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men, women and ghosts(男人、女人和鬼魂)-第15章

小说: men, women and ghosts(男人、女人和鬼魂) 字数: 每页4000字

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and the dust settles down。          A little whirl of wind comes up Tilbury road。 

It brings a sound of wheels and feet。 The wind reels a moment and faints 

to nothing under the sign…post。 Wind again; wheels and feet louder。                   Wind 

again  again  again。 A drop of rain; flat into the dust。              Drop!  Drop! 

Thick heavy raindrops; and a shrieking wind bending the great trees and 

wrenching off their leaves。 

     Under the black sky; bowed and dripping with rain; up Tilbury road; 

comes the procession。          A funeral procession; bound for the graveyard at 

Wayfleet。      Feet   and   wheels      feet   and   wheels。   And   among   them   one 

who is carried。 

     The bones in the deep; still earth shiver and pull。               There is a quiver 

through   the   rotted   stake。    Then   stake   and   bones   fall   together   in   a   little 

puffing of dust。 

     Like meshes of linked steel the rain shuts down behind the procession; 

now well along the Wayfleet road。 

     He   wavers   like   smoke   in   the   buffeting   wind。    His   fingers   blow   out 

like   smoke;   his   head   ripples   in   the   gale。  Under   the   sign…post;   in   the 

pouring   rain;   he   stands;   and   watches   another   quavering   figure   drifting 

down   the   Wayfleet   road。      Then   swiftly   he   streams   after   it。  It   flickers 

among   the     trees。   He    licks   out  and   winds    about    them。    Over;    under; 

blown;     contorted。      Spindrift    after   spindrift;   smoke     following     smoke。 

There is a wailing through the trees; a wailing of fear; and after it laughter 

 laughter  laughter; skirling up to the black sky。 Lightning jags over the 

funeral procession。        A heavy clap of thunder。 Then darkness and rain; and 

the sound of feet and wheels。 


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                                    Men; Women and Ghosts 

                               A Roxbury Garden 



     Blue and pink sashes; Criss…cross shoes; Minna and Stella run out into 

the garden To play at hoop。 

     Up and down the garden…paths they race; In the yellow sunshine; Each 

with a big round hoop White as a stripped willow…wand。 

     Round   and   round   turn   the   hoops;  Their   diamond   whiteness   cleaving 

the yellow sunshine。 The gravel crunches and squeaks beneath them; And 

a large pebble springs them into the air To go whirling for a foot or two 

Before they touch the earth again In a series of little jumps。 

     Spring;   Hoops!   Spit   out   a   shower   of   blue   and   white   brightness。  The 

little criss…cross shoes twinkle behind you; The pink and blue sashes flutter 

like flags; The hoop…sticks are ready to beat you。 Turn; turn; Hoops!                  In 

the   yellow    sunshine。    Turn   your   stripped    willow   whiteness     Along    the 

smooth paths。 

     Stella   sings:       〃Round      and   round;   rolls  my    hoop;       Scarcely 

touching the ground;           With a swoop;          And a bound;          Round and 

round。        With   a   bumpety;   crunching;   scattering   sound;         Down   the 

garden it flies;        In our eyes         The sun lies。         See it spin        Out 

and in;       Through the paths it goes whirling;             About the beds curling。 

Sway now to the loop;             Faster; faster; my hoop。          Round you come; 

Up you come;           Quick and straight as before。             Run; run; my hoop; 

run;       Away from the sun。〃 

     And   the   great   hoop   bounds   along   the   path;   Leaping   into   the   wind… 

bright air。 

     Minna   sings:        〃Turn;   hoop;        Burn    hoop;       Twist   and    twine 

Hoop     of  mine。       Flash    along;       Leap    along;       Right    at  the  sun。 

Run;   hoop;    run。      Faster    and   faster;     Whirl;    twirl。      Wheel     like 

fire;      And spin like glass;          Fire's no whiter        Glass is no brighter。 

Dance;        Prance;        Over and over;          About and about;          With the 

top   of   you   under;       And    the   bottom    at  top;      But    never   a  stop。 


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                                     Men; Women and Ghosts 

Turn about; hoop; to the tap of my stick;                  I follow behind you             To 

touch     and    remind     you。        Burn      and   glitter;   so  white    and    quick; 

Round and round; to the tap of a stick。〃 

     The   hoop   flies   along   between   the   flower…beds;   Swaying   the   flowers 

with the wind of its passing。 

     Beside   the   foxglove…border   roll   the   hoops;   And   the   little   pink   and 

white bells shake and jingle Up and down their tall spires; They roll under 

the   snow…ball   bush;   And   the   ground   behind   them   is   strewn   with   white 

petals; They swirl round a corner; And jar a bee out of a Canterbury bell; 

They cast their shadows for an instant Over a bed of pansies; Catch against 

the spurs   of   a   columbine;   Jostle   the   quietness   from  a   cluster   of   monk's… 

hood。 Pat! Pat! behind them come the little criss…cross shoes; And the blue 

and pink sashes stream out in flappings of colour。 

     Stella sings:         〃Hoop; hoop;           Roll along;         Faster bowl along; 

Hoop。           Slow;     to   the  turning;          Now      go!     Go!         Quick! 

Here's the stick。          Rat…a…tap…tap it;         Pat it; flap it。       Fly like a bird 

or   a   yellow…backed       bee;       See    how    soon    you   can   reach    that  tree。 

Here is a path that is perfectly straight。              Roll along; hoop; or we shall 

be late。〃 

     Minna      sings:        〃Trip    about;    slip  about;    whip    about        Hoop。 

Wheel like a top at its quickest spin;              Then; dear hoop; we shall surely 

win。        First to the greenhouse and then to the wall                Circle and circle; 

And let the wind push you;               Poke you;          Brush you;          And not let 

you fall。        Whirring you round like a wreath of mist。                 Hoopety hoop; 

Twist;        Twist。〃 

     Tap! Tap! go the hoop…sticks; And the hoops bowl along under a grape 

arbour。 For an instant   their willow  whiteness is green; Pale   white…green。 

Then they are out in the sunshine; Leaving the half…formed grape clusters 

A…tremble under their big leaves。 

     〃I   will   beat   you;  Minna;〃   cries   Stella;   Hitting her   hoop smartly  with 

her stick。 〃Stella; Stella; we are winning;〃 calls Minna; As her hoop curves 

round a bed of clove…pinks。 A humming…bird whizzes past Stella's ear; And 

two   or   three   yellow…and…black   butterflies   Flutter;   startled;   out   of   a  pillar 

rose。 Round and round race the little girls After their great white hoops。 


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                                      Men; Women and Ghosts 

     Suddenly Minna stops。 Her hoop wavers an instant; But she catches it 

up on her stick。 〃Listen; Stella!〃 Both the little girls are listening; And the 

scents   of   the   garden   rise   up   quietly   about   them。   〃It's   the   chaise!    It's 

Father!  Perhaps he's   brought   us   a  book   from  Boston。〃 Twinkle;   twinkle; 

the little criss…cross shoes Up the garden path。 Blue  pink  an instant; 

against the syringa hedge。 But the hoops; white as stripped willow…wands; 

Lie in the grass; And the grasshoppers jump back and forth Over them。 


                                 Battledore and Shuttlecock 

     The shuttlecock soars upward In a parabola of whiteness; Turns; And 

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