贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > creatures that once were men >


creatures that once were men-第33章

小说: creatures that once were men 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Hi; little calf; get up!〃  He gave Gavrilo a kick。

Gavrilo started up; and; not recognizing him; stared at him in 

alarm with dull eyes。  Chelkash chuckled。

〃Well; you do look〃 Gavrilo brought out with a broad grin at 

last。  〃You're quite a gentleman!〃

〃We soon change。  But; I say; you're easily scared! aye!  How 

many times were you ready to die last night? eh? tell me!〃

〃Well; but just think; it's the first time I've ever been on 

such a job!  Why one may lose one's soul for all one's life!〃

〃Well; would you go again? Eh?〃

〃Again?  Wellthathow can I say?   For what inducement?  

That's the point!〃

〃Well; if it were for two rainbows?〃

〃Two hundred roubles; you mean?  WellI might。〃

〃But I say!  What about your soul?〃

〃Oh; wellmaybe one wouldn't lose it!〃 Gavrilo smiled。 〃One 

mightn'tand it would make a man of one for all one's life。〃

Chelkash laughed good…humoredly。

〃All right! that's enough joking。  Let's row to land。 Get 


〃Why; I've nothing to do!  I'm ready。〃

And soon they were in the boat again; Chelkash at the rudder; 

Gavrilo at the oars。  Above them the sky was gray; with clouds 

stretched evenly across it。  The muddy green sea played with 

their boat; tossing it noisily on the waves that sportively 

flung bright salt drops into it。  Far ahead from the boat's 

prow could be seen the yellow streak of the sandy shore; while 

from the stern there stretched away into the distance the free;

gambolling sea; all furrowed over with racing flocks of billows; 

decked here and there with a narrow fringe of foam。 


Far away they could see numbers of vessels; rocking on the 

bosom of the sea; away on the left a whole forest of masts and 

the white fronts of the houses of the town。  From that direction 

there floated across the sea a dull resounding roar; that 

mingled with the splash of the waves into a full rich music。  And 

over all was flung a delicate veil of ash…colored mist; that made 

things seem far from one another。

〃Ah; there'll be a pretty dance by evening!〃 said Chelkash; 

nodding his head at the sea。

〃A storm?〃 queried Gavrilo; working vigorously at the waves with 

his oars。  He was already wet through from head to foot with the 

splashing the wind blew on him from the sea。

〃Aye; aye!〃 Chelkash assented。

Gavrilo looked inquisitively at him; and his eyes expressed 

unmistakable expectation of something。

〃Well; how much did they give you?〃 he asked; at last; seeing 

that Chelkash was not going to begin the conversation。

〃Look!〃 said Chelkash; holding out to Gavrilo something he had 

pulled out of his pocket。

Gavrilo saw the rainbow…colored notes and everything danced in 

brilliant rainbow tints before his eyes。

〃I say!  Why; I thought you were bragging!  That'show much?〃

〃Five hundred and forty!  A smart job!〃


〃Smart; yes!〃 muttered Gavrilo; with greedy eyes; watching the 

five hundred and forty roubles as they were put back again in 

his pocket。  〃Well; I never!  What a lot of money!〃 and he 

sighed dejectedly。

〃We'll have a jolly good spree; my lad!〃 Chelkash cried 

ecstatically。  〃Eh; we've enough to。  Never fear; mate; I'll 

give you your share。  I'll give you forty; eh?  Satisfied? 

