贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the origins of contemporary france-2 >


the origins of contemporary france-2-第93章

小说: the origins of contemporary france-2 字数: 每页4000字

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levies these have to be assessed; and as there are complicated

writings and formalities; claims to settle amidst great resistance

and local ignorance; the operation is indefinitely prolonged。  The

personal and land…tax schedule of 1791 is not transmitted to the

departments by the Assembly until June; 1791。  The departments do

not distribute it among the districts until the months of July;

August; and September; 1791。  It is not distributed by the districts

among the communes before October; November; and December; 1791。

Thus in the last month of 1791 it is not yet distributed to the tax…

payers by the communes; from which it follows that on the budget of

1791 and throughout that year; the tax…payer has paid nothing。 …  At

last; in 1792; everybody begins to receive this assessment。  It

would require a volume to set forth the partiality and dissimulation

of these assessments。  In the first place the office of assessor is

one of danger; the municipal authorities; whose duty it is to assign

the quotas; are not comfortable in their town quarters。  Already; in

1790;'51' the municipal officers of Monbazon have been threatened

with death if they dared to tax industrial pursuits on the tax…roll;

and they escaped to Tours in the middle of the night。  Even at

Tours; three or four hundred insurgents of the vicinity; dragging

along with them the municipal officers of three market…towns; come

and declare to the town authorities 〃that for all taxes they will

not pay more than forty…five sous per household。〃 I have already

narrated how; in 1792; in the same department; 〃they kill; they

assassinate the municipal officers〃 who presume to publish the tax…

rolls of personal property。  In Creuse; at Clugnac; the moment the

clerk begins to read the document; the women spring upon him; seize

the tax…roll; and 〃tear it up with countless imprecations;〃 the

municipal council is assailed; and two hundred persons stone its

members; one of whom is thrown down; has his head shaved; and is

promenaded through the village in derision。 …  When the small tax…

payer defends himself in this manner; it is a warning that he must

be humored。  The assessment; accordingly; in the village councils is

made amongst a knot of cronies。  Each relieves himself of the burden

by shoving it off on somebody else。  〃They tax the large

proprietors; whom they want to make pay the whole tax。〃 The noble;

the old seigneur; is the most taxed; and to such an extent that in

many places his income does not suffice to pay his quota。 …  In the

next place they make themselves out poor; and falsify or elude the

prescriptions of the law。  〃In most of the municipalities; houses;

tenements; and factories'52' are estimated according to the value of

the area they cover; and considered as land of the first class;

which reduces the quota to almost nothing。〃 And this fraud is not

practiced in the villages alone。  〃Communes of eight or ten thousand

souls might be cited which have arranged matters so well amongst

themselves in this respect that not a house is to be found worth

more than fifty sous。〃  …  Last expedient of all; the commune defers

as long as it can the preparation of its tax…rolls。  On the 30th of

January; 1792; out of 40;211; there are only 2;560 which are

complete; on the 5th of October; 1792; the schedules are not made

out in 4;800 municipalities; and it must be noted that all this

relates to a term of administration which has been finished for more

than nine months。  At the same date; there are more than six

thousand communes which have not yet begun to collect the land…tax

of 1791; and more than fifteen thousand communes which have not yet

begun to collect the personal tax; the Treasury and the departments

have not yet received 152;000;000 francs; there being still

222;000;000 to collect。  On the 1st February; 1793; there still

remains due on the same period 161;000;000 francs; while of the

50;000;000 assessed in 1790; to replace the salt…tax and other

suppressed duties; only 2;000;000 have been collected。  Finally; at

the same date; out of the two direct taxes of 1792; which should

produce 300;000;000; less than 4;000;000 have been received。  …  It

is a maxim of the debtor that he must put off payment as long as

possible。  Whoever the creditor may be; the State or a private

individual; a leg or a wing may be saved by dint of procrastination。

The maxim is true; and; on this occasion; success once more

demonstrates its soundness。  During the year 1792; the peasant

begins to discharge a portion of his arrears; but it is with

assignats。  In January; February; and March; 1792; the assignats

diminish thirty…four; forty…four; and forty…five per cent。  in

value; in January; February; and March; 1793; forty…seven and fifty

percent。; in May; June; and July; 1793; fifty…four; sixty; and

sixty…seven per cent。  Thus has the old credit of the State melted

away in its hands; those who have held on to their crowns gain fifty

per cent。  and more。  Again; the greater their delay the more their

debts diminish; and already; on the strength of this; the way to

release themselves at half…price is found。

Meanwhile; hands are laid on the badly defended landed property of

this feeble creditor。  …  It is always difficult for rude brains to

form any conception of the vague; invisible; abstract entity called

the State; to regard it as a veritable personage and a legitimate

proprietor; especially when they are persistently told that the

State is everybody。  The property of all is the property of each;

and as the forests belong to the public; the first…comer has a right

to profit by them。  In the month of December; 1789;'53' bands of

sixty men or more chop down the trees in the Bois de Boulogne and at

Vincennes。  In April; 1790; in the forest of Saint…Germain; 〃the

patrols arrest all kinds of delinquents day and night:〃 handed over

to the National Guards and municipalities in the vicinity; these are

〃almost immediately released; even with the wood which they have cut

down against the law。〃 iii There is no means of repressing 〃the

reiterated threats and insults of the low class of people。〃 A mob of

women; urged on by an old French guardsman; come and pillage under

the nose of the escort a load of faggots confiscated for the benefit

of a hospital; and in the forest itself; bands of marauders fire

upon the patrols。  …  At Chantilly; three game…keepers are mortally

wounded;'54' both parks are devastated for eighteen consecutive

days; the game is all killed; transported to Paris and sold。  …  At

Chambord the lieutenant of the constabulary writes to announce his

powerlessness; the woods are ravaged and even burnt; the poachers

are now masters of the situation; breaches in the wall are made by

them; and the water from the pond is drawn off to enable them to

catch the fish。  …  At Claix; in Dauphiny; an officer of the

jurisdiction of woods and forests; who has secured an injunction

against the inhabitants for cutting down trees on leased ground; is

seized; tortured during five hours; and then stoned to death。  …  In

vain does the National Assembly issue three decrees and regulations;

placing the forests under the supervision and protection of

administrative bodies;  …  he latter are too much afraid of their

charge。  Between the central power; which is weak and remote; and

the people; present and strong; they always decide in favor of the

latter。  Not one of the five municipalities surrounding Chantilly is

disposed to assist in the execution of the laws; while the

directories of the district and department respectively; sanction

their inertia。 …  Similarly; near Toulouse;'55' where the

magnificent forest of Larramet is devastated in open day and by an

armed force; where the wanton destruction by the populace leaves

nothing of the underwood and shrubbery but 〃a few scattered trees

and the remains of trunks cut at different heights;〃 the

municipalities of Toulouse and of 

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