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the origins of contemporary france-2-第16章

小说: the origins of contemporary france-2 字数: 每页4000字

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bit in its mouth; holds on to it; and it's plunging becomes more

violent。  Not only do both spurs which maddened it; I mean the

desire for innovation and the daily scarcity of food; continue to

prick it on。  But also the political hornets which; increasing by

thousands; buzz around its ears。  And the license in which it revels

for the first time; joined to the applause lavished upon it; urges

it forward more violently each day。  The insurrection is glorified。

Not one of the assassins is sought out。  It is against the

conspiracy of Ministers that the Assembly institutes an inquiry。

Rewards are bestowed upon the conquerors of the Bastille; it is

declared that they have saved France。  All honors are awarded to the

people…to their good sense; their magnanimity; and their justice。

Adoration is paid to this new sovereign: he is publicly and

officially told; in the Assembly and by the press; that he possesses

every virtue; all rights and all powers。  If he spills blood it is

inadvertently; on provocation; and always with an infallible

instinct。  Moreover; says a deputy; 〃this blood; was it so pure?〃

The greater number of people prefers the theories of their books to

the experience of their eyes; they persist in the idyll; which they

have fashioned for themselves。  At the worst their dream; driven out

from the present; takes refuge in the future。  To…morrow; when the

Constitution is complete; the people; made happy; will again become

wise: let us endure the storm; which leads us on to so noble a


Meanwhile; beyond the King; inert and disarmed; beyond the Assembly;

disobeyed or submissive; appears the real monarch; the people … that

is to say; a crowd of a hundred; a thousand; a hundred thousand

individuals gathered together at random; on an impulse; on an alarm;

suddenly and irresistibly made legislators; judges; and

executioners。  A formidable power; undefined and destructive; on

which no one has any hold; and which; with its mother; howling and

misshapen Liberty; sits at the threshold of the Revolution like

Milton's two specters at the gates of Hell。

。  。 Before the gates there sat

On either side a formidable shape;

The one seem'd woman to the waist; and fair;

but ended foul in many a scaly fold

Voluminous and vast; a serpent arm'd

With mortal sting: about her middle round

A cry of hell hounds never ceasing bark'd

With wide Cerberean mouths full loud; and rung

A hideous peal: yet; when they list; would creep;

If aught disturb'd their noise; into her womb;

And kennel there; yet there still bark'd and howl'd

Within unseen 。  。  。

                              。。。。。。。。the other shape;

If shape it might be call'd; that shape had none

Distinguishable in member; joint; or limb;

Or substance might be call'd that shadow seem'd

For each seem'd either: black it stood as night;

Fierce as ten furies; terrible as hell;

And shook a dreadful dart; what seem'd his head

The likeness of a kingly crown had on。

    *    *    *    *    *    *

The monster moving onward came as fast;

With horrid strides; hell trembled as he strode。



'1' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 H。  1453。  Letter of M。 Miron; lieutenant

de police; April 26th; of M。 Joly de Fleury; procureur…général; May

29th; of MM。 Marchais and Berthier; April 18th and 27th; March 23rd;

April 5th; May 5th。  …  Arthur Young; June 10th and 29th。  〃Archives

Nationales;〃 H。  1453 Letter of the sub…delegate of Montlhéry; April


'2' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 H。  1453。  Letter of the sub…delegate

Gobert; March 17th; of the officers of police; June 15th :   〃 On

the 12th; 13th; 14th and 15th of March the inhabitants of Conflans

generally rebelled against the game law in relation to the rabbit。〃

'3' Montjoie; 2nd part; ch。  XXI。  p。14 (the first week in June)。

Montjoie is a party man; but he gives dates and details; and his

testimony; when it is confirmed elsewhere; deserves; to be admitted。

'4' Montjoie; 1st part; 92…101。  …   〃Archives Nationales;〃 H。

1453。  Letter of the officer of police of Saint…Denis: 〃A good many

workmen arrive daily from Lorraine as well as from Champagne;〃 which

increases the prices。

'5' De Bezenval; 〃Mémoires;〃 I。353。  Cf。  〃The Ancient Regime;〃

p。509。  …  Marmontel; II; 252 and following pages。  …  De Ferrières;

