贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > creatures that once were men >


creatures that once were men-第19章

小说: creatures that once were men 字数: 每页4000字

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dead man and sighed; as he remembered that they had lived 

together for the last three years。  Tyapa entered holding his 

head like a goat which is ready to butt。

He sat down quietly and seriously on the opposite side of the 

teacher's body; looked into the dark; silent face; and began 

to sob。

〃So 。 。 。 he is dead 。 。 。 I too shall die soon。 。 。 。〃

〃It is quite time for that!〃 said the Captain; gloomily。


〃It is;〃 Tyapa agreed。 〃You ought to die too。  Anything is 

better than this。 。 。 。〃

〃But perhaps death might be worse?  How do you know?〃

〃It could not be worse。  When you die you have only God to 

deal with 。 。 。 but here you have to deal with men 。 。 。 and 

menwhat are they?〃

〃Enough! 。 。 。 Be quiet!〃 interrupted Kuvalda angrily。

And in the dawn; which filled the dosshouse; a solemn stillness 

reigned over all。  Long and silently they sat at the feet of 

their dead companion; seldom looking at him; and both plunged 

in thought。  Then Tyapa asked:

〃Will you bury him?〃

〃I?  No; let the police bury him!〃

〃You took money from Vaviloff for this petition 。 。 。 and I 

will give you some if you have not enough。〃 。

〃Though I have his money 。 。 。 still I shall not bury him。〃

〃That is not right。  You are robbing the dead。  I will tell 

them all that you want to keep his money。〃 。 。 。 Tyapa 

threatened him。

〃You are a fool; you old devil!〃 said Kuvalda; contemptuously。

〃I am not a fool 。 。 。 but it is not right nor friendly。〃

〃Enough! Be off!〃

〃How much money is there?〃

〃Twenty…five roubles;〃 。 。 。 said Kuvalda; absently。

〃So! 。 。 。 You might gain a five…rouble note。 。 。 。〃


〃You old scoundrel! 。 。 。〃  And looking into Tyapa's face the 

Captain swore。

〃Well; what?  Give。 。 。 。〃

〃Go to the Devil! 。 。 。 I am going to spend this money in 

erecting a monument to him。〃

〃What does he want that for?〃

〃I will buy a stone and an anchor。  I shall place the stone 

on the grass; and attach the anchor to it with a very heavy 


〃Why? You are playing tricks。 。 。 。〃

〃Well 。 。 。 It is no business of yours。〃

〃Look out!  I shall tell 。 。 。〃 again threatened Tyapa。

Aristid Fomich looked at him sullenly and said nothing。 Again 

they sat there in that silence which; in the presence of the 

dead; is so full of mystery。

〃Listen 。 。 。  They are coming!〃  Tyapa got up and went out of 

the dosshouse。

Then there appeared at the door the Doctor; the Police 

Inspector of the district; and the examining Magistrate or 

Coroner。  All three came in turn; looked at the dead teacher; 

and then went out; throwing suspicious glances at Kuvalda。 

He sat there; without taking any notice of them; until the 

Police Inspector asked him:

〃Of what did he die?〃

〃Ask him 。 。 。 I think his evil life hastened his end。〃

〃What?〃 asked the Coroner。

〃I say that he died of a disease to which he had not been 

accustomed。 。 。 。〃


〃H'm; yes。  Had he been ill long?〃

〃Bring him over here; I cannot see him properly;〃 said the 

Doctor; in a melancholy tone。  〃Probably there are signs 

of 。 。 。〃

〃Now; then; ask someone here to carry him out!〃 the Police 

Inspector ordered Kuvalda。

〃Go and ask them yourself!  He is not in my way here 。 。 。〃 

the Captain replied; indifferently。

〃Well!〃 。 。 。 shouted the Inspector; making a ferocious face。

〃Phew!〃 answered Kuvalda; without moving from his place and 

gnashing his teeth restlessly。

〃The Devil take it!〃 shouted the Inspector; so madly that the 

blood rushed to his face。  〃I'll make you pay for this!  


