贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > creatures that once were men >


creatures that once were men-第13章

小说: creatures that once were men 字数: 每页4000字

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a wood…louse!  You nose out every evil thing。  Yes; the face 

of that young swindler shows that be has got what he wanted。 。 。 

I wonder how much Egorka has got out of them。  He has evidently 

taken something 。 。 。 He is just the same sort of rogue that

they are 。 。 。 they are all tarred with the same brush。 He has 

got some money; and I'm damned if I did not arrange the whole 

thing for him! It is best to own my folly 。 。 。 Yes; life is 

against us all; brothers 。 。 。 and even when you spit upon 

those nearest to you; the spittle rebounds and hits your own 


Having satisfied himself with this reflection; the worthy Captain 

looked round upon his staff。  Every one of them was disappointed; 

because they all knew that something they did not expect had 

taken place between Petunikoff and Vaviloff; and they all felt 

that they had been insulted。  The feeling that one is unable to 

injure anyone is worse than the feeling that one is unable to do 

good; because to do harm is far easier and simpler。

〃Well; why are we loitering here?  We have nothing more to wait 

for 。 。 。 except the reward that I shall get outout of Egorka; 

。 。 。〃 said the Captain; looking angrily at the eating…house。 

〃So our peaceful life under the roof of Judas has come to an end。 


Judas will now turn us out 。 。 。 So do not say that I have not 

warned you。〃

Kanets smiled sadly。

〃What are you laughing at; jailer?〃 Kuvalda asked。

〃Where shall I go then?〃

〃That; my soul; is a question that fate will settle for you; so 

do not worry;〃 said the Captain thoughtfully; entering the 

dosshouse。  〃The creatures that once were men〃 followed him。

〃We can do nothing but await the critical moment;〃 said the 

Captain; walking about among them。  〃When they turn us out we 

shall seek a new place for ourselves; but at present there is 

no use spoiling our life by thinking of it 。 。 。 In times of 

crisis one becomes energetic 。 。 。 and if life were fuller of 

them and every moment of it so arranged that we were compelled 

to tremble for our lives all the time 。 。 。 By God! life would be

livelier and even fuller of interest and energy than it is!〃

〃That means that people would all go about cutting one another's 

throats;〃 explained Abyedok smilingly。

〃Well; what about it?〃 asked the Captain angrily。  He did not 

like to hear his thoughts illustrated。

〃Oh! Nothing! When a person wants to get anywhere quickly he 

whips up the horses; but of course it needs fire to make engines 

go。 。 。 。〃

〃Well; let everything go to the Devil as quickly as possible。 

I'm sure I should be pleased if the earth suddenly opened up or 

was burned or destroyed somehow 。 。 。 only I were left to the 

last in order to see the others consumed。 。 。 。〃


〃Ferocious creature!〃 smiled Abyedok。

〃Well; what of that?  I 。 。 。 I was once a man 。 。 。 now I am 

an outcast 。 。 。 that means I have no obligations。  It means 

that I am free to spit on everyone。  The nature of my present 

life means the rejection of my past 。 。 。 giving up all relations 

toward men who are well fed and well dressed; and who look upon 

me with contempt because I am inferior to them in the matter of 

feeding or dressing。  I must develop something new within myself; 

do you understand?  Something that will make Judas Petunikoff and 

his kind tremble and perspire before me!〃

〃Ah!  You have a courageous tongue!〃 jeered Abyedok。

〃Yes 。 。 。 You miser!〃  And Kuvalda looked at him contemptuously。 

〃What do you understand?  What do you know?  Are you able to 

think?  But I have thought and I have read 。 。 。 books of which 

you could not have understood one word。〃

〃Of course!  One cannot eat soup out of one's hand 。 。 。 But 

though you have read and thought; and I have not done that or 

anything else; we both seem to have got into pretty much the 

same condition; don't we?〃

〃Go to the Devil!〃 shouted Kuvalda。  His conversations with 

Abyedok always ended thus。  When the teacher was absent his 

speeches; as a rule; fell on the empty air; and received no 

attention; and he knew this; but still he could not help 

speaking。  And now; having quarrelled with his companion; he 

felt rather deserted; but; still longing for conversation; he 

turned to Simtsoff with the following question: 


〃And you; Aleksei Maksimovitch; where will you lay your gray 


The old man smiled good…humoredly; rubbed his hands; and 

replied; 〃I do not know 。 。 。 I will see。  One does not require 

much; just a little drink。〃

〃Plain but honorable fare!〃 the Captain said。  Simtsoff was 

silent; only adding that he would find a place sooner than any 

of them; because women loved him。  This was true。  The old man 

had; as a rule; two or three prostitutes; who kept him on their 

very scant earnings。  They very often beat him; but he took this

stoically。  They somehow never beat him too much; probably 

because they pitied him。  He was a great lover of women; and 

said they were the cause of all his misfortunes。  The character 

of his relations toward them was confirmed by the appearance of 

his clothes; which; as a rule; were tidy; and cleaner than those 

of his companions。  And now; sitting at the door of the dosshouse;

he boastingly related that for a long time past Redka had been 

asking him to go and live with her; but he had not gone because 

he did not want to part with the company。  They heard this with 

jealous interest。  They all knew Redka。  She lived very near the 

town; almost below the mountain。  Not long ago; she had been in

prison for theft。  She was a retired nurse; a tall; stout peasant 

woman with a face marked by smallpox; but with very pretty; 

though always drunken; eyes。

〃Just look at the old devil!〃 swore Abyedok; looking at Simtsoff; 

who was smiling in a self…satisfied way。

〃And do you know why they love me?  Because I know how to cheer 

up their souls。〃


〃Do you?〃 inquired Kuvalda。

〃And I can make them pity me 。 。 。 And a woman; when she pities!  

Go and weep to her; and ask her to kill you 。 。 。 she will pity 

youand she will kill you。〃

〃I feel inclined to commit a murder;〃 declared Martyanoff; 

laughing his dull laugh。

〃Upon whom?〃 asked Abyedok; edging away from him。

〃It's all the same to me 。 。 。 Petunikoff 。 。 。 Egorka or even 


〃And why?〃 inquired Kuvalda。

〃I want to go to Siberia 。 。 。 I have had enough of this vile 

life 。 。 。 one learns how to live there!〃

〃Yes; they have a particularly good way of teaching in Siberia;〃 

agreed the Captain sadly。

They spoke no more of Petunikoff; or of the turning out of the 

inhabitants of the dosshouse。  They all knew that they would 

have to leave soon; therefore they did not think the matter 

worth discussion。  It would do no good; and besides the weather 

was not very cold though the rains had begun 。 。 。 and it would 

be possible to sleep on the ground anywhere outside the town。 

They sat in a circle on the grass and conversed about all sorts

of things; discussing one subject after another; and listening 

attentively even to the poor speakers in order to make the time 

pass; keeping quiet was as dull as listening。  This society of 

〃creatures that once were men〃 had one fine characteristicno

one of them endeavored to make out that he was better than the 

others; nor compelled the others to acknowledge his superiority。


The August sun seemed to set their tatters on fire as they sat 

with their backs and uncovered heads exposed to it 。 。 。 a 

chaotic mixture of the vegetable; mineral; and animal kingdoms。 

In the corners of the yard the tall steppe grass grew 

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