贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > creatures that once were men >


creatures that once were men-第10章

小说: creatures that once were men 字数: 每页4000字

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dear; because illness requires medicine; and medicine money。  

If you have not killed the child; you may have crippled him; and

he will he born deformed; lop…sided; or hunch…backed。  That 

means that he will not be able to work; and it is only too 

important to you that he should be a good workman。  Even if he 

be born ill; it will be bad enough; because he will keep his 

mother from work; and will require medicine。  Do you see what 

you are doing to yourself?  Men who live by hard work must be 

strong and healthy; and they should have strong and healthy

children 。 。 。 Do I speak truly?〃

〃Yes;〃 assented the listeners。

〃But all this will never happen;〃 says Yashka; becoming rather 

frightened at the prospect held out to him by the teacher。 


〃She is healthy; and I cannot have reached the child 。 。 。 

She is a devila hag!〃 he shouts angrily。  〃I would 。 。 。 She 

will eat me away as rust eats iron。〃

〃I understand; Yakov; that you cannot help beating your wife;〃 

the teacher's sad and thoughtful voice again breaks in。  〃You 

have many reasons for doing so 。 。 。 It is your wife's character 

that causes you to beat her so incautiously 。 。 。 But your own 

dark and sad life。 。 。 。〃

〃You are right!〃 shouts Yakov。 〃We live in darkness; like the 

chimney…sweep when he is in the chimney!〃

〃You are angry with your life; but your wife is patient; the 

closest relation to youyour wife; and you make her suffer 

for this; simply because you are stronger than she。  She is 

always with you; and cannot get away。  Don't you see how absurd 

you are?〃

〃That is so 。 。 。 Devil take it!  But what shall I do?  Am I 

not a man?〃

〃Just so!  You are a man。 。 。 。 I only wish to tell you that if 

you cannot help beating her; then beat her carefully and always 

remember that you may injure her health or that of the child。 

It is not good to beat pregnant women 。 。 。 on their belly or 

on their sides and chests 。 。 。 Beat her; say; on the neck 

。 。 。 or else take a rope and beat her on some soft place。 。 。 。〃

The orator finished his speech and looked upon his hearers with 

his dark; pathetic eyes; seeming to apologize to them for some 

unknown crime。


The public understands it。  They understand the morale of the 

creature who was once a man; the morale of the public…house and 

much misfortune。

〃Well; brother Yashka; did you understand?  See how true it 


Yakov understood that to beat her incautiously might be 

injurious to his wife。  He is silent; replying to his

companions' jokes with confused smiles。

〃Then again; what is a wife?〃  philosophizes the baker; 

Mokei Anisimoff。  〃A wife 。 。 。 is a friend if we look at the 

matter in that way。  She is like a chain; chained to you for 

life 。 。 。 and you are both just like galley slaves。  And if 

you try to get away from her; you cannot; you feel the chain。〃 

〃Wait;〃 says Yakovleff; 〃but you beat your wife too。〃

〃Did I say that I did not?  I beat her 。 。 There is nothing 

else handy 。 。 。 Do you expect me to beat the wall with my 

fist when my patience is exhausted?〃

〃I feel just like that too 。 。 。〃 says Yakov。

〃How hard and difficult our life is; my brothers!  There is no 

real rest for us anywhere!〃

〃And even you beat your wife by mistake;〃 some one remarks 

humorously。  And thus they speak till far on in the night or 

till they have quarrelled; the usual result of drink or of 

passions engendered by such discussions。

The rain beats on the windows; and outside the cold wind is 

blowing。  The eating…house is close with tobacco smoke; but 

it is warm; while the street is cold and wet。  Now and then; 

the wind beats threateningly on the windows of the eating…house; 

as if bidding these men to come out and be scattered like dust 

over the face of the earth。 


Sometimes a stifled and hopeless groan is heard in its howling 

which again is drowned by cold; cruel laughter。  This music 

fills one with dark; sad thoughts of the approaching winter; 

with its accursed short; sunless days and long nights; of the 

necessity of possessing warm garments and plenty to eat。  It is 

hard to sleep through the long winter nights on an empty

stomach。  Winter is approaching。  Yes; it is approaching 。 。 。 

How to live?

These gloomy forebodings created a strong thirst among the 

inhabitants of the main street; and the sighs of the 〃creatures 

that once were men increased with the wrinkles on their brows; 

their voices became thick and their behavior to each other more 

blunt。  And brutal crimes were committed among them; and the

roughness of these poor unfortunate outcasts was apt to increase 

at the approach of that inexorable enemy; who transformed all 

their lives into one cruel farce。  But this enemy could not be 

captured because it was invisible。

Then they began beating each other brutally; and drank till they 

had drunk everything which they could pawn to the indulgent 

Vaviloff。 And thus they passed the autumn days in open wickedness; 

in suffering which was eating their hearts out; unable to rise out 

of this vicious life and in dread of the still crueller days of


Kuvalda in such cases came to their assistance with his philosophy。

〃Don't lose your temper; brothers; everything has an end; this is 

the chief characteristic of life。  


The winter will pass; summer will follow 。 。 。 a glorious time;

when the very sparrows are filled with rejoicing。〃  But his 

speeches did not have any effecta mouthful of even the freshest 

and purest water will not satisfy a hungry man。

Deacon Taras also tried to amuse the people by singing his songs 

and relating his tales。  He was more successful; and sometimes 

his endeavors ended in a wild and glorious orgy at the 

eating…house。  They sang; laughed and danced; and for hours 

behaved like madmen。  After this they again fell into a

despairing mood; sitting at the tables of the eating…house; in 

the black smoke of the lamp and the tobacco; sad and tattered; 

speaking lazily to each other; listening to the wild howling 

of the wind; and thinking how they could get enough vodki to 

deaden their senses。

And their hand was against every man; and every man's hand 

against them。


All things are relative in this world; and a man cannot sink 

into any condition so bad that it could not be worse。  One 

day; toward the end of September; Captain Aristid Kuvalda was 

sitting; as was his custom; on the bench near the door of the 

dosshouse; looking at the stone building built by the merchant 

Petunikoff close to Vaviloff's eating…house; and thinking 

deeply。  This building; which was partly surrounded by woods; 

served the purpose of a candle factory。


Painted red; as if with blood; it looked like a cruel machine 

which; though not working; opened a row of deep; hungry; 

gaping jaws; as if ready to devour and swallow anything。  The 

gray wooden eating…house of Vaviloff; with its bent roof 

covered with patches; leaned against one of the brick walls 

of the factory; and seemed as if it were some large form of 

parasite clinging to it。  The Captain was thinking that they 

would very soon be making new houses to replace the old 

building。  〃They will destroy the dosshouse even;〃 he 

reflected。  〃It will be necessary to look out for another; 

but such a cheap one is not to be found。  It seems a great 

pity to have to leave a place to which one is accustomed;

though it will be necessary to go; simply because some

merchant or other thinks of manufacturing candles and soap。〃 

And the Captain felt that if he could only make the life of 

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