〃Good…morning; gentlemen!〃 said the merchant Petunikoff; with 

a sweet smile; making his appearance in the doorway。

He looked round; trembled; took off his cap and crossed himself。 

Then a pompous; wicked smile crossed his face; and; looking at 

the Captain; he inquired respectfully:

〃What has happened?  Has there been a murder here?〃

〃Yes; something of that sort;〃 replied the Coroner。

Petunikoff sighed deeply; crossed himself again; and spoke in 

an angry tone。

〃By Cod! It is just as I feared。 It always ends in your 

having to come here 。 。 。 Ay; ay; ay! God save everyone。  

Times without number have I refused to lease this house to 

this man; and he has always won me over; and I was afraid。 

You know 。 。 。 They are such awful people 。 。 。 better give 

it them; I thought; or else。 。 。 。〃


He covered his face with his hands; tugged at his beard; and 

sighed again。

〃They are very dangerous men; and this man here is their leader 

。 。 。 the ataman of the robbers。〃

〃But we will make him smart!〃 promised the Inspector; looking 

at the Captain with revengeful eyes。

〃Yes; brother; we are old friends of yours 。 。 。〃 said Kuvalda 

in a familiar tone。  〃How many times have I paid you to be 


〃Gentlemen!〃 shouted the Inspector; 〃did you hear him?  I want 

you to bear witness to this。  Aha; I shall make short work of 

you; my friend; remember!〃

〃Don't count your chickens before they are hatched 。 。 。 my 

friend;〃  said Aristid Fomich。

The Doctor; a young man with eye…glasses; looked at him 

curiously; the Coroner with an attention that boded him no 

good; Petunikoff with triumph; while the Inspector could hardly 

restrain himself from throwing himself upon him。

The dark figure of Martyanoff appeared at the door of the 

dosshouse。  He entered quietly; and stood behind Petunikoff; 

so that his chin was on a level with the merchant's head。 

Behind him stood the Deacon; opening his small; swollen; 

red eyes。

〃Let us be doing something; gentlemen;〃 suggested the Doctor。

Martyanoff made an awful grimace; and suddenly suddenly sneezed 

on Petunikoff's head。  The latter gave a yell; sat down 

hurriedly; and then jumped aside; almost knocking down the 

Inspector; into whose open arms he fell。


〃Do you see;〃 said the frightened merchant; pointing to 

Martyanoff; 〃do you see what kind of men they are。〃

Kuvalda burst out laughing。  The Doctor and the Coroner smiled 

too; and at the door of the dosshouse the group of figures was 

increasing 。 。 。 sleepy figures; with swollen faces; red; 

inflamed eyes; and dishevelled hair; staring rudely at the 

Doctor; the Coroner; and the Inspector。

〃Where are you going?〃 said the policeman on guard at the door; 

catching hold of their tatters and pushing them aside。  But he 

was one against many; and; without taking any notice; they all 

entered and stood there; reeking of vodki; silent and 


Kuvalda glanced at them; then at the authorities; who were 

angry at the intrusion of these ragamuffins; and said; 

smilingly; 〃Gentlemen; perhaps you would like to make the 

acquaintance of my lodgers and friends?  Would you?  But; 

whether you wish it or not; you will have to make their 

acquaintance sooner or later in the course of your duties。〃

The Doctor smiled in an embarrassed way。  The Coroner pressed 

his lips together; and the Inspector saw that it was time to 

go。  Therefore; he shouted:

〃Sideroff!  Whistle!  Tell them to bring a cart here。〃

〃I will go;〃 said Petunikoff; coming forward from a corner。 

〃You had better take it away to…day; sir; I want to pull down 

this hole。  Go away! or else I shall apply to the police!〃


The policeman's whistle echoed through the courtyard。  At the 

door of the dosshouse its inhabitants stood in a group; 

yawning; and scratching themselves。

〃And so you do not wish to be introduced?  That is rude of 

you!〃 laughed

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