贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > creatures that once were men >


creatures that once were men-第23章

小说: creatures that once were men 字数: 每页4000字

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But we admired them always when we met them outside; or when 

they walked past our windows; in winter; in fur jackets and 

toques to match; in summer; in hats trimmed with flowers; and 

with colored parasols in their hands。  We talked; however; about

these girls in a way that would have made them mad with shame 

and rage; if they could have heard us。

〃If only he does not get hold of little Tanya!〃 said the baker; 

suddenly; in an anxious tone of voice。

We were silent; for these words troubled us。 Tanya had quite 

gone out of our minds; supplanted; put on one side by the strong; 

fine figure of the soldier。

Then began a lively discussion; some of us maintained that Tanya 

would never lower herself so; others thought she would not be 

able to resist him; and the third group proposed to give him a 

thrashing if he should try to annoy Tanya。  And; finally; we all 

decided to watch the soldier and Tanya; and to warn the girl

against him。  This brought the discussion to an end。

Four weeks had passed by since then; during this time the soldier 

baked white bread; walked about with the gold…embroidery girls; 

visited us often; but did not talk any more about his conquests; 

only twisted his mustache; and licked his lips lasciviously。

Tanya called in as usual every morning for 〃little kringels;〃 

and was as gay and as nice and friendly with us as ever。  We 

certainly tried once or twice to talk to her about the soldier; 

but she called him a 〃goggle…eyed calf;〃 and made fun of him 

all round; and that set our minds at rest。  We saw how the 

gold…embroidery girls carried on with the soldier; and we were 

proud of our girl; Tanya's behavior reflected honor on us all; we

imitated her; and began in our talks to treat the soldier with 

small consideration。  


She became dearer to us; and we greeted her with more  

friendliness and kindliness every morning。

One day the soldier came to see us; a bit drunk; and sat down 

and began to laugh。  When we asked him what he was laughing 

about; he explained to us:

〃Why two of themthat Lydka girl and Grushka have been 

clawing each other on my account。  You should have seen the 

way they went for each other!  Ha! ha!  One got hold of the 

other one by the hair; threw her down on the floor of the 

passage; and sat on her! Ha! ha! ha!  They scratched and tore 

each others' faces。  It was enough to make one die with 

laughter!  Why is it women can't fight fair?  Why do they always

scratch one another; eh?〃

He sat on the bench; healthy; fresh and jolly; he sat there and 

went on laughing。  We were silent。  This time he made an 

unpleasant impression on us。

〃Well; it's a funny thing what luck I have with the women…folk!  

Eh?  I've laughed till I'm ill!  One wink; and it's all over 

with them!  It's the d…devil!〃

He raised his white hairy hands; and slapped them down on his 

knees。   And his eyes seem to reflect such frank astonishment; 

as if he were himself quite surprised at his good luck with 

women。  His fat; red face glistened with delight and self 

satisfaction; and he licked his lips more than ever。

Our baker scraped the shovel violently and angrily along the 

oven floor; and all at once he said sarcastically:


〃There's no great strength needed to pull up fir saplings; but 

try a real pine…tree。〃

〃Why…what do you mean by saying that to me?〃 asked the soldier。

〃Oh; well。 。 。 。〃

〃What is it?〃

〃Nothing…it slipped out!〃

〃No; wait a minute! What's the point? What pinetree?〃

Our baker did not answer; working rapidly away with the shovel 

at the oven; flinging into it the half…cooked kringels; taking 

out those that were done; and noisily throwing them on the 

floor to the boys who were stringing them on bast。  He seemed 

to have forgotten the soldier and his conversation with him。 

But the soldier had all at once dropped into a sort of 

uneasiness。  He got up on to his feet; and went to the oven; 

at the risk of knocking against the handle of the shovel; which 

was waving spasmodically in the air。

〃No; tell me; dowho is it?  You've insulted me。  I?  There's 

not one could withstand me; n…no!  And you say such insulting 

things to me?〃

He really seemed genuinely hurt。  He must have had nothing else 

to pride himself on except his gift for seducing women; maybe; 

except for that; there was nothing living in him; and it was 

only that by which he could feel himself a living man。

There are men to whom the most precious and best thing in their 

lives appears to be some disease of their soul or body。 They 

spend their whole life in relation to it; and only living by it; 

suffering from it; they sustain themselves on it; they complain 

of it to others; and so draw the attention of their fellows to 



For that they extract sympathy from people; and apart from it 

they have nothing at all。  Take from them that disease; cure 

them; and they will be miserable; because they have lost their 

one resource in lifethey are left empty then。  Sometimes a 

man's life is so poor; that he is driven instinctively to 

prize his vice and to live by it; one may say for a fact that 

often men are vicious from boredom。

The soldier was offended; he went up to our baker and roared:

〃No; tell me do…who?〃

〃Tell you?〃 the baker turned suddenly to him。


〃You know Tanya?〃


〃Well; there then!  Only try。〃


〃Her?  Why that's nothing to me…pooh!〃

〃We shall see!〃

〃You will see! Ha! ha!〃


〃Give me a month!〃

〃What a braggart you are; soldier!〃

〃A fortnight!  I'll prove it!  Who is it?  Tanya!  Pooh!〃

〃Well; get out。 You're in my way!〃

〃A fortnightand it's done!  Ah; you〃

〃Get out; I say!〃


Our baker; all at once; flew into a rage and brandished his 

shovel。  The soldier staggered away from him in amazement; 

looked at us; paused; and softly; malignantly said; 〃Oh; all 

right; then!〃 and went away。

During the dispute we had all sat silent; absorbed in it。

But when the soldier had gone; eager; loud talk and noise 

arose among us。

Some one shouted to the baker: 〃It's a bad job that you've 

started; Pavel!〃

〃Do your work!〃 answered the baker savagely。

We felt that the soldier had been deeply aggrieved; and that 

danger threatened Tanya。  We felt this; and at the same time 

we were all possessed by a burning curiosity; most agreeable 

to us。  What would happen? Would Tanya hold out against the 

soldier?  And almost all cried confidently:  〃Tanya?  She'll 

hold out!  You won't catch her with your bare arms!〃

We longed terribly to test the strength of our idol; we 

forcibly proved to each other that our divinity was a strong 

divinity and would come victorious out of this ordeal。  We 

began at last to fancy that we had not worked enough on the 

soldier; that he would forget the dispute; and that we ought 

to pique his vanity more keenly。  From that day we began to 

live a different life; a life of nervous tension; such as we 

had never known before。  We spent whole days in arguing 

together; we all grew; as it were; sharper; and got to talk 

more and better。  It seemed to us that we were playing some 

sort of game with the devil; and the stake on our side was 

Tanya。  And when we learned from the bakers that the soldier 

had begun 〃running after our Tanya;〃 we felt a sort of 

delighted terror; and life was so interesting that we did not 

even notice that our employer had taken advantage of our 

pre…occupation to increase our work by fourteen pounds of 

dough a day。 


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