贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the turn of the screw >


the turn of the screw-第28章

小说: the turn of the screw 字数: 每页4000字

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How could I put even a little of that article into a suppression

of reference to what had occurred?  How; on the other hand; could I

make reference without a new plunge into the hideous obscure?

Well; a sort of answer; after a time; had come to me; and it

was so far confirmed as that I was met; incontestably; by the

quickened vision of what was rare in my little companion。

It was indeed as if he had found even nowas he had so often

found at lessonsstill some other delicate way to ease me off。

Wasn't there light in the fact which; as we shared our solitude;

broke out with a specious glitter it had never yet quite worn?

the fact that (opportunity aiding; precious opportunity which had

now come) it would be preposterous; with a child so endowed;

to forego the help one might wrest from absolute intelligence?

What had his intelligence been given him for but to save him?

Mightn't one; to reach his mind; risk the stretch of an angular

arm over his character?  It was as if; when we were face

to face in the dining room; he had literally shown me the way。

The roast mutton was on the table; and I had dispensed

with attendance。  Miles; before he sat down; stood a moment

with his hands in his pockets and looked at the joint;

on which he seemed on the point of passing some humorous judgment。

But what he presently produced was:  〃I say; my dear; is she

really very awfully ill?〃

〃Little Flora?  Not so bad but that she'll presently be better。

London will set her up。  Bly had ceased to agree with her。

Come here and take your mutton。〃

He alertly obeyed me; carried the plate carefully

to his seat; and; when he was established; went on。

〃Did Bly disagree with her so terribly suddenly?〃

〃Not so suddenly as you might think。  One had seen it coming on。〃

〃Then why didn't you get her off before?〃

〃Before what?〃

〃Before she became too ill to travel。〃

I found myself prompt。  〃She's NOT too ill to travel:

she only might have become so if she had stayed。

This was just the moment to seize。  The journey will dissipate

the influence〃oh; I was grand!〃and carry it off。〃

〃I see; I see〃Miles; for that matter; was grand; too。  He settled

to his repast with the charming little 〃table manner〃 that; from the day

of his arrival; had relieved me of all grossness of admonition。

Whatever he had been driven from school for; it was not for ugly feeding。

He was irreproachable; as always; today; but he was unmistakably

more conscious。  He was discernibly trying to take for granted

more things than he found; without assistance; quite easy;

and he dropped into peaceful silence while he felt his situation。

Our meal was of the briefestmine a vain pretense; and I had the things

immediately removed。  While this was done Miles stood again with his

hands in his little pockets and his back to mestood and looked

out of the wide window through which; that other day; I had seen

what pulled me up。  We continued silent while the maid was with us

as silent; it whimsically occurred to me; as some young couple who;

on their wedding journey; at the inn; feel shy in the presence

of the waiter。  He turned round only when the waiter had left us。

〃Wellso we're alone!〃


〃Oh; more or less。〃  I fancy my smile was pale。  〃Not absolutely。

We shouldn't like that!〃  I went on。

〃NoI suppose we shouldn't。 Of course we have the others。〃

〃We have the otherswe have indeed the others;〃 I concurred。

〃Yet even though we have them;〃 he returned; still with his

hands in his pockets and planted there in front of me;

〃they don't much count; do they?〃

I made the best of it; but I felt wan。

〃It depends on what you call ‘much'!〃

〃Yes〃with all accommodation〃everything depends!〃

On this; however; he faced to the window again and presently

reached it with his vague; restless; cogitating step。

He remained there awhile; with his forehead against the glass;

in contemplation of the stupid shrubs I knew and the dull

things of November。  I had always my hypocrisy of 〃work;〃

behind which; now; I gained the sofa。  Steadying myself

with it there as I had repeatedly done at those moments

of torment that I have described as the moments of my knowing

the children to be given to something from which I was barred;

I sufficiently obeyed my habit of being prepared for the worst。

But an extraordinary impression dropped on me as I

extracted a meaning from the boy's embarrassed back

none other than the impression that I was not barred now。

This inference grew in a few minutes to sharp intensity

and seemed bound up with the direct perception that it was

positively HE who was。  The frames and squares of the great

window were a kind of image; for him; of a kind of failure。

I felt that I saw him; at any rate; shut in or shut out。

He was admirable; but not comfortable:  I took it in with a

throb of hope。  Wasn't he looking; through the haunted pane;

for something he couldn't see?and wasn't it the first time

in the whole business that he had known such a lapse?

The first; the very first:  I found it a splendid portent。

It made him anxious; though he watched himself; he had been

anxious all day and; even while in his usual sweet little

manner he sat at table; had needed all his small strange

genius to give it a gloss。  When he at last turned round

to meet me; it was almost as if this genius had succumbed。

〃Well; I think I'm glad Bly agrees with ME!〃

〃You would certainly seem to have seen; these twenty…four hours;

a good deal more of it than for some time before。  I hope;〃

I went on bravely; 〃that you've been enjoying yourself。〃

〃Oh; yes; I've been ever so far; all round aboutmiles and miles away。

I've never been so free。〃

He had really a manner of his own; and I could only try to keep up with him。

〃Well; do you like it?〃

He stood there smiling; then at last he put into two words〃Do YOU?〃

more discrimination than I had ever heard two words contain。

Before I had time to deal with that; however; he continued as if

with the sense that this was an impertinence to be softened。

〃Nothing could be more charming than the way you take it; for of

course if we're alone together now it's you that are alone most。

But I hope;〃 he threw in; 〃you don't particularly mind!〃

〃Having to do with you?〃  I asked。  〃My dear child; how can I help minding?

Though I've renounced all claim to your companyyou're so beyond me

I at least greatly enjoy it。  What else should I stay on for?〃

He looked at me more directly; and the expression of his face;

graver now; struck me as the most beautiful I had ever found in it。

〃You stay on just for THAT?〃

〃Certainly。  I stay on as your friend and from the tremendous

interest I take in you till something can be done for you

that may be more worth your while。  That needn't surprise you。〃

My voice trembled so that I felt it impossible to suppress the shake。

〃Don't you remember how I told you; when I came and sat on your

bed the night of the storm; that there was nothing in the world I

wouldn't do for you?〃

〃Yes; yes!〃  He; on his side; more and more visibly nervous; had a tone

to master; but he was so much more successful than I that; laughing out

through his gravity; he could pretend we were pleasantly jesting。

〃Only that; I think; was to get me to do something for YOU!〃

〃It was partly to get you to do something;〃 I conceded。

〃But; you know; you didn't do it。〃

〃Oh; yes;〃 he said with the brightest superficial eagerness;

〃you wanted me to tell you something。〃

〃That's it。  Out; straight out。  What you have on your mind; you know。〃

〃Ah; then; is THAT what you've stayed over for?〃

He spoke with a gaiety through which I could still catch the finest

little quiver of resentful passion; but I can't begin to express

the effect upon me of an implication of surrender even so faint。

It was as if what I had yearn

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