贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the origins of contemporary france-2 >


the origins of contemporary france-2-第23章

小说: the origins of contemporary france-2 字数: 每页4000字

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devastated and his papers and effects are burned; they put a knife

to the throat of his son; a child six years of age; saying; 〃Thou

must perish that there may be no more of thy race。〃

For four hours the clerks are on the point of being torn to pieces;

through the entreaties of the lord of the manor; who sees scythes

and sabers aimed at his own head; they are released only on the

condition that they 〃abjure their employment。〃  Again; for two

months following the taking of the Bastille; insurrections break out

by hundreds; like a volley of musketry; against indirect taxation。

》From the 23rd of July the Intendant of Champagne reports that 〃the

uprising is general in almost all the towns under his command。〃 On

the following day the Intendant of Alen?on writes that; in his

province; 〃the royal dues will no longer be paid anywhere。〃 On the

7th of August; M。 Necker states to the National Assembly that in the

two intendants' districts of Caen and Alen?on it has been necessary

to reduce the price of salt one…half; that 〃in an infinity of places

〃 the collection of the excise is stopped or suspended; that the

smuggling of salt and tobacco is done by 〃convoys and by open force

〃 in Picardy; in Lorraine; and in the Trois…évêchés; that the

indirect tax does not come in; that the receivers…general and the

receivers of the taille are 〃at bay〃 and can no longer keep their

engagements。  The public income diminishes from month to month; in

the social body; the heart; already so feeble; faints; deprived of

the blood which no longer reaches it; it ceases to propel to the

muscles the vivifying current which restores their waste and adds to

their energy。

〃All controlling power is slackened;〃 says Necker; 〃everything is a

prey to the passions of individuals。〃 Where is the power to

constrain them and to secure to the State its dues?  The clergy;

the nobles; wealthy townsmen; and certain brave artisans and

farmers; undoubtedly pay; and even sometimes give spontaneously。

But in society those who possess intelligence; who are in easy

circumstances and conscientious; form a small select class; the

great mass is egotistic; ignorant; and needy; and lets its money go

only under constraint; there is but one way to collect the taxes;

and that is to extort them。  From time immemorial; direct taxes in

France have been collected only by bailiffs and seizures; which is

not surprising; as they take away a full half of the net income。

Now that the peasants of each village are armed and form a band; let

the collector come and make seizures if he dare !  〃 Immediately

after the decree on the equality of the taxes;〃 writes the

provincial commission of Alsace;'28' 〃the people generally refused

to make any payments; until those who were exempt and privileged

should have been inscribed on the local lists。〃 In many places the

peasants threaten to obtain the reimbursement of their installments;

while in others they insist that the decree should be retrospective

and that the new rate…payers should pay for the past year。  〃No

collector dare send an official to distrain; none that are sent dare

fulfill their mission。〃  〃 It is not the good bourgeois〃 of whom

there is any fear; 〃but the rabble who make the latter and every one

else afraid of them;〃 resistance and disorder everywhere come from

〃people that have nothing to lose。〃  Not only do they shake off

taxation; but they usurp property; and declare that; being the

Nation; whatever belongs to the Nation belongs to them。  The forests

of Alsace are laid waste; the seignorial as well as communal; and

wantonly destroyed with the wastefulness of children or of maniacs。

〃In many places; to avoid the trouble of removing the woods; they

are burnt; and the people content themselves with carrying off the

ashes。〃  After the decrees of August 4th; and in spite of the law

which licenses the proprietor only to hunt on his own grounds; the

impulse to break the law becomes irresistible。  Every man who can

procure a gun begins operations;'29' the crops which are still

standing are trodden under foot; the lordly residences are invaded

and the palings are scaled; the King himself at Versailles is

wakened by shots fired in his park。  Stags; fawns; deer; wild boars;

hares; and rabbits; are slain by thousands; cooked with stolen wood;

and eaten up on the spot。  There is a constant discharge of musketry

throughout France for more than two months; and; as on an American

prairie; every living animal belongs to him who kills it。  At

Choiseul; in Champagne; not only are all the hares and partridges of

the barony exterminated; but the ponds are exhausted of fish; the

court of the chateau even is entered; to fire on the pigeon…house

and destroy the pigeons; and then the pigeons and fish; of which

they have too many; are offered to the proprietor for sale   It is

〃the patriots〃 of the village with 〃smugglers and bad characters〃

belonging to the neighborhood who make this expedition; they are

seen in the front ranks of every act of violence; and it is not

difficult to foresee that; under their leadership; attacks on public

persons and public property will be followed by attacks on private

persons and private property。


Attack upon private individuals and private property。  … Aristocrats

denounced to the people as their enemies。  … Effect of news from

Paris。… Influence of the village attorneys。  … Isolated acts of

violence。  … A general rising of the peasantry in the east。  … War

against the castles; feudal estates; and property。  … Preparations

for other Jacqueries。

Indeed; an outlawed class already exists; they are called 〃

aristocrats。〃 This deadly term; applied at first to the nobles and

prelates in the States…General who declined to take part in the

reunion of the three orders; is extended so as to embrace all whose

titles; offices; alliances; and manner of living distinguish them

from the multitude。  That which entitled them to respect is that

which marks them out as objects of ill…will; while the people; who;

though suffering from their privileges; did not regard them

personally with hatred; are now taught to consider them as their

enemies。  Each; on his own estate; is held accountable for the evil

designs attributed to his brethren at Versailles; and; on the false

report of a plot at the center; the peasants classify him as one of

the conspirators。'30'  Thus does the peasant jacquerie commence; and

the fanatics who have fanned the flame in Paris are to do the same

in the provinces。  〃You wish to know the authors of the agitation;〃

writes a sensible man to the committee of investigation; 〃you will

find them amongst the deputies of the Third…Estate;〃 and especially

among the attorneys and advocates。  〃These dispatch incendiary

letters to their constituents; which letters are received by

municipal bodies alike composed of attorneys and of advocates。。。。

they are read aloud in the public squares; while copies of them are

distributed among all the villages。  In these villages; if any one

knows how to read besides the priest and the lord of the manor; it

is the legal practitioner;〃 the born enemy of the lord of the manor;

whose place he covets; vain of his oratorical powers; embittered by

his power; and never failing to blacken everything。'31'  It is

highly probable that he is the one who composes and circulates the

placards calling on the people; in the King's name; to resort to

violence。   At Secondigny; in Poitou; on the 23rd of July;'32' the

laborers in the forest receive a letter 〃which summons them to

attack all the country gentlemen round about; and to massacre

without mercy all those who refuse to renounce their privileges。。。。

promising them that not only will their crimes go unpunished; but

that they will even be rewarded。〃 M。 Despretz…Montpezat;

correspondent of the deputies of the nobles; is seized; and dragged

with his son to the dwelling of the procurator…fiscal; t

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