I。  407。

'6' Arthur Young; September 1st; 1788

'7' Barrère; 〃Mémoires;〃 I。 234。

'8' See; in the National Library; the long catalogue of those which

have survived。

'9' Malouet; I。  255。  Bailly; I。 43 (May 9th and 19th)。  

D'Hezecques; 〃Souvenirs d'un page de Louis XV。〃 293。   De

Bezenval; I。  368。

'10' Marmontel; II; 249。   Montjoie; 1st part; p。  92。   De

Bezenval; I。  387: 〃These spies added that persons were seen

exciting the tumult and were distributing money。〃

'11' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 Y。11441。  Interrogatory of the Abbé Roy;

May 5th。   Y。11033; Interrogatory (April 28th and May 4th) of

twenty…three wounded persons brought to the H?tel…Dieu   These two

documents are of prime importance in presenting the true aspect of

the insurrection; to these must he added the narrative of M。 de

Bezenval; who was commandant at this time with M。 de Chatelet。

Almost all other narratives are amplified or falsified through party


'12' De Ferrières; vol。  III。  note A。  (justificatory explanation

by Réveillon)。

'13' Bailly I。  25 (April 26th)。

'14' Hippeau; IV。  377 (Letters of M。 Perrot; April 29th)。

'15' Letter to the King by an inhabitant of the Faubourg Saint…

Antoine …〃Do not doubt; sire; that our recent misfortunes are due to

the dearness of bread〃

'16' Dampmartin; 〃Evénements qui se sont passés sous mes yeux;〃 etc。

I。  25: 〃We turned back and were held up by small bands of

scoundrels; who insolently proposed to us to shout 'Vive Necker!

Vive le Tiers…Etat !'〃 His two companions were knights of St。

Louis; and their badges seemed an object of 〃increasing hatred。〃

〃The badge excited coarse mutterings; even on the part of persons

who appeared superior to the agitators。〃

'17' Dampmartin; ibid。  i。  25 : 〃 I was dining this very day at the

H?tel d'Ecquevilly; in the Rue Saint…Louis。〃 He leaves the house on

foot and witnesses the disturbance。  〃Fifteen to Sixteen hundred

wretches; the excrement of the nation; degraded by shameful vices;

covered with rags; and gorged with brandy; presented the most

disgusting and revolting spectacle。  More than a hundred thousand

persons of both sexes and of all ages and conditions interfered

greatly with the operations of the troops。  The firing soon

commenced and blood flowed: two innocent persons were wounded near


'18' De Goncourt; 〃La Société Fran?aise pendant la Révolution。〃

Thirty…one gambling…houses are counted here; while a pamphlet of the

day is entitled 〃Pétition des deux mill cent filles du Palais…


'19' Montjoie; 2nd part; 144。   Bailly; II; 130。

'20' Arthur Young; June 24th; 1789。  …  Montjoie; 2nd part; 69。

'21' Arthur Young; June 9th; 24th; and 26th。  …   〃La France libre;〃

passim; by C。  Desmoulins。

'22' C。  Desmoulins; letters to his father; and Arthur Young; June


'23' Montjoie; 2nd part; 69; 77; 124; 144。  C。  Desmoulins; letter;

of June 24th and the following days。

'24' Etienne Dumont; 〃Souvenirs;〃 p。72。  …  C。  Desmoulins; letter

of; June 24th。  …  Arthur Young; June 25th。  …   Buchez and Roux;

II。  28。

'25' Bailly; I。  227 and 179。  …  Monnier; 〃Recherches sur les

causes;〃 etc。  I。  289; 291; II。61;   Malouet; I。  299; II。  10。

  〃Actes des Ap?tres;〃 V。43。  (Letter of M。 de Guillermy; July

31st; 1790)。  …   Marmontel; I。  28: 〃The people came even into the

Assembly; to encourage their partisans; to select and indicate their

victims; and to terrify the feeble with the dreadful trial of open

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