贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > creatures that once were men >


creatures that once were men-第39章

小说: creatures that once were men 字数: 每页4000字

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My friend kept his word; and never again molested me; but he 

was terribly famished; his countenance was as black as thunder。 

He ground his teeth together; as does a wolf; whenever he saw 

someone else eating; and he terrified me by the marvellous 

accounts of the quantity of food he was prepared to consume。 

Of late he had begun to talk about women; at first only 

casually; with sighs of regret。  But by degrees he came to 

talk more and more often on the subject; with the lascivious

smile of 〃an Oriental。〃  At length his state became such; that 

he could not see any person of the other sex; whatever her age 

or appearance; without letting fall some obscene remark about 

her looks or her figure。  


He spoke of women so freely; with so wide a knowledge of the 

sex; and his point of view; when discussing women; was so 

astoundingly direct; that his conversation filled me with 

disgust。  Once I tried to prove to him that a woman was a 

being in no way inferior to him。  I saw that he was not merely 

mortified by my words; but was on the point of violently 

resenting them as a personal insult。  So I postponed my 

arguments till such time as Shakro should be well fed once 


In order to shorten our road to Kertch we left the coast; and 

tramped across the steppes。  There was nothing in my knapsack 

but a three…pound loaf of barley bread; which we had bought 

of a Tartar with our last five…kopeck piece。  Owing to this 

painful circumstance; when; at last we reached Kertch; we 

could hardly move our legs; so seeking therefore work was out 

of the question。  Shakro's attempts to beg by the way had proved

unsuccessful; everywhere he had received the curt refusal:  

〃There are so many of you。〃

This was only too true; for the number of people; who; during 

that bitter year; were in want of bread; was appalling。  The 

famished peasants roamed about the country in groups; from 

three to twenty or more together。  Some carried babies in their 

arms; some had young children dragging by the hand。  The 

children looked almost transparent; with a bluish skin; under

which flowed; instead of pure blood; some sort of thick 

unwholesome fluid。  The way their small sharp bones projected 

from under the wasted flesh spoke more eloquently than could 

any words。  The sight of them made one's heart ache; while a 

constant intolerable pain seemed to gnaw one's very soul。


These hungry; naked; worn…out children did not even cry。  But 

they looked about them with sharp eyes that flashed greedily 

whenever they saw a garden; or a field; from which the corn 

had not yet been carried。  Then they would glance sadly at 

their elders; as if asking 〃Why was I brought into this world?〃

Sometimes they had a cart driven by a dried…up skeleton of an 

old woman; and full of children; whose little heads peeped out; 

gazing with mournful eyes in expressive silence at the new land 

into which they had been brought。  The rough; bony horse 

dragged itself along; shaking its head and its tumbled mane 

wearily from side to side。

Following the cart; or clustering round it; came the grown…up 

people; with heads sunk low on their breasts; and arms hanging 

helplessly at their sides。  Their dim; vacant eyes had not even 

the feverish glitter of hunger; but were full of an 

indescribable; impressive mournfulness。  Cast out of their 

homes by misfortune; these processions of peasants moved 

silently; slowly; stealthily through the strange land; as if 

afraid that their presence might disturb the peace of the more 

fortunate inhabitants。  Many and many a time we came across 

these processions; and every time they reminded me of a funeral 

without the corpse。

Sometimes; when they overtook us; or when we passed them; they 

would timidly and quietly ask us:  〃Is it much farther to the 

village?〃  And when we answered; they would sigh; and gaze 

dumbly at us。  My travelling companion hated these irrepressible 

rivals for charity。


In spite of all the difficulties of the journey; and the

scantiness of our food; Shakro; with his rich vitality; could 

not acquire the lean; hungry look; of which the starving 

peasants could boast in its fullest perfection。  Whenever he 

caught sight; in the distance; of these latter; he would 

exclaim: 〃Pouh! pouh! pouh。  Here they are again!  What are 

they roaming about for?  They seem to be always on the move! 

Is Russia too small for them?  I can't understand what they 

want!  Russians are a stupid sort of people!〃

When I had explained to him the reason of the 〃stupid〃 Russians 

coming to the Crimea; he shook his head incredulously; and 

remarked:  〃I don't understand!  It's nonsense!  We never have 

such 'stupid' things happening in Georgia!〃

We arrived in Kertch; as I have said; exhausted and hungry。 

It was late。  We had to spend the night under a bridge; which 

joined the harbor to the mainland。  We thought it better to 

conceal ourselves; as we had been told that just before our 

arrival all the tramps had been driven out of the town。  This 

made us feel anxious; lest we might fall into the hands of 

the police; besides Shakro had only a false passport; and if 

that fact became known; it might lead to serious complications 

in our future。

All night long the spray from the sea splashed over us。  At 

dawn we left our hiding place; wet to the skin and bitterly 

cold。  All day we wandered about the shore。  All we succeeded 

in earning was a silver piece of the value of ten kopecks; 

which was given me by the wife of a priest; in return for 

helping her to carry home a bag of melons from the bazaar。


A narrow belt of water divided us from Taman; where we meant 

to go; but not one boatman would consent to carry us over in 

his boat; in spite of my pleadings。  Everyone here was up in 

arms against the tramps; who; shortly before our arrival; had 

performed a series of heroic exploits; and we were looked upon;

with good reason; as belonging to their set。

Evening came on。  I felt angry with the whole world; for my 

lack of success; and I planned a somewhat risky scheme; which 

I put into execution as soon as night came on。


Toward evening; Shakro and I stole quietly up toward the boats 

of the custom house guardship。  There were three of them; 

chained to iron rings; which rings were firmly screwed into the 

stone wall of the quay。  It was pitch dark。  A strong wind 

dashed the boats one against the other。  The iron chains 

clanked noisily。  In the darkness and the noise; it was easy 

for me to unscrew the ring from the stone wall。

Just above our heads the sentinel walked to and fro; whistling 

through his teeth a tune。  Whenever he approached I stopped my 

work; though; as a matter of fact; this was a useless 

precaution; he could not even have suspected that a person 

would sit up to his neck in the water; at a spot where the 

backwash of a wave might at any moment carry him off his feet。 

Besides; the chains never ceased clanking; as the wind swung

them backward and forward。 


Shakro was already lying full length along the bottom of the 

boat; muttering something; which the noise of the waves 

prevented me from hearing。  At last the ring was in my hand。  

At the same moment a wave caught our boat; and dashed it 

suddenly some ten yards away from the side of the quay。  I 

bad to swim for a few seconds by the side of the boat; 

holding the chain in my hand。  At last I managed to scramble 

in。  We tore up two boards from the bottom; and using these 

as oars; I paddled away as fast as I could。

Clouds sailed rapidly over our heads; around; and underneath 

the boat; waves splashed furiously。  Shakro sa

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