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a journey to-第34章

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considered as a portion; and called Macalive cattle; of which the
father has the produce; but is supposed not to have the full
property; but to owe the same number to the child; as a portion to
the daughter; or a stock for the son。

Children continue with the fosterer perhaps six years; and cannot;
where this is the practice; be considered as burdensome。  The
fosterer; if he gives four cows; receives likewise four; and has;
while the child continues with him; grass for eight without rent;
with half the calves; and all the milk; for which he pays only four
cows when he dismisses his Dalt; for that is the name for a foster

Fosterage is; I believe; sometimes performed upon more liberal
terms。  Our friend; the young Laird of Col; was fostered by
Macsweyn of Grissipol。  Macsweyn then lived a tenant to Sir James
Macdonald in the Isle of Sky; and therefore Col; whether he sent
him cattle or not; could grant him no land。  The Dalt; however; at
his return; brought back a considerable number of Macalive cattle;
and of the friendship so formed there have been good effects。  When
Macdonald raised his rents; Macsweyn was; like other tenants;
discontented; and; resigning his farm; removed from Sky to Col; and
was established at Grissipol。

These observations we made by favour of the contrary wind that
drove us to Col; an Island not often visited; for there is not much
to amuse curiosity; or to attract avarice。

The ground has been hitherto; I believe; used chiefly for
pasturage。  In a district; such as the eye can command; there is a
general herdsman; who knows all the cattle of the neighbourhood;
and whose station is upon a hill; from which he surveys the lower
grounds; and if one man's cattle invade another's grass; drives
them back to their own borders。  But other means of profit begin to
be found; kelp is gathered and burnt; and sloops are loaded with
the concreted ashes。  Cultivation is likely to be improved by the
skill and encouragement of the present heir; and the inhabitants of
those obscure vallies will partake of the general progress of life。

The rents of the parts which belong to the Duke of Argyle; have
been raised from fifty…five to one hundred and five pounds; whether
from the land or the sea I cannot tell。  The bounties of the sea
have lately been so great; that a farm in Southuist has risen in
ten years from a rent of thirty pounds to one hundred and eighty。

He who lives in Col; and finds himself condemned to solitary meals;
and incommunicable reflection; will find the usefulness of that
middle order of Tacksmen; which some who applaud their own wisdom
are wishing to destroy。  Without intelligence man is not social; he
is only gregarious; and little intelligence will there be; where
all are constrained to daily labour; and every mind must wait upon
the hand。

After having listened for some days to the tempest; and wandered
about the Island till our curiosity was satisfied; we began to
think about our departure。  To leave Col in October was not very
easy。  We however found a sloop which lay on the coast to carry
kelp; and for a price which we thought levied upon our necessities;
the master agreed to carry us to Mull; whence we might readily pass
back to Scotland。


As we were to catch the first favourable breath; we spent the night
not very elegantly nor pleasantly in the vessel; and were landed
next day at Tobor Morar; a port in Mull; which appears to an
unexperienced eye formed for the security of ships; for its mouth
is closed by a small island; which admits them through narrow
channels into a bason sufficiently capacious。  They are indeed safe
from the sea; but there is a hollow between the mountains; through
which the wind issues from the land with very mischievous violence。

There was no danger while we were there; and we found several other
vessels at anchor; so that the port had a very commercial

The young Laird of Col; who had determined not to let us lose his
company; while there was any difficulty remaining; came over with
us。  His influence soon appeared; for he procured us horses; and
conducted us to the house of Doctor Maclean; where we found very
kind entertainment; and very pleasing conversation。  Miss Maclean;
who was born; and had been bred at Glasgow; having removed with her
father to Mull; added to other qualifications; a great knowledge of
the Earse language; which she had not learned in her childhood; but
gained by study; and was the only interpreter of Earse poetry that
I could ever find。

The Isle of Mull is perhaps in extent the third of the Hebrides。
It is not broken by waters; nor shot into promontories; but is a
solid and compact mass; of breadth nearly equal to its length。  Of
the dimensions of the larger Islands; there is no knowledge
approaching to exactness。  I am willing to estimate it as
containing about three hundred square miles。

Mull had suffered like Sky by the black winter of seventy…one; in
which; contrary to all experience; a continued frost detained the
snow eight weeks upon the ground。  Against a calamity never known;
no provision had been made; and the people could only pine in
helpless misery。  One tenant was mentioned; whose cattle perished
to the value of three hundred pounds; a loss which probably more
than the life of man is necessary to repair。  In countries like
these; the descriptions of famine become intelligible。  Where by
vigorous and artful cultivation of a soil naturally fertile; there
is commonly a superfluous growth both of grain and grass; where the
fields are crowded with cattle; and where every hand is able to
attract wealth from a distance; by making something that promotes
ease; or gratifies vanity; a dear year produces only a comparative
want; which is rather seen than felt; and which terminates commonly
in no worse effect; than that of condemning the lower orders of the
community to sacrifice a little luxury to convenience; or at most a
little convenience to necessity。

But where the climate is unkind; and the ground penurious; so that
the most fruitful years will produce only enough to maintain
themselves; where life unimproved; and unadorned; fades into
something little more than naked existence; and every one is busy
for himself; without any arts by which the pleasure of others may
be increased; if to the daily burden of distress any additional
weight be added; nothing remains but to despair and die。  In Mull
the disappointment of a harvest; or a murrain among the cattle;
cuts off the regular provision; and they who have no manufactures
can purchase no part of the superfluities of other countries。  The
consequence of a bad season is here not scarcity; but emptiness;
and they whose plenty; was barely a supply of natural and present
need; when that slender stock fails; must perish with hunger。

All travel has its advantages。  If the passenger visits better
countries; he may learn to improve his own; and if fortune carries
him to worse; he may learn to enjoy it。

Mr。 Boswell's curiosity strongly impelled him to survey Iona; or
Icolmkil; which was to the early ages the great school of Theology;
and is supposed to have been the place of sepulture for the ancient
kings。  I; though less eager; did not oppose him。

That we might perform this expedition; it was necessary to traverse
a great part of Mull。  We passed a day at Dr。 Maclean's; and could
have been well contented to stay longer。  But Col provided us
horses; and we pursued our journey。  This was a day of
inconvenience; for the country is very rough; and my horse was but
little。  We travelled many hours through a tract; black and barren;
in which; however; there were the reliques of humanity; for we
found a ruined chapel in our way。

It is natural; in traversing this gloom of desolation; to inquire;
whether something may not be done to give nature a more cheerful
face; and whether those hills and moors that afford heath cannot
with a little care and labour bear something better?  The first
thought that occurs is to cover them with trees; for that in many
of these naked regions trees will grow; is evident; because stumps
and roots ar

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