If you like; I'll give it you now!〃

〃Ifyou don't mind。  Well?  I wouldn't say no!〃

Gavrilo was trembling all over with suspense and some other 

acute feeling that dragged at his heart。

〃Hahaha!   Oh; you devil's doll!  'I'd not say no!' Take 

it; mate; please!  I beg you; indeed; take it! I don't know 

what to do with such a lot of money!  You must help me out; 

take some; there!〃

Chelkash held out some red notes to Gavrilo。  He took them 

with a shaking hand; let go the oars; and began stuffing them 

away in his bosom; greedily screwing up his eyes and drawing 

in his breath noisily; as though he had drunk something hot。 

Chelkash watched him with an ironical smile。  Gavrilo took up 

the oars again and rowed nervously; hurriedly; keeping his eyes

down as though he were afraid of something。  His shoulders and 

his ears were twitching。

〃You're greedy。  That's bad。  But; of course; you're a 

peasant;〃 Chelkash said musingly。

〃But see what one can do with money!〃 cried Gavrilo; suddenly 

breaking into passionate excitement; and jerkily; hurriedly; 

as though chasing his thoughts and catching his words as they 

flew; he began to speak of life in the village with money and 

without money。  Respect; plenty; independence gladness!


Chelkash heard him attentively; with a serious face and eyes 

filled with some dreamy thought。  At times he smiled a smile 

of content。  〃Here we are!〃 Chelkash cried at last; 

interrupting Gavrilo。

A wave caught up the boat and neatly drove it onto the sand。

〃Come; mate; now it's over。  We must drag the boat up farther; 

so that it shouldn't get washed away。  They'll come and fetch 

it。  Well; we must say good…bye!  It's eight versts from here 

to the town。  What are you going to do?  Coming back to the 

town; eh?〃

Chelkash's face was radiant with a good…humoredly sly smile; 

and altogether he had the air of a man who had thought of 

something very pleasant for himself and a surprise to Gavrilo。 

Thrusting his hand into his pocket; he rustled the notes there。

〃NoIam not coming。  I…〃 Gavrilo gasped; and seemed choking 

with something。  Within him there was raging a whole storm of 

desires; of words; of feelings; that swallowed up one another 

and scorched him as with fire。

Chelkash looked at him in perplexity。

〃What's the matter with you?〃 he asked。

〃Why〃 But Gavrilo's face flushed; then turned gray; and he 

moved irresolutely; as though he were half longing to throw 

himself on Chelkash; or half torn by some desire; the 

attainment of which was hard for him。

Chelkash felt ill at ease at the sight of such excitement in 

this lad。  He wondered what form it would take。


Gavrilo began laughing strangely; a laugh that was like a sob。 

His head was downcast; the expression of his face Chelkash 

could not see; Gavrilo's ears only were dimly visible; and 

they turned red and then pale。

〃Well; damn you!〃 Chelkash waved his hand; 〃Have you fallen 

in love with me; or what?  One might think you were a girl! 

Or is parting from me so upsetting?  Hey; suckling!  Tell me; 

what's wrong? or else I'm off!〃

〃You're going!〃 Gavrilo cried aloud。

The sandy waste of the shore seemed to start at his cry; and 

the yellow ridges of sand washed by the sea…waves seemed 

quivering。  Chelkash started too。  All at once Gavrilo tore 

himself from where he stood; flung himself at Chelkash's feet; 

threw his arms round them; and drew them toward him。  Chelkash 

staggered; he sat heavily down on the sand; and grinding his 

teeth; brandished his long arm and clenched fist in the air。

But before he had time to strike he was pulled up by Gavrilo's 

shame…faced and supplicating whisper:

〃Friend!  Give methat money!  Give it me; for Christ's sake! 

What is it to you?  Why in one nightin only one nightwhile 

it would take me a yearGive it meI will pray for you! 

Continuallyin three churchesfor the salvation of your soul! 

Why you'd cast it to the windswhile I'd put it into the land。 

0; give it me!  Why; what does it mean to you?  Did it cost you

much?  One nightand you're rich!  Do a deed of mercy!  You're 

a lost man; you seeyou couldn't make your waywhile Ioh; 

give it to me!〃

Chelkash; dismayed; amazed; and wrathful; sat on the sand; 

thrown backward with his hands supporting him; he sat there in 

silence; rolling his eyes frightfully at the young peasant; 

who; ducking his head down at his knees; whispered his

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