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the origins of contemporary france-2-第25章

小说: the origins of contemporary france-2 字数: 每页4000字

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Remiremont and at Luxeuil they produce an edict; stating that 〃all

this brigandage; pillage; and destruction〃 is permitted。  In

Dauphiny; the leaders of the bands say that they possess the King's

orders。  In Auvergne; 〃they follow imperative orders; being advised

that such is his Majesty's will。〃 Nowhere do we see that an

insurgent village exercises personal vengeance against its lord。  If

the people fire on the nobles they encounter; it is not through

personal hatred。  They are destroying the class; and do not pursue

individuals。  They detest feudal privileges; holders of charters;

the cursed parchments by virtue of which they are made to pay; but

not the nobleman who; when he resides at home; is of humane

intentions; compassionate; and even often beneficent。  At Luxeuil;

the abbot; who is forced with uplifted ax to sign a relinquishment

of his seignorial rights over twenty…three estates; has dwelt among

them for forty…six years; and has been wholly devoted to them。'41'

In the canton of Crémieu; 〃where the havoc is immense;〃 all the

nobles; write the municipal officers; are 〃patriots and benevolent。〃

In Dauphiny; the engineers; magistrates; and prelates; whose

chateaux are sacked; were the first to espouse the cause of the

people and of public liberties against the ministers。  In Auvergne;

the peasants themselves 〃manifest a good deal of repugnance to act

in this way against such kind masters。〃 But it must be done; the

only concession which can be made in consideration of the kindness

which had been extended to them is; not to burn the chateau of the

ladies of Vanes; who had been so charitable; but they burn all their

title…deeds; and torture the business agent at three different times

by fire; to force him to deliver a document which he does not

possess; they then only withdraw him from the fire half…broiled;

because the ladies; on their knees; implore mercy for him。  They are

like the soldiers on a campaign who execute orders with docility;

for which necessity is the only plea; and who; without regarding

themselves as brigands; commit acts of brigandage。

But here the situation is more tragic; for it is war in the midst of

peace; a war of the brutal and barbaric multitude against the highly

cultivated; well…disposed and confiding; who had not anticipated

anything of the kind; who had not even dreamt of defending

themselves; and who had no protection。  The Comte de Courtivron;

with his family; was staying at the watering…place of Luxeuil with

his uncle; the Abbé of Clermont…Tonnerre; an old man of seventy

years。  On the 19th of July; fifty peasants from Fougerolle break

into and demolish everything in the houses of an usher and a

collector of the excise。  Thereupon the mayor of the place intimates

to the nobles and magistrates who are taking the waters; that they

had better leave the house in twenty…four hours; as 〃he had been

advised of an intention to burn the houses in which they were

staying;〃 and he did not wish to have Luxeuil exposed to this danger

on account of their presence there。  The following day; the guard;

as obliging as the mayor; allows the band to enter the town and to

force the abbey: the usual events follow; renunciations are

extorted; records and cellars are ransacked; plate and other effects

are stolen。  M。 de Courtivron escaping with his uncle during the

night; the alarm bell is sounded and they are pursued; and with

difficulty obtain refuge in Plombières。  The bourgeoisie of

Plombières; however; for fear of compromising themselves; oblige

them to depart。  On the road two hundred insurgents threaten to kill

their horses and to smash their carriage; and they only find safety

at last at Porentruy; outside of France。  On his return; M。 de

Courtivron is shot at by the band which has just pillaged the abbey

of Lure; and they shout out at him as he passes; 〃Let's massacre the

nobles!〃 Meanwhile; the chateau of Vauvilliers; to which his sick

wife had been carried; is devastated from top to bottom; the mob

search for her everywhere; and she only escapes by hiding herself in

a hay…loft。  Both are anxious to fly into Burgundy; but word is sent

them that at Dijon 〃the nobles are blockaded by the people;〃 and

that; in the country; they threaten to set their houses on fire。  

There is no asylum to be had; either in their own homes nor in the

homes of others; nor in places along the roads; fugitives being

stopped in all the small villages and market…towns。  In Dauphiny'42'

〃the Abbess of St。  Pierre de Lyon; one of the nuns; M。 de Perrotin;

M。 de Bellegarde; the Marquis de la Tour…du…Pin; and the Chevalier

de Moidieu; are arrested at Champier by the armed population; led to

the C?te Saint…André; confined in the town…hall; whence they send to

Grenoble for assistance;〃 and; to have them released; the Grenoble

Committee is obliged to send commissioners。  Their only refuge is in

the large cities; where some semblance of a precarious order exists;

and in the ranks of the City Guards; which march from Lyons; Dijon;

and Grenoble; to keep the inundation down。  Throughout the country

scattered chateaux are swallowed up by the popular tide; and; as the

feudal rights are often in plebeian hands; it insensibly rises

beyond its first overflow。   There is no limit to an insurrection

against property。  This one extends from abbeys and chateaux to the

〃houses of the bourgeoisie。〃'43'  The grudge at first was confined

to the holders of charters; now it is extended to all who possess

anything。  Well…to…do farmers and priests abandon their parishes and

fly to the towns。  Travelers are put to ransom。  Thieves; robbers;

and returned convicts; at the head of armed bands; seize whatever

they can lay their hands on。  Cupidity becomes inflamed by such

examples; on domains which are deserted and in a state of confusion;

where there is nothing to indicate a master's presence; all seems to

lapse to the first comer。  A small farmer of the neighborhood has

carried away wine and returns the following day in search of hay。

All the furniture of a chateau in Dauphin is removed; even to the

hinges of the doors; by a large reinforcement of carts。   〃 It is

the war of the poor against the rich;〃 says a deputy; 〃and; on the

3rd of August; the Committee on Reports declares to the National

Assembly 〃that no kind of property has been spared。〃 In Franche…

Comté; 〃nearly forty chateaux and seignorial mansions have been

pillaged or burnt。〃'44'  From Lancers to Gray about three out of

five chateaux are sacked。  In Dauphin twenty…seven are burned or

destroyed; five in the small district of Viennese; and; besides

these; all the monasteries  nine at least in Auvergne; seventy…

two; it is said; in Maconnais and Beaujolais; without counting those

of Alsace。  On the 31st of July; Lally…Tollendal; on entering the

tribune; has his hands full of letters of distress; with a list of

thirty…six chateaux burnt; demolished; or pillaged; in one province;

and the details of still worse violence against persons:'45'

 〃in Languedoc; M。 de Barras; cut to pieces in the presence of his

wife who is about to be confined; and who is dead in consequence; in

Normandy; a paralytic gentleman left on a burning pile and taken off

from it with his hands burnt; in Franche…Comté; Madame de Bathilly

compelled; with an ax over her head; to give up her title…deeds and

even her estate; Madame de Listenay forced to do the same; with a

pitchfork at her neck and her two daughters in a swoon at her feet;

Comte de Montjustin; with his wife; having a pistol at his throat

for three hours; and both dragged from their carriage to be thrown

into a pond; where they are saved by a passing regiment of soldiers;

Baron de Montjustin; one of the twenty…two popular noblemen;

suspended for an hour in a well; listening to a discussion whether

he shall be dropped down or whether he should die in some other way;

the Chevalier d'Ambly; torn from his chateau an

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