贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > creatures that once were men >


creatures that once were men-第49章

小说: creatures that once were men 字数: 每页4000字

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'go away if you want to save your skin!  I shall tear you to 

pieces like a rotten rag!  There will be nothing left of your 

great virtue!  It's a sorrow to me to think that I'm your 

father!  You puny wretch!' He trembled。 'Father;' he said; 'am 

I in the wrong?'  You are;' I said; 'you whining cur; because 

you are in my way!  You are;' I said; 'because you can't stand 

up for yourself!  You lifeless; rotten carrion!  If only;' 

I said; 'you were strong; one could kill you; but even that 

isn't possible!  One pities you; poor; wretched creature!' 

He only wept。  Oh; Marka!  This sort of thing makes one good 

for nothing。  Any one else wouldwould get their heads out 

of this noose as soon as possible; but we are in it; and we 

shall perhaps tighten it round each other's necks!〃

〃What do you mean?〃 said Marka; looking at him fearfully; as 

he stood there grim; strong and cold。

〃Nothing!  If he were to die!  That's all。  If he were to die

what a good thing it would be!  Everything would be straight 

then!  I would give all my land to your family; to make them 

shut their mouths; and we two might go to Siberia; or  

somewhere far away。  They would ask; 'Who is she?' 'My wife! 

Do you understand?'

〃We could get some sort of paper or document。  We could open 

a shop somewhere in a village; and live。  And we could expiate 

our sin before God。  We could help other people to live; and 

they would help us to appease our consciences。  Isn't that so; 


〃Yes;〃 said she; with a deep sigh; closing her eyes as if in 


248  ON A RAFT

They remained silent for a while; the water murmured。

〃He is sickly。  He will; perhaps; die soon;〃 said Silan after 

a time。

〃Please God it may be soon!〃 said Marka; as if in prayer; and 

making the sign of the cross。

The rays of the spring sun broke through the clouds; and 

touched the water with rainbow and golden tints。  At the breath 

of the wind all nature thrilled; quickened; and smiled。  The 

blue sky between the clouds smiled back at the sun…warmed 

waters。 The raft; moving on; left the clouds astern。

Gathering in a thick and heavy mass; they hung motionless; and 

dreaming over the bright river; as if seeking a way to escape 

from the ardent spring sun; which; rich in color and in joy; 

seemed the enemy of these symbols of winter tempests。

Ahead; the sky grew clearer and brighter; and the morning sun; 

powerless to warm; but dazzling bright as it glitters in early 

spring; rose stately and beautiful from the purple…gold waves 

of the river; and mounted higher and ever higher into the blue 

limpid sky。  On the right showed the brown; high banks of the 

river; surmounted by green woods; on the left emerald green

fields glittered with dew diamonds。  In the air; floated the 

smell of the earth; of fresh springing grass; blended with the 

aromatic scent of a fir wood。

Sergei and Mitia stood as if rooted to their oars; but the 

expression on their faces could not be distinguished by those 

on the forward part of the raft。

Silan glanced at Marka。

249  ON A RAFT

She was cold。  She leaned forward on her pole in a doubled…up 

attitude。  She was looking ahead with dreaming eyes; and a 

mysterious; charming smile prayed on her lipssuch a smile as 

makes even an ugly woman charming and desirable。

〃Look ahead; lads!  Ahoy!  Ahoy!〃 hailed Silan; with all the 

force of his lungs; feeling a powerful pulse of energy and 

strength in his strong breast。

And all around seemed to tremble with his cry。 

The echo resounded long from the high banks on either side。


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