贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > creatures that once were men >


creatures that once were men-第26章

小说: creatures that once were men 字数: 每页4000字

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〃How d'ye do; Semyonitch!  It's a long while since we've seen 

each other;〃 Chelkash greeted him calmly; holding out his hand。

〃Thankful never to see you again!  Get along; get along!〃

But yet Semyonitch took the outstretched hand。  

〃You tell me this;〃 Chelkash went on; his gripping fingers 

still keeping their hold of Semyonitch's hand; and shaking 

it with friendly familiarity; 〃haven't you seen Mishka?〃

〃Mishka; indeed; who's Mishka? I don't know any Mishka。 Get 

along; mate! or the inspector'll see you; he'll〃

〃The red…haired fellow that I worked with last time on the 

'Kostroma'?〃  Chelkash persisted。

〃That you steal with; you'd better say。  He's been taken to 

the hospital; your Mishka; his foot was crushed by an iron 

bar。  Go away; mate; while you're asked to civilly;  go away; 

or I'll chuck you out by the scruff of your neck。〃


〃A…ha; that's like you!  And you say…you don't know Mishka! 

But I say; why are you so cross; Semyonitch?〃

〃I tell you; Grishka; don't give me any of your jaw。  Go…o!〃

The official began to get angry and; looking from side to side; 

tried to pull his hand away from Chelkash's firm grip。  

Chelkash looked calmly at him from under his thick eyebrows; 

smiled behind his mustache and not letting go of his hand; 

went on talking。

〃Don't hurry me。  I'll just have my chat out with you; and 

then I'll go。  Come; tell us how you're getting on; wife 

and children quite well?〃  And with a spiteful gleam in his 

eyes; he added; showing his teeth in a mocking grin: 

〃I've been meaning to pay you a call for ever so long; but 

I've not had the time; I'm always drinking; you see。〃

〃Nownow then…you drop that!  Younone of your jokes; you 

bony devil。  I'm in earnest; my man。 So you mean you're coming 

stealing in the houses and the streets?〃

〃What for? Why there's goods enough here to last our timefor 

you and me。  By God; there's enough; Semyonitch!  So you've 

been filching two cases of goods; eh?  Mind; Semyonitch; you'd 

better look out?  You'll get caught one day!〃

Enraged by Chelkash's insolence; Semyonitch turned blue; and 

struggled; spluttering and trying to say something。  


Chelkash let go of his hand; and with complete composure 

strode back to the dock gates。  The customs…house officer 

followed him; swearing furiously。  Chelkash grew more 

cheerful; he whistled shrilly through his teeth; and 

thrusting his hands in his breeches pockets; walked with the 

deliberate gait of a man of leisure; firing off to right and 

to left biting jeers and jests。  He was followed by retorts 

in the same vein。

〃I say; Grishka; what good care they do take of you!  Made 

your inspection; eh?〃 shouted one out of a group of dockers; 

who had finished dinner and were lying on the ground; resting。

〃I'm barefoot; so here's Semyonitch watching that I shouldn't 

graze my foot on anything;〃 answered Chelkash。

They reached the gates。  Two soldiers felt Chelkash all over; 

and gave him a slight shove into the streets。

〃Don't let him go!〃 wailed Semyonitch; who had stayed behind 

in the dockyard。

Chelkash crossed the road and sat down on a stone post opposite 

the door of the inn。  From the dock gates rolled rumbling an 

endless string of laden carts。  To meet them; rattled empty 

carts; with their drivers jolting up and down in them。  The 

dock vomited howling din and biting dust; and set the earth 


Chelkash; accustomed to this frenzied uproar; and roused by 

his scene with Semyonitch; felt in excellent spirits。  Before 

him lay the attractive prospect of a substantial haul; which 

would call for some little exertion and a great deal of 

dexterity; Chelkash was confident that he had plenty of the 

latter; and; half…closing his eyes; dreamed of how he would 

indulge to~morrow morning when the business would be over and 

the notes would be rustling in his pocket。 


Then he thought of his comrade; Mishka; who would have been 

very useful that night; if he had not hurt his foot; Chelkash 

swore to himself; thinking that; all alone; without Mishka;

