贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the origins of contemporary france-2 >


the origins of contemporary france-2-第102章

小说: the origins of contemporary france-2 字数: 每页4000字

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communities of mendicant monks; and all three have been suppressed。

We have sold all national possessions without exception。〃  …  The

commander of their gendarmerie is; in fact; an old member of the

body…guard; while the superior officers of the National Guard are

gentlemen; or belong to the order of Saint…Louis。  It is very

evident that; if they defend themselves against Jacobins; they are

not insurgent against the National Assembly。  …  In Arles;'2' which

has put down its populace; which has armed itself; which has shut

its gates; and which passes for a focus of royalist conspiracy; the

commissioners sent by the King and by the National Assembly; men of

discretion and of consideration; find nothing; after a month's

investigation; but submission to the decrees and zeal for the public


 〃Such;〃 they say; 〃are the men who have been calumniated because;

cherishing the Constitution; they hold fanaticism; demagogues and

anarchy; in horror。  If the citizens had not roused themselves when

the moment of danger arrived; they would have been slaughtered like

their neighbors (of Avignon)。  It is this insurrection against crime

which the brigands have slandered。〃 If their gates were shut it was

because 〃the National Guard of Marseilles; the same which behaved so

badly in the Comtat; flocked there under the pretext of maintaining

liberty and of forestalling the counter…revolution; but; in reality;

to village the town。〃

 Vive la Nation! Vive la Loi! Vive le Roi were the only cries heard

at the very quiet and orderly elections that had just taken place。

 〃The attachment of the citizens to the Constitution has been spoken

of。  。  。  。  Obedience to the laws; the readiest disposition to

discharge public contributions; were remarked by us among these

pretended counter…revolutionaries。  Those who are subject to the

license…tax came in crowds to the H?tel…de…Ville。〃 Scarcely 〃was the

bureau of receipts opened when it was filled with respectable

people; those on the contrary who style themselves good patriots;

republicans or anarchists; were not conspicuous on this occasion;

but a very small number among them have made their submission。  The

rest are surprised at being called upon for money; they had been

given a quite different hope。〃

In short; during more than thirty months; and under a steady fire of

threats; outrages; and plunder; the nobles who remain in France

neither commit nor undertake any hostile act against the Government

that persecutes them。 None of them; not even M。 de Bouillé; attempts

to carry out any real plan of civil war; I find but one resolute man

in their ranks at this date; ready for action; and who labors to

form one militant party against another militant party: he is really

a politician and conspirator; he has an understanding with the Comte

d'Artois; he gets petitions signed for the freedom of the King and

of the Church; he organizes armed companies; he recruits the

peasants; he prepares a Vendée for Languedoc and Provence; and this

person is a bourgeois; Froment of N?mes。'3'  But; at the moment of

action; he finds only three out of eighteen companies; supposed by

him to be enlisted in his cause; that are willing to march with him。

Others remain in their quarters until; Froment being overcome; they

are found there and slaughtered; the survivors; who escape to Jalès;

find; not a stronghold; but a temporary asylum; where they never

succeed in transforming their inclinations into determinations。'4'

…  The nobles too; like other Frenchmen; have been subject to the

lasting pressure of monarchical centralization。  They no longer form

one body。; they have lost the instinct of association。  They no

longer know how to act for themselves; they are the puppets of

administration awaiting an impulse from the center; while at the

center the King; their hereditary general; a captive in the hands of

the people; commands them to be resigned and to do nothing。'5'

Moreover; like other Frenchmen; they have been brought up in the

philosophy of the eighteenth century。  〃Liberty is so precious;〃

wrote the Duc de Brissac;'6' 〃that it may well be purchased with

some suffering; a destroyed feudalism will not prevent the good and

the true from being respected and loved。〃  …  They persist in this

illusion for a long time and remain optimists。  As they feel kindly

towards the people; they cannot comprehend that the people should

entertain other sentiments toward them; they firmly believe that the

troubles are transient。  Immediately on the proclamation of the

Constitution they return in crowds from Spain; Belgium; and Germany;

at Troyes there are not enough post…horses for many days to supply

the emigrants who are coming back。'7'  Thus they accept not only the

abolition of feudalism with civil equality; but also political

equality and numerical sovereignty。

Some consideration for them; some outward signs of respect; a few

bows; would; in all probability; have rallied them sincerely to

democratic institutions。  They would soon consent to be confounded

with the crowd; to submit to the common level; and to live as

private individuals。  Had they been treated like the bourgeois or

the peasant; their neighbors; had their property and persons been

respected; they might have accepted the new régime without any

bitterness of feeling。  That the leading emigrant nobles and those

forming a part of the old court carry on intrigues at Coblentz or at

Turin is natural; since they have lost everything: authority;

places; pensions; sinecures; pleasures; and the rest。  But; to the

gentry and inferior nobles of the provinces; chevaliers of Saint…

Louis; subaltern officers and resident proprietors; the loss is

insignificant。  The law has suppressed one…half of their seignorial

dues; but by virtue of the same law their lands are no longer

burdened with tithes。  Popular elections will not provide them with

places; but they did not enjoy them under the arbitrary ministerial

rule。  Little does it matter to them that power; whether ministerial

or popular; has changed hands: they are not accustomed to its

favors; and will pursue their ordinary avocations  …  the chase;

promenading; reading; visiting; and conversing  …  provided they;

like the first…comer; the grocer at the corner; or their farm…

servant; find protection; safety; and security on the public road

and in their dwellings。'8'


Workings of the popular imagination with respect to them。 …  The

monomania of suspicion。  …  The nobles distrusted and treated as

enemies。  …  Situation of a gentleman on his domain。  …  M。 de。


Popular passion; unfortunately; is a blind power; and; for lack of

enlightenment; suffers itself to be guided by spectral illusions。

Imaginary conceptions work; and work in conformity with the

structure of the excited brain which has given birth to them:

What if the Ancient Regime should return!

What if we were obliged to restore the property of the clergy!

What if we should be again forced to pay the salt tax; the excise;

the taille; and other dues which; thanks to the law; we no longer

pay; besides other taxes and dues that we do not pay in spite of the


What if all the nobles whose chateaux are burnt; and who have given

rent acquittances at the point of the sword; should find some way to

avenge themselves and recover their former privileges!

Undoubtedly they brood over these things; make agreements amongst

each other; and plot with the strangers; at the first opportunity

they will fall upon us: we must watch them; repress them; and; if

needs be; destroy them。 …  This instinctive process of reasoning

prevailed from the outset; and; in proportion as excesses increase;

prevails to a much greater extent。  The noble is ever the past;

present; and future creditor; or; at the very least; a possible one;

which means that he is the worst and most odious of enemies。  All

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