃

〃Mr。 Jackson;〃 Captain Doane commanded the mate; 〃will you sound the well。〃

The mate obeyed; although he kept an anxious eye on the whale; which had gone off at a tangent and was smoking away to the eastward。

〃You see; that's what you get;〃 Grimshaw snarled at Nishikanta。

Nishikanta nodded; as he wiped the sweat away; and muttered; 〃And I'm satisfied。  I got all I want。  I didn't think a whale had it in it。  I'll never do it again。〃

〃Maybe you'll never have the chance;〃 the captain retorted。 〃We're not done with this one yet。  The one that charged the Essex made charge after charge; and I guess whale nature hasn't changed any in the last few years。〃

〃Dry as a bone; sir;〃 Mr。 Jackson reported the result of his sounding。

〃There she turns;〃 Daughtry called out。

Half a mile away; the whale circled about sharply and charged back。

〃Stand from under for'ard there!〃 Captain Doane shouted to one of the sailors who had just emerged from the forecastle scuttle; sea… bag in hand; and over whom the fore…topmast was swaying giddily。

〃He's packed for the get…away;〃 Daughtry murmured to the Ancient Mariner。  〃Like a rat leaving a ship。〃

〃We're all rats;〃 was the reply。  〃I learned just that when I was a rat among the mangy rats of the poor…farm。〃

By this time; all men on board had communicated to Michael their contagion of excitement and fear。  Back on top of the cabin so that he might see; he snarled at the cow whale when the men seized fresh grips agai

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