maybe he'd hardly manage it all。  What sort of night would it 

be? Chelkash looked at the sky; and along the street。

Half…a…dozen paces from him; on the flagged pavement; there 

sat; leaning against a stone post; a young fellow in a coarse 

blue linen shirt; and breeches of the same; in plaited bark 

shoes; and a torn; reddish cap。  Near him lay a little bag; 

and a scythe without a handle; with a wisp of hay twisted 

round it and carefully tied with string。  The youth was 

broad…shouldered; squarely built; flaxen headed; with a 

sunburnt and weather…beaten face; and big blue eyes that 

stared with confident simplicity at Chelkash。

Chelkash grinned at him; put out his tongue; and making a 

fearful face; stared persistently at him with wide…open eyes。

The young fellow at first blinked in bewilderment; but then; 

suddenly bursting into a guffaw; shouted through his laughter: 

〃Oh! you funny chap!〃 and half getting up from the ground; 

rolled clumsily from his post to Chelkash's; upsetting his 

bag into the dust; and knocking the heel of his scythe on the 


〃Eh; mate; you've been on the spree; one can see!〃 he said to 

Chelkash; pulling at his trousers。

〃That's so; suckling; that's so indeed!〃 Chelkash admitted 

frankly; he took at once to this healthy; simple…hearted 

youth; with his childish clear eyes。  〃Been off mowing; eh?〃


〃To be sure!  You've to mow a verst to earn ten kopecks!  It's 

a poor business!  Folksin masses!  Men had come tramping from 

the famine parts。  They've knocked down the prices; go where 

you will。  Sixty kopecks they paid in Kuban。  And in years gone 

by; they do say; it was three; and four; and five roubles。〃

〃In years gone by!  Why; in years gone by; for the mere sight 

of a Russian they paid three roubles out that way。  Ten years 

ago I used to make a regular trade of it。  One would go to a 

settlement'I'm a Russian;' one saidand they'd come and 

gaze at you at once; touch you; wonder at you; andyou'd get 

three roubles。  And they'd give you food and drinkstay as 

long as you like!〃

As the youth listened to Chelkash; at first his mouth dropped 

open; his round face expressing bewildered rapture; then; 

grasping the fact that this tattered fellow was romancing; he 

closed his lips with a smack and guffawed。  Chelkash kept a 

serious face; hiding a smile in his mustache。

〃You funny chap; you chaff away as though it were the truth; 

and I listen as if it were a bit of news!  No; upon my soul; 

in years gone by〃

〃Why; and didn't I say so?  To be sure; I'm telling

you how in years gone by〃

〃Go on!〃 the lad waved his hand。  〃A cobbler; eh? or a tailor? 

or what are you?〃

〃I?〃 Chelkash queried; and after a moment's thought he said: 

〃I'm a fisherman。〃


〃A fisherman!  Really?  You catch fish?〃

〃Why fish?  Fishermen about here don't catch fish only。 They 

fish more for drowned men; old anchors; sunk shipseverything! 

There are hooks on purpose for all that。〃

〃Go on!  That sort of fishermen; maybe; that sing of themselves:

     〃We cast our nets

     Over banks that are dry;

     Over storerooms and pantries!〃

〃Why; have you seen any of that sort?〃 inquired Chelkash; 

looking scoffingly at him and thinking that this nice youth 

was very stupid。

〃No; seen them I haven't!  I've heard tell。〃

〃Do you like them?〃

〃Like them?  May be。  They're all right; fine bold chapsfree。〃

〃And what's freedom to you?  Do you care for freedom?〃

〃Well; I should think so!  Be your own master; go where you 

please; do as you like。  To be sure!  If you k

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