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the origins of contemporary france-2-第38章

小说: the origins of contemporary france-2 字数: 每页4000字

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of a new president every fortnight。  …  They submit to no constraint

or control; neither to the legal authority of a parliamentary code;

nor to the moral authority of parliamentary chiefs。   They are

without any such; they are not organized in parties; neither on one

side nor on the other is a recognized leader found who fixes the

time; arranges the debate; draws up the motion; assigns parts; and

gives the rein to or restrains his supporters。   Mirabeau is the

only one capable of obtaining this ascendancy; but; on the opening

of the Assembly; he is discredited by the notoriety of his vices;

and; towards the last; is compromised by his connections with the

Court。   No other is of sufficient eminence to have any influence;

there is too much of average and too little of superior talent。  …

Their self…esteem is; moreover; as yet too strong to allow any

concessions。   Each of these improvised legislators has come

satisfied with his own system; and to submit to a leader to whom he

would entrust his political conscience; to make of him what three

out of four of these deputies should be; a voting machine; would

require an apprehension of danger; some painful experience; an

enforced surrender which he is far from realizing。'4'  For this

reason; save in the violent party; each acts as his own chief;

according to the impulse of the moment; and the confusion may be

imagined。   Strangers who witness it; lift their hands in pity and

astonishment。   〃They discuss nothing in their Assembly;〃 writes

Gouverneur Morris;'5'  〃One large half of the time is spent in

hallowing and bawling。。。。   Each Man permitted to speak delivers the

Result of his Lubrications;〃 amidst this noise; taking his turn as

inscribed; without replying to his predecessor; or being replied to

by his  successor; without ever meeting argument by argument; so

that while the firing is interminable; 〃all their shots are fired in

the air。〃 Before this 〃frightful clatter〃 can be reported; the

papers of the day are obliged to make all sorts of excisions; to

prune away 〃nonsense;〃 and reduce the 〃inflated and bombastic

style。〃 Chatter and clamor; that is the whole substance of most of

these famous sittings。

 〃You would hear;〃 says a journalist; 〃more yells than speeches; the

sittings seemed more likely to end in fights than in decrees。 。 。  。

Twenty times I said to myself; on leaving; that if anything could

arrest and turn the tide of the Revolution; it would be a picture of

these meetings traced without caution or adaptation。 。 。  All my

efforts were therefore directed to represent the truth; without

rendering it repulsive。   Out of what had been merely a row; I

concocted a scene。 。 。  I gave all the sentiments; but not always in

the same words。   I translated their yells into words; their furious

gestures into attitudes; and when I could not inspire esteem; I

endeavored to rouse the emotions。〃

 There is no remedy for this evil; for; besides the absence of

discipline; there is an inward and fundamental cause for the

disorder。   These people are too susceptible。   They are Frenchmen;

and Frenchmen of the eighteenth century; brought up in the amenities

of the utmost refinement; accustomed to deferential manners; to

constant kind attentions and mutual obligations; so thoroughly

imbued with the instinct of good breeding that their conversation

seems almost insipid to strangers。'6'   And suddenly they find

themselves on the thorny soil of politics; exposed to insulting

debates; flat contradictions; venomous denunciation; constant

detraction and open invective; engaged in a battle in which every

species of weapon peculiar to a parliamentary life is employed; and

in which the hardiest veterans are scarcely able to keep cool。

Judge of the effect of all this on inexperienced; highly strung

nerves; on men of the world accustomed to the accommodations and

amiabilities of universal urbanity。   They are at once beside

themselves。  …  And all the more so because they never anticipated a

battle; but; on the contrary; a festival; a grand and charming

idyll; in which everybody; hand in hand; would assemble in tears

around the throne and save the country amid mutual embraces。

Necker himself arranges; like a theater; the chamber in which the

sessions of the Assembly are to be held。'7'  〃He was not disposed to

regard the Assemblies of the States…General as anything but a

peaceful; imposing; solemn; august spectacle; which the people would

enjoy;〃 and when the idyll suddenly changes into a drama; he is so

frightened that it seems to him as if a landslide had occurred that

threatened; during the night; to break down the framework of the

building。  …  At the time of the meeting of the States…General;

everybody is delighted; all imagine that they are about to enter the

promised land。   During the procession of the 4thof May;

 〃tears of joy;〃 says the Marquis de Ferrières; 〃filled my eyes。 。 。

。   In a state of sweet rapture I beheld France supported by

Religion〃 exhorting us all to concord。   〃The sacred ceremonies; the

music; the incense; the priests in their sacrificial robes; that

dais; that orb radiant with precious stones。   。。   I called to my

mind the words of the prophet。 。 。  。   My God; my country; and my

countrymen; all were one with myself! 〃

Such emotions repeatedly explode in the course of the session; and

resulted in the passage of laws which no one could have imagined。

〃Sometimes;〃'8' writes the American ambassador; 〃a speaker gets up

in the midst of a deliberation; makes a fine discourse on a

different subject; and closes with a nice little resolution which is

carried with a hurrah。   Thus; in considering the plan of a national

bank proposed by M。 Necker; one of them took it into his head to

move that every member should give his silver buckles; which was

agreed to at once; and the honorable mover laid his upon the table;

after which the business went on again。〃

Thus; over…excited; they do not know in the morning what they will

do in the afternoon; and they are at the mercy of every surprise。

When they are seized with these fits of enthusiasm; infatuation

spreads over all the benches; prudence gives way; all foresight

disappears and every objection is stifled。   During the night of the

4th of August;'9' 〃nobody is master of himself 。   The Assembly

presents the spectacle of an inebriated crowd in a shop of valuable

furniture; breaking and smashing at will whatever they can lay their

hands on。〃

 〃That which would have required a year of care and reflection;〃

says a competent foreigner; 〃was proposed; deliberated over; and

passed by general acclamation。   The abolition of feudal rights; of

titles; of the privileges of the provinces; three articles which

alone embraced a whole system of jurisprudence and statesmanship;

were decided with ten or twelve other measures in less time than is

required in the English Parliament for the first reading of an

important bill。〃

 〃Such are our Frenchmen;〃 says Mirabeau again; 〃they spend a month

in disputes about syllables; and overthrow; in a single night; the

whole established system of the Monarchy !〃'10'

 The truth is; they display the nervousness of women; and; from one

end of the Revolution to the other; this excitability keeps on


Not only are they excited; but the pitch of excitement must be

maintained; and; like the drunkard who; once stimulated; has

recourse again to strong waters; one would say that they carefully

try to expel the last remnants of calmness and common sense from

their brains。   They delight in pompous phrases; in high…sounding

rhetoric; in declamatory sentimental strokes of eloquence: this is

the style of nearly all their speeches; and so strong is their

taste; they are not satisfied with the orations made amongst

themselves。   Lally and Necker; having made 〃affecting and sublime〃

speeches at 

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